Shailini Singh, MD

Name: Shailini Singh, M.D., FRCS (C), FACOG
Home Address: 232 Somerville RD , Basking Ridge, 07920. USA
Telephone: USA Cell 202-669-5994,
Citizenship: USA
Date Institution Degree
7/1960 – 6/1962 Banaras Hindu University, India Pre-Med
7/1962 – 6/1967 Lady Harding Medical College M.B.B.S (MD)
University of Delhi, India
7/1969 – 6/1970 U of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Canada Rotating Internship
7/1970 – 6/1971 General Surgery, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Resident
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
7/1971 – 6/1973 Department Obstetrics and Gynecology, Resident
Foothills Hospital, University of Calgary,
7/1973 – 6/1974 Department Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chief Resident
Foothills Hospital, U of Calgary, Canada
1/1975 – 1/1976 Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Fellowship in
Women's Hospital and Joslin Diabetes Maternal-Fetal
Center at Deaconess medical center, Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
3/1979 – 3/1981 University of Colorado Health Sciences Fellowship in Fetal
1971 - 1974 Initial Ob. Ultrasound training during Ob. /Gyn. residency
1975 - 1976 Further training in Obstetric Ultrasound and Ultrasound Guided Procedures during Fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass., under the supervision of Late Dr. F. Frigoletto (MFM) and Dr. Jason Birnholtz (Radiologist)
1976 -1977 Harvard Community health plan, Staff ob. / Gyn and MFM specialist
1977 - 1979 MIT Health plan, Staff Ob. /Gyn., and Perinatologist
1979 - 1990 Further training during Fetal Physiology/ Clinical MFM Fellowship at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center under the guidance of Late Dr. Kenneth Gottesfeld (Obstetrician/Gynecologist). During this period as an MFM fellow and faculty in the department of Ob. /Gyn., I continued collaborating with Dr. Michael Manco-Johnson and Dr. Deloris Pretorius in the Department of Radiology.
1990 - 1992 Washington Hospital Center supervised Obstetric Ultrasound
1993 - Summer Diagnosis, Ultrasound Guided Procedures: Fetal Blood Sampling, Intra-vascular Fetal Transfusion, Chorionic Villus Sampling, Fetal tissue sampling, fetal bladder, and other Shunting procedures, Embryoscopy, with Dr. F. Daffos (Institute De Puerie Culture) and Dr.Yves Dumez (Port Royal Hospital), Paris, France
2/1996 – 3/1998 Sinai Hospital of Baltimore established the Institute for Maternal-Fetal Health of Obstetric Ultrasound Program. Initiated Ultrasound Guided Invasive Fetal Diagnostic procedures: Fetal Blood Sampling, Intra-vascular Fetal Transfusion, and Amniocentesis. AIUM Accredited.
9/1998 – 5/2000 Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, St. Barnabas Health Care System, Initiated Chorionic Villus biopsy, Fetal blood Sampling, Fetal Transfusion, Genetic scan, and fetal echo screening.
9/2000 – 6/2003 Associate-director of Prenatal Diagnostic Center at Pascack Valley Hospital. (AIUM certification for the unit)
8/2002 NT certification by Fetal Foundation of UK
11/2005 - 2021 NT certification by MFMFoundation of USA
5/2006 - 2021 Nasal bone certification by Fetal Foundation of UK
2021 NT/NB certified by NTQR
10/28/2007 AIUM re-accreditation of the Perinatal Center@ Cabell Huntington Hospital
7/2003 – 8/31/2010 Director of Perinatal Center, Cabell Huntington Hospital, and Professor of Ob./GYN. Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Established the Perinatal Center in Feb. 2004 with electronic Dicom image archiving, paperless reporting, and auto faxing to referring MDs, accreditation at the Perinatal Center at the end of the first year of opening, Huntington, WV
3/2010 NT and NB certification by FMF foundation
8/2016 AIUM Reaccredited NYU Brooklyn, NY
2018 Helped AIUM reaccreditation at RWJBH, NBIMC that had lapsed
6/13/1974 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of
Canada, F.R.C.S. (C)
9/15/1976 American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
1977 Fellow of American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
12/9/1983 Sub- specialty Certification, Maternal-Fetal Medicine,
2000 – 2021 ABC/ MOC Re-Certification in Ob. /Gyn and MFM
2002 Teacher Certification in Yoga by American Yoga Academy
2002 Certified in Yoga in Pregnancy by Kripalu Yoga Center, Lenox, Mass.
2002 Diploma in Fetal Medicine by Fetal Foundation of UK.
2000 Medical Licensure in New York (# 219557-1 Active)
1998 Medical Licensure in New Jersey (# MA 068269, active)
2014 Medical licensure in Pennsylvania ( MD 451317 3/19/2014-12/13/22)
2021 Medical License in Florida ( # ME152907 9/15/21 to 1/31/24
1974 FLEX
1968 ECFMG (# 102-808-3)
11/1/2022 – present Director of Prenatal Ultrasound Center and metabolic syndrome Center and interim MFM Director at JFK Hackensack Meridian university medical center
03/24/2022- present MFM consultant to Atlantic health care system, Morristown, NJ
09/01/2020- 6/2022 MFM consultant Precious Perinatology, Avenel, NJ
02/2021- 1/2022 Contract MFM faculty St. Peters Hospital, Albany NY
8/01/2020 - 09/30/2020 Part-time MFM consultant in NJ with Roshan, MFM from NY
06/01/2017-06/30/2020 MFM consultant, Coordinator of Diabetes and pregnancy program, Coordinator of research for Ob./Gyn. residency research at RWJBH Newark Beth Israel Medical center
5/27/2014- 09/20/17 Director of MFM and Metabolic syndrome Center, Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY and NYU Langone Brooklyn, NY.
7/01/2010- 5/30/2014 Director of Maternal Fetal Medicine and Metabolic Syndrome Center at WCHOB and Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital, Buffalo, NY
9/ 2010- 3/2011 Contract work with WCHOB as MFM consultant
7/2003 - 9/2010 Director of Perinatal Center and Medical Director of Perinatal diabetes center at Cabell Huntington Hospital, Huntington, WV
9/2000 - 2004 Maternal –Fetal specialist and Associate -director at Prenatal Diagnostic Center at Pascack Valley Hospital, Westwood, NJ.
12/ 2000 – 9/2001 Director of Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine, Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
9/1998 - 5/2000 Director of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Director Ante-partum Assessment Lab., Newark Beth Israel Medical center, an affiliate of Saint Barnabas Care System
2/1996 - 3/1998 Director of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Head of Fetal Diagnostic section, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland
7/1995- 8/1995 Visiting Staff attending at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
9/1993 – 8/1994 Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Staff attending at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
9/1993 – 8/1994 Visiting Staff attending at Safdarjang Hospital and All India Medical Institute, New Delhi, India
5/1990 – 6/1992 Director of Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.
3/1979 – 4/1990 Staff attending at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
1988 – 1990 Director of prenatal diagnostic center, CU medical center , Denver Colorado
1/1975 – 2/1979 Staff attending at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (Boston Hospital for Women)
3/1977 – 3/1979 Obstetrician-Gynecologists / MFM specialist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2/1976 – 2/1977 Obstetrician-Gynecologists / Perinatologist, Harvard Community Health Plan, Cambridge, Massachusetts
9/1/2015 – 5/31/2017 Director of MFM and Metabolic syndrome Center at NYU Langone,
Brooklyn, NY
9/1/2011 - 05/24/2014 Professor Dept of Ob. /gyn. and Director of Maternal Fetal Medicine at University of Buffalo
7/2003 – 9/2010 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Joan C Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Director of Perinatal Center and Medical Director Perinatal Diabetes Center at Cabell Huntington Hospital, Huntington, WV
9/1990 – 12/2003 Clinical Associate Professor Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C.
7/1995 -12/1995 Visiting Associate Professor, Dept. Ob-Gyn, Yale Medical School,
New-Haven, CT, on assignment to Saudi-U.S. University Project, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Riyadh, S. Arabia
9/1993 – 8/1994 Visiting Scientist to Science Department of United States Embassy, New Delhi, India
3/1988 – 4/1990 Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Director of Fetal Medicine and Ob. Genetics at University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado
4/1981 – 4/1988 Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado1979 - 1981Instructor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver
1/1975 – 1/1979 Instructor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Harvard Medical School, Boston Hospital for Women, Boston, Massachusetts
2/1968 – 4/1969 Department of Pharmacology, Research Associate, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
10/1/12 – 6/30/13 2nd Senior Fulbright-Nehru Research Scholar award, India, to establish the normative data using non invasive hemodynamics by advanced Impedance Cardiography and study the effects of metabolic syndrome in pregnancy
4/2009 senior member of American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine
11/1994 Visiting Professor with Indo USA fund of NIH : The Commonwealth Association for Mental Handicap and Developmental Disabilities/ World Health Organization conference on Birth Asphyxia / Head Injury, Bangalore, India, sponsored by Office of International Health, Department of Health and Human Services
9/1993 – 8/1994 1st Senior Fulbright Scholar to India by Council for International Exchange of Scholars, studied the effects of chronic maternal anemia on fetal oxygenation and endocrine adaptations.
1993 Visiting Professor, Office of International Health, Department of Health and Human Services
1990 Fulbright Foreign Travel Scholarship Awarded by Council for International Exchange of Scholars (deferred)
Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine (active)
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (active)
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (active)
American Diabetes Association, Pregnancy and Exercise Council (active)
Association of Professors Gynecology and Obstetrics (active)
International Fetal Medicine and Surgery Society (IFMSS, inactive)
Indian Society for Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy
Kennedy Institute of Ethics (inactive)
Mountain States Reg. Genetic Services Network and Prenatal Diagnosis Committee (inactive)
American Medical Women Association, (inactive)
2009 WV chapter of Perinatal partnership, helped initiate and organize statewide tele consultation program
2004 On the Board of March of Dimes, WV chapter, involved with Prematurity prevention program in WV
1999 - Ad Hoc reviewer of cases for accreditation by AIUM and site visitor for AIUM
1998 - Active member of North American Diabetes Research Society to
Participate in national collaborative research protocols
1995 - Ad-hoc consultant on Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology devise Panel
1991 - Consultant on FDA Instrument Approval Committee,
Member Pregnancy Task Force on "Financing the Care of Diabetes Mellitus in
The 90's"
1989 - 1990 Diabetes and Pregnancy Advisory Board, State of Colorado,
Department of Health, Community Member, Sponsored by
CDC, Atlanta Member task force to develop educational guidelines for Gestational Diabete
Mellitus for the community and different specialties in medicine for the special
interest group in Diabetes and Pregnancy of the Society of Perinatal
1989 Member special Interest Group in Diabetes and Pregnancy of
Society of Perinatal Obstetricians
1989 Member, Sub-task Force on "Implications of Implementing
Standard of care for Diabetes in Pregnancy." Sponsored by CDC
1987 - 1988 National liaison representative to Council on Exercise from the
Council on Pregnancy, of American Diabetes Association
6/2017– Coordinator of residency research, and diabetes and pregnancy clinic
12/2019 Teach the sonographers to do 76811 anatomy scans
Updated US equipment and reporting system
Designed Ultrasound training program for residents and sonographers.
The focus of my work at NBIMC, June 2017 through December 31, 2019 was
Improving patient outcome of high-risk pregnancies in the urban population of Newark, with a concentration on metabolic syndrome.
2014- 6/1/2017 Coordinated research for the residents
Established and implemented high risk pregnancy clinic guidelines for 7 federally qualified health centers
AIUM Reaccreditation of the ultrasound unit including76811 accreditation
Established diabetes and pregnancy center for ethnic populations
Established multidisplinary referral pediatric cardiology and seamless referral to fetal care center NYU Tisch center
Implemented AS-OBGYN US program and EPIC implementation in MFM unit
Trained in ECW and E clinical works EMR
Monthly review of High risk ob. list and fetal care center meeting at NYU Langone, NY
Help with QA and risk management of High risk OB. cases
2010-2013 Established guidelines for ultrasound unit, implemented Phoenix ultrasound reporting and automated billing into hospital EMR Cerner.
Established networking of ultrasound service between the Kaleida health care and Suburban medical center
Initiated the Ultrasound service at U of Buffalo out patient private practice office
2004 Established perinatal Ultrasound Center
2004 AIUM accreditation for the Perinatal Center
2004 Established and director of Perinatal Diabetes Center
2007 AIUM Reaccreditation for Perinatal Center
2003 Established R4 telemedicine and tele echo program with Cincinnati Children’s Medical center
2004 connected Cerner EMR at CHH and Perinatal center for Billing
Associate director of prenatal diagnosis center and MFM consultation practice
1998 – 2000 AD HOC Member of Institutional Review Board
Established Multidisciplinary Fetal Board at Newark Beth Israel Medical Center
Inclusive of Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Cardio thoracic Surgery,
Neurosurgery, Pediatric surgery, Pediatric Urology, Clinical Genetics &
Neonatology. Initiated the monthly Fetal Board meeting at NBIMC for the St.
Barnabas Health Care System.
Initiated monthly Dinner Grand round meetings addressed by nationally
Recognized visiting Faculty.
Automated the Beth Antepartum assessment Lab. This included the automation
Of patient scheduling, permanent digital archiving ultrasound pictures, automated
Faxing of Ultrasound, Genetic Counseling reports to referring physician and
Billing completed within 24 hours.
Established database for outcome research projects and for resident training. Cyto-genetic reports are entered and archived.
1996 – 1998 Coordinator of Ob. Ultrasound services at Institute of Maternal - Fetal Medicine at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore and obtained AIUM Accreditation.
1996 - 1998 Chair Multi Disciplinary Quality Control Committee
1996 - 1998 Member performance improvement Committee, Monitored the Outcome data on Amniocentesis for last 2 Years.
1996 - 1998 Member of Faculty Practice Plan
1996 - 1998 Director of Fetal diagnostic management Board
1996 - 1998 Coordinator of Perinatal genetic services of Institute of Maternal-Fetal Health at Sinai
1991 - 1993 Member of Bio-ethics Committee
1992 - 1993 Member AIDS Task Force
1990 - 1993 OB Practice Committees
1990 - 1992 Member Committee to set up CPT codes and billing system
1990 - 1992 Organized Grand rounds and Joint Perinatal / Neonatal conference
1990 - 1992 Initiated and organized multi-specialty conference for high-risk obstetrics clinic
Elected Health Sciences Center member to University Faculty Council, 1989
Co-Director of Adolescent Pregnancy Clinic
Medical Director of Diabetes and Pregnancy Clinic
Director Division of Fetal Medicine and OB Genetics, 1988
Consultant to Adolescent Gyn. Clinic at Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, 1988
Consultant to Adolescent Gynecology in Pediatric Clinic, 1988
Served on Health Quality Assurance Committee March 1981 - 1985
Monitored Morbidity/Mortality minutes for the Department to meet requirements of Hospital Accreditation Committee for three years
Women's Health Care Committee – 1983
Perinatal Transport meetings of Flight for Life Program at St. Anthony Hospital 7/ 1984-6/ 1986
Coordinated Maternal Perinatal transport July 1984-1990
Medical Director of OB High Risk Transport Task Force, developed Fixed Wing Transport System and trained the air transport team at University Hospital
Developed outreach program for prenatal diagnostic center
Developed outreach program for Diabetes and Pregnancy program
Organized teaching grand rounds and conferences while attending on perinatal services.
Coordinator for research for the residency at NBIMC
Residency core curriculum MFM lecture series
Work with students in diabetes clinic
NYU Langone at Brooklyn NY:
Student teaching program:
- Work with them in the hi risk ob. clinic
- Help 3 rd. year students interested in obstetrics and Gynecology
Ob. Residents
- Organized MFM resident rotation and supervise them in federally qualified health care centers.
- Mentoring residents for 5 research projects and helped 1 st resident to be accepted in MFM fellowship from NYU Brooklyn Medical
- 5 Approved IRBs and work in progress
- Supervise 2 nd year residents in MFM for 3 months of MFM rotation and helped with research projects (last year had 2 ACOG abstracts with a resident and she was accepted in MFM fellowship, this year resident has submitted an abstract in SMFM 2017)
Medical Student:
- Organized teaching ultrasound and high risk OB and Metabolic Syndrome clinic rotation
- Mentor students in clinical projects
Ob. Gyn Resident:
1. Help organize resident MFM/OB. lecture series 2. Organized resident ultrasound teaching program at Perinatal center and certify them to AIUM accreditation guidelines. 3. Mentor Ob. /Gyn. residents for their senior MFM rotation through Perinatal center for genetics, high-risk ob. patients and Metabolic Syndrome Center. 4. Mentored 3 residents with their research projects and had 2 residents go to MFM fellowship
MU Medical Student:
1. Organized teaching rotation at perinatal center
2. Mentor students with their case reports, research papers during rotation
3. MU Students working on a long term IRB approved research paper at present
4. 3 lectures every 6 weeks to medical students
Sonographer and Miscellaneous training:
- Moorhead, KY, Sonographer school students rotate through PNC
- Nurse Educator from Bruce Chertow Marshall Diabetes Center for her pregnancy and diabetes training
Ob. Gyn Resident:
Help organize resident MFM/OB. lecture series Help develop and implemented guidelines for obstetrical transport program Initiated the resident ultrasound teaching program at Perinatal center and certify them to meet AIUM accreditation guidelines Mentor Ob. /Gyn. residents for their senior MFM rotation through Perinatal center for genetics and high risk ob. patients and Perinatal Diabetes Center Mentored 2 residents who presented @ Annual meeting American Ultrasound Institute of Medicine, NY, 2008 Mentoring 2 residents with 2 additional manuscripts at present.
Pediatric resident:
- Mentored a resident, abstract accepted at Annual American Diabetes Association 2010
- Mentoring another pediatric resident to evaluate the outcome of all pregnant diabetics delivered at CHH.
Endocrine Fellow:
Established program for first year Endocrine fellow rotation through Pregnancy Diabetes clinic at Cabell Huntington Hospital
Clinical programs:
Established Director of Perinatal center 2004 at Marshall University and Cabell Huntington Hospital. Accredited PNC at CHH by American Institute of Ultrasound Medicine in 2005 (This included the automation of patient scheduling, permanent digital archiving of ultrasound pictures, automated faxing of consult reports to referring physician and billing completed in 24 hrs.
Reaccreditation PNC in 2008
Initiated first trimester Nuchal translucencies and Nasal Bone in 2005
Started with 3 sonographers, now 7 RDMS sonographers, all NT and NB certified. Started with 2000 patients /yr and now 2009 10500 patient visits to Perinatal center.
Established fetal blood sampling and fetal transfusion program
Organized first tele echo program on T1 lines with Cincinnati Children hospital heart Center in tri state area
Initiated and now running only Pregnancy and Diabetes program in WV since 2003
Helping Perinatal Partnership (Ms. Ann Dacey of WVU and Ms. Nancy Tolliver) to establish tele consultation program in WV which has received 1.2 million $ grant for equipment
Helped Pediatric Cardiologist from WVU to establish fetal echo program in Northern WV
Guidelines for inpatient management of pregnant diabetic and hypoglycemia management of pregnant diabetics
Established Chorionic Villus biopsy program
Associate -director of the prenatal Diagnostic Center, got AIUM accreditation. Developed patient care guidelines for first, second, third trimester ultrasound, invasive procedures and fetal surveillance.
Developed guidelines for second trimester genetic ultrasound
Guidelines for first trimester Nuchal Translucency / biochemical screening program (submitted for approval to International board of Fetal Medicine and surgery to Dr. Kypros Nicolides, UK)
Supervise and organize Obstetrics and MFM lecture series for the Ob. /Gyn. Residents
Initiated Obstetrical Ultrasound and US Guided Procedures to Ob. /Gyn. residents
CREOG Review in Ob. /MFM for the residents
Teach Mt. Sinai University medical students, St. George’s medical college students rotating through NBIMC
Guidelines for Maternal ground transport program
Guidelines for Institute of Maternal-Fetal Health at Sinai
Guidelines for Obstetric Ultrasound, Ultrasound guided Procedures
Supervised and conducted Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine lecture series
Supervised John Hopkins University medical student electives
Initiated and established Obstetrical Ultrasound training for Sinai Ob Residents
Train the residents to perform Ultrasound Guided Procedures
CREOG Review for the residents
Guidelines for management of Pregnant Insulin-Dependent Diabetic
Screening protocol for Gestational Diabetes
Guidelines for management of Gestational Diabetes
Guidelines for Cervical Ripening with Prostaglandin Gel for - labor induction
Guidelines for Amnio-infusion during labor
Guidelines for Amnio-infusion via amniocentesis for severe Oligohydramnios for
Ultrasound visualization
Guidelines for US guidance for Second and Third trimester Amniocentesis Coordinated Alpha-fetoprotein screening protocol with pathology department
Reviewed Maternal - Fetal Medicine topics for Chief Residents
Trained the Obstetric residents in Ultrasound Guided Procedures
Guidelines for Biophysical Profile and Doppler Studies
Guidelines for diagnosis and management of IUGR and IDDM
Guidelines for diagnosis and management of Gestational Diabetes
Nutrition guidelines for IDDM and GDM
Guidelines for Adolescent Pregnancy Clinic
Guidelines for Acid-Base Balance in Fetus and umbilical cord gases
Guidelines for management of Fetus with Anomalies
Guidelines for fixed wing air transport of High Risk OB patients, trained air transport nursing team
Organized training program in Prenatal Diagnosis: Obstetric Ultrasound, Genetic counseling, Invasive Diagnostic Procedures (Amniocentesis, PUBS, CVS,) for MFM fellows and Ob/Gyn residents in Division of fetal Medicine-OB. Genetics.
Lectured the residents Ob. and Maternal- Fetal Medicine topics
Lectured the medical students doing the Hi-Risk Ob. Electives
2017 – present 6 IRB approved research projects at RWJBH
2014 – present 5 IRB approved clinical research projects at NYU Brooklyn, continuing with graduating residents
2003 - 2010 5 IRB approved clinical research projects at Marshall University and presented at national meetings
1993 - 1994 Principal Investigator, National Institute of Health, U.S. / India Fund Project Number: N-429570; Rs.1, 000,000 " To study the effects of severe maternal anemia on fetal oxygenation and acid-base balance"
1988 National Institute of Health, Prematurity Study grant, Grant #5-P01HD00781-25; Amount of direct cost: $622,114; Role: Co Investigator (10%) (P.I.Dr.F.C.Battaglia).
1987-1988 Human Health Services Grant, Adolescent prenatal cares. Grant #2533932; Amount: $22,000; Role: Co PI (10%) (P.I. Dr. I. Nakashima)
1988 -1990 Clinical research Center grant, Amount $ 20,000, Role: PI, Coordinator of the study, Co Investigator Dr. Pearson, Dept. of Medicine and Director of Chemistry Lab, Dr. R. Bynny Professor in Dept. of Medicine, Screening for Gestational Diabetes by capillary blood by reflectance meter, Reflotron and venous blood. Developing guidelines for screening for diabetes in OB Clinic at University Hospital.
1988 - 1990 Funding from the Pharmaceutical Company that provided the Chlamydia testing kits. Impact of Chlamydia T in Colorado: To establish prospective prevalence of Chlamydia in young adults. Role: Coordinator of the study, Collaborators: Dr. Ida Nakashima, Pediatrics; Dr. Myron Levin, Infectious Disease; and Gail Curry Kane, Infection Control, Virology Laboratory
Journal of Fetal therapy in India: 2 chapters on Type 1 and GDM +Type 2 DM are in progress
Contemporary Topics in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Pub. Jaypee the health science Publishers, 1st edition 2015, Titel: Metabolic Syndrome: Perils of Pregnancy and precursor for Childhood Obecity
ADA patient guidelines for pregnancy and diabetes, 2011
Singh S. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Ob/gyn. Secrets. Pub.Hanley and Belfast, Inc.2nd edition, 1996
Singh S Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Ob./Gyn. Secrets Pub. Hanley and Belfast Inc., 1991
Parenting Network Video tape1989:"Care of Patient with Gestational Diabetes.
Parenting Network Video tape1989: "Preconception Control of Diabetes and Management of Pregnant `Diabetic
Completed IRB approved projects at NYU Lutheran Medical Center:
- Ethnicity specific growth curves Based on Actual Birth weights and neonatal outcome
(pending Approval)
- Retrospective Analysis of Neonatal Outcome with Low PAPP A at NYU Lutheran Study completed
3. Perinatal outcome of Targeted management of insulin resistance in pregnancy based maternal fasting C peptide levels amongst Asian and Hispanics in an ethnically diverse population at NYU Lutheran medical center, Approved but lapsed, being re submitted
4. Incidence of non suspected neonatal hypoglycemia in nursery and its correlation to cord blood C peptide levels and its relationship to GCT and 3 hr. GTT values (Completed)
5. Differences in Insulin Resistance in Asian versus Hispanic Pregnant
Women with Gestational and Pre gestational Type 2 Diabetes
1. Prasad K and Singh S, Rubidium in the Prevention of Ouabain-induced Cardiac Arrhythmias in
Guinea Pigs. Fed. Proc. 1969; 38:478
2. Frank GB, Singh S, and Buss WC. A Possible Explanation for Some Peculiar Properties of Caffeine Solution. I. Krebe's Solution. Arch. Int. Pharmadocynamics 1970, 184:93-103.
3. Frank GB, Singh S, and Buss WC. A Possible Explanation for Some Peculiar Properties of Caffeine Solution. II. Krebe's Solution. Arch. Int. Pharmadocynamics. 1970, 184:104-110.
4. Prasad K. Singh S, and Callaghan JC. Transmembrane Potential and Contraction of Human Heart in Relation to Potassium and Ouabain. Japanese. Heart J. 1971, 12:290-304
5. Kitz miller J, Cloherty JP, younger MD, Tabatabaii A, Rotchchild SB, Sosenko I, Epstein MF, Singh S, and Neff RK. Diabetic Pregnancy and Perinatal morbidity. Amer.J. Obst. Gynecol. 1978, 131: 560-580
6. Kitzmiller J, Brown ER, Phillippe M, Stark AR, Acker D, Kaldany A, Singh S and Hare J. W. Diabetic Nephropathy and perinatal outcome. Amer. J. Obst. Gynecol. 1981, 741-751.
7. Singh S, Sparks J, Battaglia FC, Meschia G and Makowski EL. Comparison of Fetal Versus Maternal Hind limb Metabolic Quotients in Sheep. Am. J. Ob.Gyn. 1984, 149:441-449.
8. Pretorius DH, Singh S, Johnson ML and Rumack CM. In Utero Diagnosis of Intracranial Hemorrhage Resulting in Fetal Hydrocephalus. J. Reprod. Med. 1986, 31: 136-138.
9. Tramner BI, Singh S and Ketch L. AnUnusual Case of Temporal Encephalocele. Childs Nerv Syst. 1989, 5:371-373.
10. Cousin L, Baxi L, Chez R, Coustan D, Gabbe S, Harris J, Landon M, Sacks D, and Singh S. Screening Recommendations for Gestational Diabetes. Am. J. Obst. Gynecol. 1991, 165: 493-496.
11. Mahajan SD, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Gupta, N. Kochupillai, Effect of maternal Malnutrition and anemia on Endocrine regulation of fetal growth . Endocrine Research. 30(2) 49-63, 2004
12. Mahajan SD, R. Aalinkeel, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Gupta, N. Kochupillai. Thyroid hormone dysregulation in intrauterine growth retardation associated with maternal malnutrition and/or anemia Hormone Metabolism Res. 2005 Oct; 37(10):633-40
13. Mahajan DS, R. Aalinkeel, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Gupta, N. Kochupillai. Endocrine regulation in asymmetric intrauterine fetal growth retardation. The journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal medicine. Oct 2006; 19(10):615-623
14. Mahajan SD, R. Aalinkeel, S. Singh, P. Shah, N. Gupta, N. Kochupillai. Pre-pregnancy weight and weight gain during pregnancy are important determinants in the endocrine modulation of fetal growth restriction. Journal of the Turkish German gynecological society. 2007
15. Mahajan SD, R. Aalinkeel, P. Shah, S. Singh. Nutritional anemia dysregulates endocrine control of fetal growth. British Journal of Nutrition 53, 2518-20(2007)
16. Martingano D, Renson A, Rogoff S, Singh S, Kesavan Nasir M, Kim J, Carey J. Daily gentamicin using ideal bodyweight demonstrates lower risk of postpartum endometritis and increased chance of successful outcome compared with traditional 8-hour dosing for the treatment of intrapartum chorioamnionitis. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2018 Apr 12:1-5. doi: 10.1080/1767058.2018.1460348 [PMID: 29642754]
17. Martingano D, Guan X, Renson A, Singh S, Kesavan Nasir M, Kim J, Carey J. Daily dosing of gentamicin using ideal body weight for the treatment of intrapartum chorioamnionitis: a pilot study. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2018 May 3;31(9):1194-7.
18. Martingano D, Shailini Singh, Antonia Mitrofanova: “Azithromycin in the treatment of Preterm Prelabor Rupture Membranes demonstrates a lower risk of Chorioamnionitis and Postpartum endometritis with an Equivalent Latency period compared with Erythromycin Antibiotic Regimen “
Infectious Disease In Obstetrics and Gynecology, June 2020.
1. Frank GB and Singh S. A Possible Explanation for Some Peculiar Effects of Caffeine Solutions. First Winter Meeting of the Canadian Physiological Society, Ste.Adele-en-haut, P.Q. 1969.
2. Singh S, Meschia G and Battaglia FC. Comparison of Fetal vs. Maternal Hind limb utilization of acetate in chronically catheterized sheep. Aspen Perinatal Society, Aspen 1980
3. Singh S, Meschia G and Battaglia FC. Comparison of Fetal vs. Maternal Hind limb
Utilization of Substrates in Chronically Catheterized Sheep. 29th Annual Meeting of Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Dallas, Texas. 1982
4. Singh S, Sparks J, Hay W, Battaglia FC and Meschia G. Acetate Metabolism in the Maternal and Fetal Hind limb, Utero-placenta, and Fetal Liver of the Sheep. 30th Annual Meeting of Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Washington, D.C. 1983.
5. Singh S, Sparks J, Battaglia FC, Meschia G, and Makowski EL. AGOS Poster: Acetate Metabolism in Maternal Fetal Hind limb, Utero- placenta, and Fetal Liver of the Sheep. Phoenix, Arizona. 1983.
6. Singh S, Sparks J, Battaglia FC and Meschia G. Acetate Metabolism in Fetal Hind limb at Elevated Fetal Arterial Acetate Concentrations. Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Phoenix, Arizona. 1985.
7. Singh S, D. Mostello SD. Retrospective Perinatal Outcome of Insulin Dependent Diabetics at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, 1980 - 1985. Perinatal Society of India, Bombay, India. 1986.
8. Freed CR, Richards JB, Alianiello E, Peterson R, Ruppe L, Singh S, Fetal Dopamine Cell Transplantation as a Treatment for Parkinson's Syndrome in Bonnet Monkeys.
9. Singh S, Ethical Dilemmas in Prenatal Diagnosis. The International Fetal Medicine & Surgery Society. 1988.
10. Singh S, Daffos S. Fetal thyroid function and its clinical implications. The International Fetal Medicine and Surgery Society, Evian. 1992.
11. Singh S, Mahajan S, Moderate/severe maternal anemia and its effects on fetal oxygenation and glucose-lactate metabolism. IFMSS, Capri, Italy.1996
12. Singh S., Mahajan. S, Kochupillai N, Anemia and the effects of Maternal Malnutrition on intrauterine fetal growth , hormonal adaptations and future implications based on Barker Hypothesis. Presented IFMSS at Carlyle, UK. 1999
13. Singh S., Mahajan. S, Kochupillai N, Effect of Maternal Anemia and /or Malnutrition on Fetal Thyroid Function. Presented at Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine at Reno, Nevada, USA, February 2001
14. R Stone, MD, D Chaffin, MD, D Webb, RN, B Trader, RN, and S Singh, MD Stratification of Hemodynamics by Impedance Cardiography Predicts Suboptimal Outcomes in Diabetic Pregnancies. Presented at Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine 2008
15. Singh, S.MD, Chaffin, D.G. MD, Reeves, R, RN, Brooks, Debby, RDMS, Distribution of ultrasound genetic markers in Appalachia, presented at ISUOG Sept.2008 in Chicago
16. K Zwawi, David G Chaffin, Brenda Dawley, S. Singh, MD, Retrospective analysis of 4 outcome soft markers from 2004- 2007, presented at central ACOG meeting 2008
17. S. Singh, MD, D. Chaffin, MD, Denise Webb, RN, Cliff Webb, Edwards Dorsey.
Evaluate the impact of targeted drug therapy based on Hemodynamic Impedence Cardiography (IC) in pregnancies affected by chronic hypertension with and without Diabetes Mellitus (DM). ISSHP Sept. 2008, Washington DC
18. D. Chaffin, S. Singh, MD. D. Webb, RN, E. Dorsey, Examination of changes in hemodynamics parameter as determined by impedence cardiography in 381 hypertensive gravidas, ISSHP Sept., 2008
19. Keller.Andrea, MD, Michelfelder. Erick, MD, D. Chaffin, MD, Reeves. Robin, Brooks, D.,
Singh S, MD: Fetal Heart screening by ultrasound in an Appalachian Perinatal center by 12 standardized ultrasound views: Poster presented AIUM Annual meeting, March 2009, NY
20. Shoemaker. M, Michelfelder. Erick, MD, D. Chaffin, MD Reeves. Robin, Brooks, D., Singh S, MD: Feasibility of telemedicine fetal echocardiography in a rural PNC in Appalachia, Oral presentation AIUM Annual meeting, March 2009, NY
21. S Singh, S. Mahajan, R. Aswani, Bonnie Trader, RN, Susan Hale, RD, Laura Mullarky, RN, CDE, Outcome of an Appalachian pregnant diabetics managed @ Appalachian Perinatal Diabetes Center on modified ADA diet ( calorie, Carbohydrate (CHO) restricted ) and on either conventional insulin therapy ( regular/NPH) or analog insulin ( Novolog, Glargine or Detimir) therapy. (ADA June 2010)
22. Singh. S., Association between Maternal Hemodynamic Pattern by Impedance Cardiography and Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Diabetes and their Response to Targeted Antihypertensive Therapy. Presented @ Diabetes in pregnancy study group west, May 2009(by invitation)
23. Singh. S., Comparison of Insulin Analogs, Insulin Aspart and Detemir with Regular and NPH Insulin at an Appalachian Perinatal Diabetes Center. Presented @ Diabetes in pregnancy study group west, May 2009(by invitation)
24. Adam Ritchie, MD, S. Singh, MD, Paula Gilbert, RDMS, Outcome of Pylectesis / Hydronephrosis at an Appalachian Perinatal Center (submitted ISUOG 2010 Prague)
25. Singh, S, MD, Supriya Mahajan, Ph.D, Laura Mullarky, RN, CDE, Bonnie Trader, RN, Susan, Hales, RD, CDE, Improving outcome of pregnant diabetics managed @ Perinatal diabetes Center (PDC) in Appalachia with aggressive lifestyle changes in diet/exercise, insulin therapy (conventional/ Analog insulin) also using targeted medications based on non invasive hemodynamic impedence Cardiography presented “Diabetes in Pregnancy study of North America” 1, 2 April, 2010, Washington DC.
26. Hemodynamic and Insulin Sensitivity Changes in overweight and obese pregnant women with metabolic syndrome in Rural Appalachia. Singh, S, MD, Supriya Mahajan, Ph.D, Ed. Dorsey, Laura Mullarky, RN, CDE, Bonnie Trader, RN, Susan, Hales, RD, CDE, Presented at DPSG, west in Denver Colorado, May 2011
27. A pilot study of hemodynamic parameters in Indian pregnancies by non invasive advanced impedance cardiography and its association with pregnancy outcome, Authors: Shailini Singh, MBBS, FRCS(C), FACOG, 1 Nikhil Tandon, MBBS, 2 Garima Khadgawat, MBBS, MS 2 Aruna Kumari, MBBS, DM 2 Nipam Shah, MBBS, 2MPH, Nandita Gupta, PhD 2, Supriya Mahajan,Ph.D,1, 1 University of Buffalo, SUNY, Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Scholar, 2 All India Institute of Medical Sciences,3 . Presented at 2nd International conference on Fetal growth September 19-21 2013, Baltimore, Maryland.
28. A pilot study of hemodynamic parameters by Non-invasive advanced impedance Cardiography in pregnant women in urban India: a possible explanation to pandemic of metabolic syndrome in India and high incidence of pre eclampsia, Authors: Shailini Singh, MBBS, FRCS(C), FACOG, 1 Nikhil Tandon, MBBS, 2 Garima Khadgawat, MBBS, MS 2 Aruna Kumari, MBBS, DM 2 Nipam Shah, MBBS, 2MPH, Nandita Gupta, PhD 2 Supriya Mahajan, Ph.D.1 University of Buffalo, SUNY, Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Scholar, 2 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 3
Presented Diabetes in pregnancy Group of North America November 1-2 2013, Washington DC,
29. International Federation of Diabetes: 3RD December 2013, Melbourne, Australia
A pilot study of hemodynamic parameters in Indian normal and diabetic pregnancies by noninvasive impedance cardiography. Authors: Shailini Singh, MBBS, FRCS(C), FACOG, 1 Nikhil Tandon, MBBS, 2 Garima Khadgawat, MBBS, MS 2 Aruna Kumari, MBBS, DM 2 Nipam Shah, MBBS, 2MPH, Nandita Gupta, PhD 2 Alka Kripalani, MBBS, MS 2 A. C . Ammini, MBBS, MD, DM 2, Suneil S. Malhotra, Ph D , 1 University of Buffalo, SUNY, Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Scholar, 2 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, 3 Alexion Pharmaceuticals, USA.
30. Annual meeting of Society of Maternal fetal Medicine, New Orleans, La, February 11TO
14th 2014, A pilot study of hemodynamic parameters by Non-invasive advanced Impedance
Cardiography in pregnant women in India, a prelude to preeclampsia, low birth weight and future
development of metabolic syndrome. Authors: Shailini Singh, MBBS, FRCS(C), FACOG, 1 Nikhil
Tandon, MBBS, 2 Garima Khadgawat, MBBS, MS 2 Aruna Kumari, MBBS, DM 2 Nipam Shah
MBBS, 2MPH, Nandita Gupta, PhD 2 Supriya Mahajan, Ph.D.1 University of Buffalo, SUNY,
Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Scholar, 2 All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
31. Annual meeting American congress of OB. Gyn. 2016, Retrospective Analysis of pregnancy and Neonatal Outcome with Low and very low PAPP A on first trimester screen. Y.Lozovyy, A., D. Bradke, J. King, F. Shubert MPH, K. Fitzpatrick, MD, Shailini Singh, MD
32. Annual meeting American congress of OB. Gyn. 2016, Retrospective analysis of neonatal hypoglycemia and its relationship to maternal parameters. Y. Lozovyy, A. Filshtinsky, BS, F. Shubert MPH, G. Gowda, MD, Diane Contreras, MD, Shailini Singh, MD,
33. DPSG in October 2017 Daniel Martingano1, Shailini Singh2, Jacqueline Tse2, Fastina Khan1, Sarah Malik1, Audrey Renson3,. Differences in Metabolic Profiles in Asian versus Hispanic Pregnant Women with Gestational and Type 2 Diabetes
34. International diabetes Federation., Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2017 Shailini Singh2, Daniel Martingano1, Jacqueline Tse2, Fastina Khan1, Sarah Malik1, Audrey Renson3,. Ethnic Differences in Insulin sensitivity in Asian versus Hispanic Pregnant Women with Gestational and Pre gestational Type 2 Diabetes,
35. “Diabetes and Degenerating diseases”, September18-19, 2017 Singh. Shailini, Metabolic syndrome: Perils for pregnancy and precursor for childhood obesity, invited speaker at Clyto access at
36. Annual SMFM meeting, 2018, Dallas, Texas Daniel Martingano1, Shailini Singh2, Jacqueline Tse2, Fastina Khan1, Audrey Renson3,.Differences in Metabolic Profiles in Asian versus Hispanic Pregnant Women with Gestational And Type 2.
37. Brooklyn Gynecological Society, Brooklyn NY, (April 18 2018): Martingano D, Tse J, Guan X, Lin B, Singh S. Accuracy of Ultrasonographic Methods of Fetal Weight Estimation in Chinese and Hispanic Fetuses.
38. ACOG 2018, San Antonio, Texas: Violetta Lozzovyy, MD, Jade King, MD, Jordan Mgdrude, MD, S, Singh, MD Initial body weight gain as a screening tool for adverse pregnancy outcome
39. Annual SMFM meeting, 2018, Dallas, Texas: Daniel Martingano1, Shailini Singh2, Jacqueline Tse2, Fastina Khan1, Audrey Renson3, Differences in Metabolic Profiles in Asian versus Hispanic Pregnant Women with Gestational And Type 2.
41. ACOG May, 2018 San Antonio: Violetta Lozzovyy, MD, Jade King, MD, Jordan Mgdrude, MD, S, Singh, MD, Initial body weight gain as a screening tool for adverse pregnancy outcome
42.Daniel Martingano1, Jacqueline Tse2, Guan X, Shailini Singh2, Accuracy of ultrasonic methods of fetal weight estimation in Chinese and Hispanic fetuses. Society of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy, July 2018, Antwerp, Belgium
43. February 2019 Annual SMFM 2019, Las Vegas, NV : Martingano D, Guan X, Martingano F X, Aglioro, GC, Singh S, Pregnant Women in third trimester with Dental Abscesses involving teeth number 7-10 0r 23-26 have an increased risk of preterm labor compared with other locations,
44. February 2019, Annual pregnancy meeting SMFM: Martingano D, Guan X, Martingano F X, Aglioro, GC, Singh S, Ampicillin and Azithromycin in the treatment of Preterm Premature Membranes demonstrates a lower risk of chorioamnionitis and Equivalent Latency Period compared with Ampicillin and Erythromycin antibiotic Regimen ,
5. February 2019, Annual pregnancy meeting SMFM Martingano D, Guan X, Martingano F X, Aglioro, GC, Singh S, Combination Smithicone and Metoclopramide following cesarean delivery demonstrates decreased opiates use and postoperative length stay February 2019,
46. April 2019 Annual AIUM meeting: Nishant P. Patel, MD1, Leah Cordero, DO1, Tanay Shah1
Daniel Martingano DO2, 3, Shailini Singh, MD, Effectiveness of Glass body 3D ultrasound in determining the presence or absence of placenta Accreta spectrum,
47. May 29 th – 1, June 2019, Diabetes and pregnancy meeting Florence, Italy
Shailini Singh MD1, Daniel Martingano DO2, 3, 4, Nishant P. Patel MD1 Tanay Shah1, Jacqueline Tse MA3, See Clearly with fasting C peptide and Insulin sensitivity in different races among Pregnant Women with Gestational and Type 2 Pre-gestational Diabetes and impact on Antepartum Management,
- Singh S., Bonnie Trader, RN, Laura Mullarky, RN, CDE, Evaluate the impact of targeted drug therapy based on Hemodynamic Impedance Cardiography (IC) in pregnancies affected by chronic hypertension with and without Diabetes Mellitus (DM).
- Adam, Ritchie, S. Singh, MD, Paula Gilbert, RDMS, Debby Brooks, RDMS, Robin Reeves, Outcome of Pyelectesis / Hydronephrosis at an Appalachian Perinatal Center
- Shoemaker. M, Michelfelder. Erick, MD, D. Chaffin, MD Reeves. Robin, Brooks, D., Singh S, MD: Feasibility of telemedicine fetal echocardiography in a rural PNC in Appalachia
- Keller.Andrea, MD, Michelfelder. Erick, MD, D. Chaffin, MD, Reeves. Robin, Brooks, D.,
Singh S, MD: Fetal Heart screening by ultrasound in an Appalachian Perinatal center by 12 standardized ultrasound views
- Martingano D, Singh S, Tse J, Khan F, Renson A. 1011: Differences in Metabolic Profiles in Asian versus Hispanic Pregnant Women with Gestational and Type 2 Diabetes. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Under review
- Singh S. Management of gestational diabetic. Endocrinology, Metabolism,
- Symposium, New Delhi, India, December 1990.
2. Singh S. Premature rupture of membranes and preterm labor. National neonatal Symposium, Lucknow, India, February 1993.
3. Singh S. Ethical issues in prenatal diagnosis. Second National Congress of Indian Society of Prenatal diagnosis and therapy and workshop on Fetal Medicine. New Delhi, India. March 1993.
4. Singh S. Embryoscopy. Second National Congress of Indian Society of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy and workshop on Fetal Medicine. New Delhi, India. March 1993.
5. Singh S. Placental physiology. 3rd Joint convention of National Neonatal Forum and Indian Society of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology. Lucknow, India. Feb. 1993.
6. Singh S. Intrauterine growth retardation. 3rd Joint Convention of National Neonatal Forum and Indian Society of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology. Lucknow, India. February 1993.
7. Singh S. Normal and Abnormal Fetal Growth, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Madras, India. February 1993.
8. Singh S. Access to Fetus. Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. February 1993.
9. Singh S. Fetal Tissue Sampling and access to fetus. Second National Congress of Indian Society of Prenatal Diagnosis and therapy and workshop on Fetal Medicine. New Delhi, India. March 1993.
10. Singh S. Current concepts in Fetal surgery, Silver Jublee workshop cum conference "Fetal surveillance and interventional procedures" sponsored by Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bangalore, India. November 1993
11. Singh S. Dilemmas in diagnosis and management of I.U.G.R. Silver Jubilee workshop/ conference "Fetal surveillance and interventional procedures" sponsored by Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bangalore, India. November 1993
12. Singh S. and three other panelists. Panel discussion on Preterm Labor, XIII Annual Convention of National Neonatal Forum, Vadodara, India. December 1993
13. Singh S. Newer prenatal diagnostic techniques and their role in assessing fetal thyroid functions and fetal therapies, Endocrinology, metabolism, Diabetes EMD-93 Symposium, Bombay, India, December 1993
14. Singh S. Management of Gestational Diabetes-Is it a disease or a myth, Endocrinology, metabolism, Diabetes, EMD-93, Symposium, Bombay, India. Dec.1993
15. Singh S. Management of pregnant insulin dependent diabetic Endocrinology, Metabolism, Diabetes, EMD-93 Symposium, Bombay, India. December 1993
16. Singh S. Newer Technologies in prenatal diagnosis and fetal therapies in endocrinology, Visiting Professor Madurai Medical College, Madurai, India
17. Singh S. Perinatal Transmission of AIDS, First International conference on HIV (AIDS) infection, tuberculosis, and respiratory diseases, Bombay, India, representative of U.S. embassy / Dept.of International Health, January 1994
18. Singh S. Non-radiological tools in diagnosis of fetal anomalies, International Symposium on congenital malformations, New Delhi, India. February 1994
19. Singh S. and three other panelists. Panel discussion: Current status of fetal surgery International Symposium on congenital malformations, New Delhi, India, February 1994 20. Singh S. Biochemical Markers of fetal well-being, 8th Asian Congress of Pediatrics, New Delhi India, February 1994
21. Singh S. Chair with Dr. David Barker of U.K. of Session "Progress in management of Fetus" 8th Asian Congress of Pediatrics, New Delhi, India, February 1994
22. Singh S. Prenatal diagnosis of Genetic diseases, 8th Asian Congress of Pediatrics, New Delhi India, February 1994
23. Singh S. "Moderate to severe maternal anemia and its effects on fetal oxygenation and fetal acid-base balance and its effects in India." presented at The Commonwealth Association for mental handicap and development disabilities/ WHO conference on Birth asphyxia /Head Injury, Bangalore, India November 1994
24. Singh S. "Anemia and Hypoxia?" presented at Indian Society of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy, November 1994
25. Singh S. " Selective Embryo Reduction " presented at Plenary Session on "Interventional procedures in contemporary infertility management" at International Congress on Infertility and Transvaginal Sonography, Bombay, India, January 1995
26. Singh S. "Multiple gestation" King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Saudi Arabia, July 1995
27. Singh S. "Controversies in diagnosis, Universal screening and management of Gestational diabetes" King Fahad National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, August 1995
28. Singh S. "Cancer and Pregnancy" King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Saudi Arabia, August 1995
29. Singh S. " Antepartum surveillance and fetal acid-base balance" King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Saudi Arabia, August, 1995
30. Singh S. "Screening and management of Gestational Diabetes, "King Faisal
Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Saudi Arabia, August 1995
31. Singh S, Chair at a session in First World Congress Fetal Origins of Adult Disease, held at Mumbai, India Feb. 2001. Sponsored by ICMR of UK and Prof David Barker, FRCS
32. Singh S. Presented at Indian society of prenatal diagnosis Feb. 2006: Intrauterine growth restriction and management
33. Singh S. Presented at Indian society of prenatal diagnosis Feb.2006: Role of 4D Ultrasound in prenatal diagnosis.
34. Singh S. Conducted a live demonstration workshop on prenatal diagnostic procedures as part of Indian Society of Prenatal Diagnosis meeting 2006
35. Singh, S. Management of IUGR at Lahore, Pakistan at Annual meeting of IMSACON, 2006
36. Singh S, GDM, tip of the iceberg of metabolic syndrome. Annual meeting of Indian society of OB. GYN. < New Delhi, India. 2006
37. Singh, S, Grand rounds at WVU Ob. /Gyn. Dept. Novel management of pregnant diabetic 38. Singh, S. Association between Maternal Hemodynamic Pattern by Impedance Cardiography and Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Diabetes and their Response to Targeted Antihypertensive Therapy. Presented @ Diabetes in pregnancy study group West coast, May 2009 (by invitation) 39. Singh, S, Comparison of Insulin Analogs, Insulin Aspart and Detemir with Regular and NPH Insulin at an Appalachian Perinatal Diabetes Center. Presented @ Diabetes in pregnancy study group West coast, May 2009(by invitation). 40. Singh, S, Grand rounds at WVU Ob. /Gyn. Dept. Novel management of pregnant diabetic. 41-47. Singh, S, Yearly grand rounds on Pregnancy and Diabetes to Dept. of Endocrinology at MU 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. 48. Singh, S, Novel approach to management of pregnant diabetics, prevention of obesity in Utero and Type II diabetes WV. September 15, 2010, Gestational; diabetes stakeholders meeting for state of WV.
49. Singh, S. Bridging the gap with Education. Charleston, WVU, October 2010. 50. Singh, S. Curbing gestational Diabetes in WV, CAMC Health Education and Research Institute, WV Perinatal Partnership, March of Dimes, WV Chapter, Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) WV Chapter 51. Singh, S. Management of GDM using Carbohydrate restricted diet and using Haemodynamics Monitoring, December 27, 2010, Bangalore, India 52. Singh, S, Large for gestational age baby leading to Childhood obesity and Developing Metabolic Syndrome in adult life, Bangalore 2011, January. 53. Singh., S, Management of Metabolic syndrome in pregnancy at Sister’s Hospital, Buffalo, NY. Sept. 2011. 54. Singh, S., Does Metabolic Syndrome begins in Utero, First Spring Valley symposium at WNY, Sept.2011? 55. Singh, S Metabolic Syndrome; Perils for Pregnancy and Precursor for Childhood Obesity, Dec.5, 2011.
56. Singh, S Metabolic Syndrome and prevention of childhood obesity Perinatal outreach for Kaleida Health care, May 11, 2012 57. Singh S. Metabolic Syndrome; perils of pregnancy and precursor to child hood obesity, International Medical Sciences Academy, University of Ajman. UAE, October 6th,2012 58. Singh S. Metabolic Syndrome; perils of pregnancy and precursor to child hood obesity, 2nd GlobalMaternal Infant Health, October 26th 2012
59. Singh S. Metabolic Syndrome; perils of pregnancy and precursor to child hood obesity, ICDC, International conference of diabetes and complications, in collaboration with U of Buffalo, ICDC, Charusat, Changa, Gujrat, India
60. Singh, S. Newer approach to management of diabetes and hypertension, Grand rounds in the dept of Endocrinology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences. , New Delhi, India. 61. Singh, S, Prevention of childhood obesity in India, 32nd National Neonatal forum of India,
14-16th December 2013. 62. Singh S. Metabolic syndrome, Management of pregnancy and prevention of childhood obesity, 8th National Diabetes Interest and pregnancy study group of India, 17th Feb. 2013, Ahmadabad, Gujrat, India.
63. Singh S. Establish Hemodynamics parameters in Indian pregnant women and in high-risk pregnancies in India. Fulbright annual conference, Kochi, Feb. 2013
64, Singh S. Novel approach to the management of diabetes and Hypertension in pregnancy. Amrita Institute of medical Sciences, Kochi, Feb. 2013. 65. Singh S. Key note speaker at WHO Hypertension day 7th April 2013, New Delhi India, May 2013
66. Singh S. Metabolic Syndrome; Perils of pregnancy and precursor to child hood obesity, Lutheran Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY 2014
67. Singh S. Metabolic Syndrome in pregnancy, fetal markers of an adult disease, Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY 2016
68. Singh S. Metabolic Syndrome and its management in pregnancy, Good Samaritan Hospital, Catholic Health care system, Long island, NY 2016
69. Metabolic syndrome: Perils for pregnancy and precursor for childhood obesity, invited speaker at Clyto access at “Diabetes and Degenerating diseases”, September18-19, 201
70. C clearly with Fasting C peptide in management of GDM and Type 2 diabetes: St. Peters medical center, Albany NY, 2021
71. Maternal diabetes (GDM/NIDDM) management and effects on ethnically diverse Fetuses by Insulin sensitivity and fetal growth DPSG, Thessaloniki, Greece 2023
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Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:11/13/2023Date updated:11/13/2023