David Sacks, MD, FACOG
Address: 3032 Copa de Oro Drive
Los Alamitos, California, 90720
Telephone: (562) 598-9066 (H/O)
(562) 522-6558 (C)
E-mail: [email protected]
Undergraduate: City College of New York, B.S., 1964
Medical School: University of Kentucky College of Medicine, M.D., 1969
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Professional Training
Internship: Rotating - Sacramento Medical Center, University of California, Davis, 1969-1970
Residency: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sacramento Medical Center,
University of California, Davis, 1970-1973
Fellowship: Perinatal Biology, Los Angeles County -University of Southern California Medical Center, 1973-1975
Staff Appointments
1975-2010 Staff Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Bellflower, California
1977-2008 Director, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Bellflower, California
1974-1980: Clinical Instructor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center
1980-1985: Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center
1985-1990: Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center
1990-2013: Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
1995-2011 Medical Director, California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program,
South Bay Perinatal Access Project
2009-2013 Adjunct Investigator, Department of Research, Southern California Permanente Medical Group
2014-Present Associate Investigator, Department of Research, Southern California Permanente Medical Group
2014-Present Adjunct Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
November 7, 1975: American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
February 15, 1979: Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology
November 7, 1986: Recertification in Obstetrics and Gynecology
November 2, 1999 Recertification in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Professional Societies
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals
Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group - West
American Diabetes Association
International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups
Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (Europe)
North American Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group
Selected Committees
1980-3 and 1990-2: Coordinating Chairman, Southern California Permanente Regional Perinatal Committee
1988-95: Member, Diabetes Advisory Council, Perinatal Advisory Council of Los Angeles Communities
1989-2008 Member, Obstetrics and Gynecology Quality Assurance Committee, Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Bellflower, California
1990: Member, Panel I: Diagnosis and Prevalence. Third International Workshop Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Chicago, Illinois, November 8-10.
1996: Chairperson, Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group - West
1996-7: Member, Organizing Committee, First Joint International Meeting of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups.
1997: Member, Panel I: Diagnosis and Prevalence: Fourth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Chicago, Illinois, March 14-16
1998: Member, Scientific Committee, International Colloquium of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups
2003 Chairperson, Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group - West
2003-4 Chairperson, Diabetes Interest Section, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
2003-4 Vice President, Council on Pregnancy and Women’s Reproductive Health, American Diabetes Association
2004-6 Chairperson, Council on Pregnancy and Women’s Reproductive Health, American Diabetes Association
2004-6 Member, Scientific Sessions Planning Committee, American Diabetes Association
2005 Member, Organizing Committee, Fifth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes
2005-6 Chairperson, Council Chairs Committee, American Diabetes Association
2005 Co-chair, Epidemiology section, Fifth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes
2008-2014 Member, Advisory Board, California Teratogen Information Service
2011-2 Co-chair, Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group – West
2015 Member, FIGO GDM Initiative Expert Group
Awards, Honors
1975: ACOG Purdue Frederick Award
1995: Southern California Permanente Medical Group, Physician's Exceptional Contribution Award
2002: Quality Resource Management Chairman’s Award. Kaiser Foundation Hospital, Bellflower, California
2004,6,7,10 Named among top 5% of reviewers, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
2004-10,14,15,17,18, 20,21 Named among top 10% of reviewers, Obstetrics and Gynecology
2003: Excellence in Collaborative Practice Award, March of Dimes, Southern California Chapter
2006 Outstanding Clinical Faculty Teaching Award, Dept of Ob/Gyn, Harbor UCLA Medical Center
2006 Auditor, European Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group
2008 Norbert Freinkel lecture. Council on Pregnancy and Women’s Reproductive Health, American Diabetes Association
2013 Distinguished Achievement Award. Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of North America
Peer Reviewer for:
Acta Paediatrica, 1997
American Diabetes Association, 1999,2003-8, 12, 18, 22
American Journal of Epidemiology, 1997
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1990-2023
American Journal of Perinatology 2016
Annals of Internal Medicine 2019, 20, 23
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2018, 21, 22
BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care 2016, 19, 21
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004, 2012
British Medical Journal 2016
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2003, 2009, 2010
Canadian Journal of Diabetes 2017
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 2012,2015
Clinical Chemistry, 2005,6,8,13,15
Clinical Diabetes 2017,8
Diabetes Care, 1992-1997, 1998-2023
Diabetic Medicine, 2003, 21
Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews 2014-16, 20
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 2019, 20-22
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2004
Diabetologia. 2014-5,17-19, 21, 22
Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 2008
Health Research Board, Republic of Ireland, 2005, 8
JAMA 2021
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 2009
J Diabetes Research 2020
Journal of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 1992; 1995, 1996, 1998, 2002
Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 2002,2012
Journal of Pediatrics 2012
Journal of Perinatology 2013
Journal of the American Medical Association, 2007, 2021
New England Journal of Medicine, 1993, 2007,9,10,13,15,16, 22
Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1984, 1993, 1998-2000, 2002-23
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 1993-2010, 2012
Southern Medical Journal, 1998
Transfusion, 1998-9, 2002, 4,5,10
Community Service
1981-3: Volunteer Physician, Camp Komaroff, Lake Arrowhead, California
1981-4: Member, Board of Directors, Camp Komaroff
1985-7: Volunteer Physician, Flying Samaritans
1988-90: Parent Volunteer, Safe Rides, Los Alamitos, California
1992: Parent Volunteer, Los Alamitos High School D.A.N.C.E. Committee
1993-4; 1996-9: Volunteer Tutor, Carpenter Elementary School, Bellflower, California
2002: Volunteer, Kaiser Bellflower Hearts at Work
2002-3: Member, Board of Directors, Jewish Family and Children’s Service, Long Beach, California
2007: Judge, Pennecamp Elementary School Science Fair, Manhattan Beach, California
2008-Present Volunteer, Urban Community Outreach Drop-In Center, Long Beach, California
Selected Presentations
"Screening for gestational diabetes" - Thirty-First Annual T. Hart Baker Symposium, Southern California
Permanente Medical Group Los Angeles, California, April 12, 1986
"Isoimmunization in pregnancy" - Luncheon Conference, 36th Annual Clinical Meeting, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Boston, Massachusetts, May 3, 1988
"Do the current standards for glucose tolerance testing represent a valid conversion of O'Sullivan's
original criteria?" - Poster #57. Presented at the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 9th Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2, 1989
"Standards for perinatal testing" - Research and Progress Session, American Association Blood Banks
42nd Annual Clinical Meeting New Orleans, Louisiana, October 23, 1989
"The monocyte monolayer assay as a predictor of severity of erythroblastosis fetalis". Oral presentation #20. Presented at the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 10th Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, January 27, 1990
"Blood banking basics for the busy obstetrician" - Luncheon Conference, 38th Annual Clinical Meeting,
American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists, San Francisco, California, May 1, 1990
(1) “Gestational Diabetes”, (2) “Management of isoimmunization during pregnancy”, (3) “Blood transfusion”. Eighth National Kaiser Permanente Combined Obstetrics-Gynecology-Pediatrics Conference, Maui, Hawaii, August 8-19, 1990.
"Could the fasting plasma glucose be used to screen for gestational diabetes?" Poster #130. Presented at the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 11th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, February 3, 1991
"Screening for GDM: How, why and W.H.O." - Second Southern California diabetes and pregnancy affiliate conference, Orange, California, March 20, 1991
"Screening for gestational diabetes" - Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Martin Luther King/Charles R. Drew Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, October 24, 1991
"Fetal macrosomia and gestational diabetes" - 4th Annual Meeting, Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group -
West. Seattle, Washington, April 23, 1993
"Medical and legal aspects of blood transfusion in obstetrics and gynecology" - Clinical Seminar,
41st Annual Clinical Meeting, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Washington, D.C.,
May 3, 1993
(1)”Screening for Gestational Diabetes” and (2) “Macrosomia” - Districts VIII and IX American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Annual District Meeting, Monterey, California, October 15,1993
"Diabetes and Pregnancy" 4th Annual Practical Methods in Diabetes Management - American Diabetes
Association/University of California, Irvine College of Medicine. Newport Beach, California, November 12, 1993
"Toward universal criteria for gestational diabetes: the 75 gram glucose tolerance test in pregnancy" -
Oral presentation #59. Presented at the Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 14th Annual Meeting,
January 28, 1994
"Caring for the female Jehovah's Witness" - Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Harbor/UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California, February 28, 1994
"Fetal macrosomia and gestational diabetes: What's the problem?" - California Diabetes and Pregnancy Program, University of California, Irvine, California, April 21,1994
"The 75 gram glucose tolerance test in pregnancy" – 5th Annual Meeting, Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group -West. Lake Arrowhead, California, May 1, 1994
"Which are closer to O'Sullivan's original data, the NDDG criteria or the Carpenter-Coustan criteria?"
American Diabetes Association 54th annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 11, 1994.
"Diabetes and Pregnancy" 5th Annual Practical Methods in Diabetes Management. American Diabetes
Association/University of California, Irvine College of Medicine. Costa Mesa, California, November 12, 1994
"Gestational diabetes: Do we have to recreate a new diagnostic test?" Second International Symposium
on Diabetes and Pregnancy in the 90's. Jerusalem, Israel, March 20, 1995
"Let's stop screening for gestational diabetes." 6th Annual Meeting, Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group -
West. San Diego, California, May 5, 1995
"Should the same glucose values be targeted for Type I as for Type II diabetics in pregnancy?" Poster #623. Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 19th annual meeting, Anaheim, California, January 25, 1997
“Is there a glycemic threshold for perinatal complications?” American Diabetes Association 58th Scientific Sessions, Chicago, Illinois, June 14, 1998.
“Perinatal Complications- Is there a glucose threshold?” Keynote lecture, International Colloquium of the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups, Cairns, Australia, August 10, 1998.
“Update on gestational diabetes”. Fourth Annual Diabetes Symposium, Southern California Permanante Medical Group, Studio City, California, November 118-19, 1998.
“How do you describe gestational diabetes? Evidence-based medicine, maternal glucose levels and fetal outcomes” Diabetes and the Clinical Laboratory Seminar. Clinical Ligand Assay Society, Los Angeles, California, January 7, 1999.
“When is fasting really fasting? The influence of time of day, time interval after the meal, and maternal body mass on maternal glycemia in gestational diabetes” Poster #89. Presented at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 19th Annual Meeting; San Francisco, California, January 21, 1999.
“Focusing on macrosomia- Tight enough or tunnel vision?” Diabetes in Pregnancy Special Interest Group meeting, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 20th Annual Meeting; Miami Beach, Florida, February 2, 2000.
“Incorporating estimated birth weight into medical management” Innovations in Mother-Baby Care. University of California Irvine College of Medicine, Orange, California, March 23, 2000.
“Estimating fetal weight in managing macrosomia” Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, May 12, 2000.
“Preconception care for diabetic women: Preventing birth defects.” Preventing birth defects and infant mortality. March of Dimes; Dana Point, California, January 19, 2001.
“The fasting plasma glucose in early pregnancy: a screening test for gestational diabetes” Poster #184. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 21st Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, February 8, 2001.
“Selecting target glucose values for pregnant diabetics: What’s normal and is normal necessary?” Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, July 11, 2001.
(1) “Preconception care for diabetic women”, (2) “Using a single test to screen for gestational diabetes”, (3) “Selecting target glucose values for pregnant diabetics: What’s normal and is normal necessary?” Guam Diabetes Conference 2001, Tamuning, Guam, November 4-6, 2001.
“What to do with the large fetus: Diagnosis and management of fetal macrosomia”. Los Angeles Obstetrical and Gynecological Society, Los Angeles, California, January 8, 2002.
“Macrosomia in obstetrics” Second Annual March of Dimes Professional Education Conference: Preventing Birth defects and infant mortality: a collaborative approach. Long Beach, California, January 13-16, 2002.
“Induction of labor vs conservative management. 4th Annual Meeting, North American Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group. Little Rock, Arkansas, May 20, 2002
“Should we screen for gestational diabetes? Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Southern California School of Medicine, June 27, 2003.
“What proportion of birth weight is attributable to maternal glucose among infants of diabetic women?” Poster #746. 18th International Diabetes Federation Congress, Paris, France, August 26, 2003.
“Managing type 1 diabetes in pregnancy: How near normal is necessary?”, Poster #P55, 1st International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Groups Congress, El Vendrel, Spain, September 1, 2003
“Modern management of labor and delivery in diabetic pregnancy” Inaugural Ceremony and Scientific Meeting of the Rabin Diabetes Research Center, Beilinson Campus, Tel Aviv University Medical School, Petach Tikvah, Israel, March 17, 2004.
“Screening for gestational diabetes” and “Induction versus conservative management” 3rd International Symposium on Diabetes and Pregnancy, Assisi, Italy, March 27, 2004.
“Factors determining fetal growth”, “Screening for gestational diabetes”, “Basis of blood transfusion in perinatal medicine’, “Diagnosis and management of fetal macrosomia”. Congreso Internacional de Medicina y Enfermería Materno Perinatal, Cali, Colombia, September 2-4, 2004.
“The HAPO study” 40th annual meeting, the German Diabetes Association. Berlin, Germany, May 5, 2005
“Preconception care for women who have diabetes: Background, barriers, and strategies for implementation.” Grand Rounds, University of Florence Faculty of Medicine, Florence, Italy, October 13, 2006
“Weight gain in pregnancy with obesity-How much is too much: No control” American Diabetes Association 67th Scientific Sessions, Chicago, Illinois, June 24, 2007.
“What I’ve learned about what we need to learn about caring for pregnant women who have diabetes”. Norbert Freinkel lecture. American Diabetes Association 68th Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, California, June 8, 2008
“Laboratory Diagnosis of Diabetes in Pregnancy: How we got there, and where do we go from here?” American Association of Clinical Chemistry-Southern California Section meeting. Newport, California, May 6, 2009
“Preconception Care of diabetic women” Skip Martin lecture. Australian Diabetes Society-ADEA Annual Scientific Meeting. Adelaide, Australia, August 28, 2009
“Fetal macrosomia and diabetes: What it is, why it is, and what to do about it”. Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society Annual Scientific Meeting. Barossa Valley, South Australia, August 29, 2009
“GDM: New definition”. American Diabetes Association 57th Annual Postgraduate Course. San Francisco, California, February 6, 2010
“Proposed criteria to identify Gestational Diabetes: Where they came from, where they have gone so far, and where they may take us” Alaska Area Annual Diabetes Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, December 2, 2010
“Should we deliver all diabetic patients at 37-38 weeks of gestation? Pro.” Diabetes in Pregnancy Special Interest Group meeting, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 31st Annual Meeting; San Francisco, California, February 9, 2011
Debate: Should Pharmacotherapy Be Used in all Pregnancies with Suspected Diabetic Fetopathy?: No. 12th Annual Meeting of the North American Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of North America. Washington, DC, April 2, 2011
“The Priscilla White Classification System: Genesis and Current Role”. American Diabetes Association 72nd Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 9, 2012
“Toward universal criteria defining gestational diabetes: further steps.” Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group 44th Annual Meeting, Lille, France, October 20, 2012.
“Overweight, obesity, and gestational diabetes. Are they really the same entity?” Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of India, Annual Meeting. Ahmedbad, India, February 16, 2013
“Insulin analogs and metformin in GDM: Is There a Rationale?” 7th International DIP Symposium, Florence, Italy, March 15, 2013
“The use of oral anti-hyperglycemic agents vs insulin in gestational diabetes and diabetes in pregnancy” (Counterpoint). American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, May 2, 2013
“Diagnosing Gestational Diabetes: Is it Really Necessary?”
“Do We Really Need insulin Analogs for the Treatment of Diabetes in Pregnancy? The Eighth International Symposium on Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome, and Pregnancy. Berlin, Germany, April 17, 2015
Course director, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: An Opportunity to Improve. The 2015 Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, San Francisco, CA, May 2, 2015
“Gestational Diabetes and Obesity: Are They Really the Same Disease?”
“Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes”
“Life After Gestational Diabetes”
Films, Video Tapes
"The theological, medical and legal aspects of blood transfusion and the Jehovah's Witness" - Shown at
the 32nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, San Francisco,
California, May 8, 1984
A. Peer Review Journals
1- Hanson FW, Easton TH, Haslett EO and Sacks DA: Oxytocin augmentation of saline abortions.
Obstet Gynecol 1973;41:608-10.
2- Hanson FW, Haslett EO, Sacks DA: Laminaria digitata in saline abortions. Obstet Gynecol 1974;43:761-4.
3- Miller FC, Sacks DA, Yeh SY, Paul RH, Schifrin BS, Martin CB, Hon EH: Significance of meconium during labor. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1974;122:573-80.
4- Petrie RH, Wu R, Miller FC, Sacks DA, Sugarman R, Paul RH, Hon, EH: The effect of drugs on uterine activity. Obstet Gynecol 1976;48:431-5.
5- Sacks DA, Niswander KR, Easton TH: Tubo-ovarian abscess at puberty. West J Med 1977; 127:513-4.
6- Rao AKR, Zucker M, Sacks DA: Right ovarian vein thrombosis with extension to the inferior vena cava. Br J Radiol 1980;53:160-1.
7- Sacks DA, Bell KE, Schwimmer WB, Schifrin BS: Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern with intrapartum
fetal death. J Reprod Med 1980;24:171-3.
8- Sacks DA, Platt, LD, Johnson CS: Autoimmune hemolytic disease in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1981;140:942-6.
9- Sacks DA, Johnson CS: Yta isoimmunization in pregnancy. J Reprod Med 1983;23:407-9.
10- Sacks DA, Johnson CS, Platt LD: Isoimmunization in pregnancy to Gerbich antigen. Am J Perinat
11- Sacks DA, Koppes RH: Blood transfusion in Jehovah's Witnesses: Medical and legal issues in
obstetrics and gynecology. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1986;154:483-6.
12- Sacks DA, Abu-Fadil SA, Karten GJ, Forsythe AB, Hackett JR: Screening for gestational diabetes with the one-hour, 50 gram glucose test. Obstet Gynecol 1987;70:89-93.
13- Sacks DA, Abu-Fadil S, Greenspoon JS, Fotheringham: Do the current standards for glucose tolerance testing in pregnancy represent a valid conversation of O'Sullivan's original criteria?
Am J Obstet Gynecol 1989;161:638-41.
14- Sacks DA, Abu-Fadil S, Greenspoon JS, Fotheringham N: How reliable is the 50 gram one hour glucose screening test? Am J Obstet Gynecol 1989;161:642-45.
15- Sacks DA, Garratty G: Isoimmunization to Cromer antigen in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol
16- Cousins L, Baxi L, Chez R, Coustan D, Gabbe S, Harris J, Landon M., Sacks DA, Singh S. Screening recommendations for gestational diabetes mellitus. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991;165:493-6.
17- Sacks DA, Greenspoon JS, Fotheringham N: Could the fasting plasma glucose be used to screen
for gestational diabetes J Repro Med 1992;37:907-11.
18- Sacks DA: Fetal macrosomia and gestational diabetes: What's the problem? Obstet Gynecol
19- Sacks DA, Nance SJ, Garratty G, Petrucha RA, Horenstein J, Fotheringham N: The monocyte
monolayer assay as a predictor of severity of hemolytic disease of the fetus/newborn. Am J Perinatol
20- Sacks DA, Koppes RH: Caring for the female Jehovah's Witness: Balancing medicine, ethics, and
the First Amendment. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1994;170:452-5.
21- Sacks DA, Greenspoon JS, Abu-Fadil, S, Henry, HM, Wolde-Tsadik G, Yao JFF. Toward universal criteria for gestational diabetes: the 75 gram glucose tolerance test in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol
22- Sacks DA, Chen W, Greenspoon JS, Wolde-Tsadik G. Should the same glucose values be targeted for Type I as for Type II diabetics in pregnancy? Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997;177:1113-9.
23- Sacks DA, Chen W, Wolde-Tsadik G, Buchanan TA. When is fasting really fasting? The influence of time of day, interval after a meal, and maternal body mass on maternal glycemia in gestational diabetes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;181:904-11.
24- Sacks DA, Chen W. Estimating fetal weight in the management of macrosomia. Obstet Gynecol Surv 2000;55:229-39
25- Sacks DA. The utility of a single test to identify women at risk for gestational diabetes. Curr Diab Rep 2001;1:86-92
26- HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group (Sacks DA, Principal Investigator). The hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcome (HAPO) study. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2002;78:69-77.
28- Sacks DA, Chen W, Wolde-Tsadik G, Buchanan TA. Fasting plasma glucose at the first prenatal visit as a screen for gestational diabetes. Obstet Gynecol 2003;101:1197-203.
29- Hedderson MM, Ferrara A, Sacks DA. Gestational diabetes mellitus and lesser degrees of pregnancy hyperglycemia: association with increased risk of spontaneous preterm birth. Obstet Gynecol 2003;102:850-6.
30-.Sacks DA. Determinants of fetal growth. Curr Diab Rep 2004;Aug;4:281-7
31- Sacks DA, Liu AI, , Wolde-Tsadik G, Amini S, Huston-Presley L, Catalano PM. What proportion of birth weight is attributable to maternal glucose among infants of diabetic women? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006 194:501-7
32- Sacks DA. Preconception care for diabetic women: background, barriers, and strategies for effective implementation. Curr Diab Rev 2006;2:147-61.
33-Sacks, DA, Feig DS, Liu AI, Wolde-Tsadik G. Managing type 1 diabetes in pregnancy: how near normal is necessary? J Perinatol. 2006;26:458-62
34-Hedderson MM, Weiss NS, Sacks DA, Pettitt DJ, Selby JV, Quesenberry CP, Ferrara A. Pregnancy Weight Gain and Risk of Neonatal Complications: Macrosomia, Hypoglycemia, and Hyperbilirubinemia. Obstet Gynecol. 2006;108:1153-1161
35-Ferrara A, Weiss NS, Hedderson MM, Quesenberry CP Jr, Selby JV, Ergas IJ, Peng T, Escobar GJ, Pettitt DJ, Sacks DA. Pregnancy plasma glucose levels exceeding the American Diabetes Association thresholds, but below the National Diabetes Data Group thresholds for gestational diabetes mellitus, are related to the risk of neonatal macrosomia, hypoglycaemia and hyperbilirubinaemia. Diabetologia. 2006;50:298-306
36-Sacks DA. Etiology, detection, and management of fetal macrosomia in pregnancies complicated by diabetes mellitus. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2007;50:980-9.
37-Metzger BE, Buchanan TA, Coustan DR, de Leiva A, Dunger DB, Hadden DR, Hod M, Kitzmiller JL, Kjos SL, Oats JN, Pettitt DJ, Sacks DA, Zoupas C. Summary and recommendations of the Fifth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 2007; 30 (Suppl 2):S251-60
38- Lawrence JM, Contreras R, Chen W, Sacks DA. Trends in the prevalence of preexisting diabetes and gestational diabetes mellitus among a racially/ethnically diverse population of pregnant women, 1999-2005.
Diabetes Care. 2008;31:899-904
40- Sacks DA. Gestational diabetes--whom do we treat? N Engl J Med. 2009;361:1396-8.
41- Lawrence JM, Black MH, Hsu JW, Chen W, Sacks DA. Prevalence and timing of postpartum glucose testing and sustained glucose dysregulation after gestational diabetes mellitus. .Diabetes Care. 2010;33:569-76.
42-Getahun D, Strickland D, Ananth CV, Fassett MJ, Sacks DA, Kirby RS, Jacobsen SJ. Recurrence of preterm premature rupture of membranes in relation to interval between pregnancies.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010;202:570.e1-6.
43- International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Consensus Panel, Metzger BE, Gabbe SG, Persson B, Buchanan TA, Catalano PA, Damm P, Dyer AR, Leiva A, Hod M, Kitzmiler JL, Lowe LP, McIntyre HD, Oats JJ, Omori Y, Schmidt MI. International association of diabetes and pregnancy study groups recommendations on the diagnosis and classification of hyperglycemia in pregnancy. Diabetes Care. 2010 Mar;33:676-82.
44-Black MH, Sacks DA, Xiang AH, Lawrence JM. Clinical outcomes of pregnancies complicated by mild gestational diabetes differ by combinations of abnormal oral glucose tolerance test values. Diabetes Care 2010;33:2524-30
45- Schaefer-Graf U, Wendt L, Sacks D, Kilavuz O, Gaber B, Metzner S, Vetter K, Abou-Dakn M. How many sonograms are needed to reliably predict the absence of fetal overgrowth in GDM pregnancies? Diabetes Care. 2011;34:39-43.34:39-43
46- Metzger BE, Persson B, Lowe LP, Dyer AR, Cruickshank JK, Deerochanawong C, Halliday HL, Hennis AJ, Liley H, Ng PC, Coustan DR, Hadden DR, Hod M, Oats JJ, Trimble ER; HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group, Contreras M, Sacks DA, Watson W, Dooley SL, Foderaro M, Niznik C, Bjaloncik J, Catalano PM, Dierker L, Fox S, Gullion L, Johnson C, Lindsay CA, Makovos H, Saker F, Carpenter MW, Hunt J, Somers MH, Amankwah KS, Chan PC, Gherson B, Herer E, Kapur B, Kenshole A, Lawrence G, Matheson K, Mayes L, McLean K, Owen H, Cave C, Fenty G, Gibson E, McIntyre G, Rotchell YE, Spooner C, Thomas HA, Gluck J, Irwin J, Kearney O, McAnee J, McCance DR, Mousavi M, Traub AI, Derbyshire N, Dry J, Holt AC, Khan A, Khan F, Lambert C, Maresh M, Prichard F, Townson C, van Haeften TW, van de Hengel AM, Visser GH, Zwart A, Chaovarindr U, Chotigeat U, Panyasiri I, Sanguanpong P, Amichay D, Golan A, Marks K, Mazor M, Ronen J, Wiznitzer A, Chen R, Harel D, Hoter N, Melamed N, Pardo J, Witshner M, Yogev Y, Bowling F, Cowley D, Devenish-Meares P, McArdle A, McIntyre HD, Morrison B, Peacock A, Tremellen A, Tudehope D, Chan KY, Chan NY, Ip LW, Kong SL, Lee YL, Li CY, Ng KF, Rogers MS, Wang KW, Edgar M, Giles W, Gill A, Glover R, Lowe J, Mackenzie F, Siech K, Verma J, Wright A, Cao YH, Chee JJ, Koh A, Tan E, Rajadurai VJ, Wee HY, Yeo GS, Haydon B, Alexander A, Attias-Raved O, Parry AF, Collard A, Frank AS, Thomas A, Case T, Cholod P, Engelman L, Xiao M, Yang L, Burgess CI, Lappin TR, Nesbitt GS, Sheridan B, Smye M, Cutter GR, Gabbe SG, Hare JW, Wagenknecht LE, Chen Y, Claman J, King J. Hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcome study: neonatal glycemia. Pediatrics. 2010 Dec;126(6):e1545-52. Epub 2010 Nov 15
47- Catalano PM, Sacks DA. Timing of indicated late preterm and early-term birth in chronic medical complications:
Diabetes. Semin Perinatol. 2011;35:297-301
48-Xiang AH, Li BH, Black MH, Sacks DA, Buchanan TA, Jacobsen SJ, Lawrence JM. Racial and ethnic disparities in diabetes risk after gestational diabetes mellitus.Diabetologia. 2011;54:3016-21.
49-Sacks DA. The use of Pharmacotherapy in pregnancies with suspected diabetic fetopathy. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2012; 2012;25:45-9.
50-Sacks DA, Hadden DR, Maresh M, Deerochanawong C, Dyer AR, Metzger BE, Lowe LP, Coustan DR, Hod M, Oats JJ, Persson B, Trimble ER; for the HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group. Frequency of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus at Collaborating Centers Based on IADPSG Consensus Panel-Recommended Criteria: The Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study. Diabetes Care. 2012; 35:526-8
51-Black MH, Sacks DA, Xiang AH, Lawrence JM The Relative Contribution of Prepregnancy Overweight and Obesity, Gestational Weight Gain, and IADPSG-Defined Gestational Diabetes Mellitus to Fetal Overgrowth.
Diabetes Care. 2013;36:56-62
52-Sacks DA, Metzger BE. Classification of diabetes in pregnancy: time to reassess the alphabet. Obstet Gynecol. 2013 Feb;121(2 Pt 1):345-8
53-Xiang AH, Black MH, Li BH, Martinez MP, Sacks DA, Lawrence JM, Buchanan TA, Jacobsen SJ. Racial and ethnic disparities in extremes of fetal growth after gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia. 2015;58:272-81
54-Sacks DA. Which oral hypoglycaemic for gestational diabetes? BMJ. 2015 Jan 21;350:h177
55-International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) Working Group on Outcome Definitions, Feig DS, Corcoy R, Jensen DM, Kautzky-Willer A, Nolan CJ, Oats JJ, Sacks DA, Caimari F, McIntyre HD. Diabetes in pregnancy outcomes: A systematic review and proposed codification of definitions.
Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2015 Feb 7. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.2640. [Epub ahead of print]
56-Sacks DA, Black MH, Li X, Montoro MN, Lawrence JM. Adverse pregnancy outcomes using the International Association of the Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups criteria: Glycemic thresholds and associated risks. Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Jul;126:67-73
57-Hod M, Kapur A, Sacks DA, Hadar E, Agarwal M, Di Renzo GC, Roura LC, McIntyre HD, Morris JL, Divakar H. The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Initiative on gestational diabetes mellitus: A pragmatic guide for diagnosis, management, and care. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2015 Oct;131 Suppl 3:S173
58-McIntyre HD, Sacks DA, Barbour LA, Feig DS, Catalano PM, Damm P, McElduff A. Issues With the Diagnosis and Classification of Hyperglycemia in Early Pregnancy. Diabetes Care. 2016;39:53-4.
59- Black MH, Zhou H, Sacks DA, Dublin S, Lawrence JM, Harrison TN, Reynolds K.. Hypertensive disorders first identified in pregnancy increase risk for incident prehypertension and hypertension in the year after delivery.J Hypertens. 2016; 34:728-35
60- Josefson JL, Reisetter A, Scholtens DM, Price HE, Metzger BE, Langman CB; HAPO Study Cooperative Research Group. Maternal BMI Associations with Maternal and Cord Blood Vitamin D Levels in a North American Subset of Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Study Participants. PLoS One. 2016 Mar 4;11(3):e0150221
61- Waters TP, Dyer AR, Scholtens DM, Dooley SL, Herer E, Lowe LP, Oats JJ, Persson B, Sacks DA, Metzger BE, Catalano PM; HAPO Cooperative Study Research Group Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity for Women Who Would Be Added to the Diagnosis of GDM Using IADPSG Criteria: A Secondary Analysis of the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Study. Diabetes Care. 2016;39(12):2204-2210.
62- Sacks DA, Ling Grant D, Macias M, Li X, Lawrence JM. The Virtual Office Visit for Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care. 2017 Mar;40(3):e34-e35.
63- Harrison TN, Sacks DA, Parry C, Macias M, Ling Grant DS, Lawrence JM. Acceptability of Virtual Prenatal Visits for Women with Gestational Diabetes. Womens Health Issues. 2017 Jan 30. pii: S1049-3867(16)30145-1
63-Sacks, DA, Feig DS. Caring for women whose diabetes antedates pregnancy: Is there room for improvement? Diabetologia. 2018 May;61:1022-1026
64-Martin B, Sacks DA. The global burden of hyperglycemia in pregnancy-Trends from studies in the last decade. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2018 Apr 19. pii: S0168-8227(18)30490-X. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2018.04.003. [Epub ahead of print]
65-Wexler DJ, Powe CE, Barbour LA, Buchanan T, Coustan DR, Corcoy R, Damm P, Dunne F, Feig DS, Ferrara A, Harper LM, Landon MB, Meltzer SJ, Metzger BE, Roeder H, Rowan JA, Sacks DA, Simmons D, Umans JG, Catalano PM. Research Gaps in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Executive Summary of a National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Workshop. Obstet Gynecol. 2018;132:496-505
66-Lowe WL Jr, Scholtens DM, Lowe LP, Kuang A, Nodzenski M, Talbot O, Catalano PM, Linder B, Brickman WJ, Clayton P, Deerochanawong C, Hamilton J, Josefson JL, Lashley M, Lawrence JM, Lebenthal Y, Ma R, Maresh M, McCance D, Tam WH, Sacks DA, Dyer AR, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group. Association of gestational diabetes with maternal disorders of glucose metabolism and childhood adiposity. .JAMA. 2018 Sep 11;320:1005-1016.
67-Scholtens DM, Kuang A, Lowe LP, Hamilton J, Lawrence JM, Lebenthal Y, Brickman WJ, Clayton P, Ma RC, McCance D, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Linder B, Dyer AR, Lowe WL Jr, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group; HAPO Follow-Up Study Cooperative Research Group. Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study (HAPO FUS): Maternal Glycemia and Childhood Glucose Metabolism. Diabetes Care. 2019 42:381-392.
68- Lowe WL Jr, Lowe LP, Kuang A, Catalano PM, Nodzenski M, Talbot O, Tam WH, Sacks DA, McCance D, Linder B, Lebenthal Y, Lawrence JM, Lashley M, Josefson JL, Hamilton J, Deerochanawong C, Clayton P, Brickman WJ, Dyer AR, Scholtens DM, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group. Maternal glucose levels during pregnancy and childhood adiposity in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study. Diabetologia. 2019;62:598-610
69- Scholtens DM, Kuang A, Lowe LP, Hamilton J, Lawrence JM, Lebenthal Y, Brickman WJ, Clayton P, Ma RC, McCance D, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Linder B, Dyer AR, Lowe WL Jr, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group; HAPO Follow-Up Study Cooperative Research Group. Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study (HAPO FUS): Maternal Glycemia and Childhood Glucose Metabolism. Diabetes Care. 2019;42:381-392.
70- Lowe WL Jr, Lowe LP, Kuang A, Catalano PM, Nodzenski M, Talbot O, Tam WH, Sacks DA, McCance D, Linder B, Lebenthal Y, Lawrence JM, Lashley M, Josefson JL, Hamilton J, Deerochanawong C, Clayton P, Brickman WJ, Dyer AR, Scholtens DM, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group. Diabetologia. 2019 Apr;62(4):598-610.
71- Lowe WL Jr, Scholtens DM, Kuang A, Linder B, Lawrence JM, Lebenthal Y, McCance D, Hamilton J, Nodzenski M, Talbot O, Brickman WJ, Clayton P, Ma RC, Tam WH, Dyer AR, Catalano PM, Lowe LP, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group. Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study (HAPO FUS): Maternal Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Childhood Glucose Metabolism. Diabetes Care. 2019;42(3):372-380
72- Sacks DA. Comment on Cheung and Moses. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Is It Time to Reconsider the Diagnostic Criteria? Diabetes Care 2018;41:1337-1338. Diabetes Care. 2019 Jan;42(1):e11-e12.
73- Sun Y, Sheridan P, Laurent O, Li J, Sacks DA, Fischer H, Qiu Y, Jiang Y, Yim IS, Jiang LH, Molitor J, Chen JC, Benmarhnia T, Lawrence JM, Wu J. Associations between green space and preterm birth: Windows of susceptibility and interaction with air pollution.
Environ Int. 2020 Sep;142:105804. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105804. Epub 2020 Jun 5.
74- McIntyre HD, Gibbons KS, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Sacks DA, Lowe J, Madsen LR, Catalano PM. Testing for gestational diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic. An evaluation of proposed protocols for the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2020 Sep;167:108353
75-Madsen LR, Gibbons KS, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Sacks DA, Lowe J, McIntyre HD. Do variations in insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in pregnancy predict differences in obstetric and neonatal outcomes? Diabetologia. 2021;64(2):304-312
76- Andrews C, Monthé-Drèze C, Sacks DA, Ma RCW, Tam WH, McIntyre HD, Lowe J, Catalano P, Sen S. Role of maternal glucose metabolism in the association between maternal BMI and neonatal size and adiposity. Int J Obes (Lond). 2021;45(3):515-524
77-Maresh M, Lawrence JM, Scholtens DM, Kuang A, Lowe LP, Deerochanawong C, Sacks DA, Lowe WL Jr, Dyer AR, Metzger BE. J Hum Hypertens. 2021 Feb 3. doi: 10.1038/s41371-020-00468-2. Online ahead of print.
78-Josefson JL, Scholtens DM, Kuang A, Catalano PM, Lowe LP, Dyer AR, Petito LC, Lowe WL Jr, Metzger BE; HAPO Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group.
Newborn Adiposity and Cord Blood C-Peptide as Mediators of the Maternal Metabolic Environment and Childhood Adiposity. Diabetes Care. 2021;44:1194-1202
79- Bilous RW, Jacklin PB, Maresh MJ, Sacks DA. Resolving the Gestational Diabetes Diagnosis Conundrum: The Need for a Randomized Controlled Trial of Treatment.
Diabetes Care. 2021;44:858-864
80-Getahun D, Fassett MJ, Jacobsen SJ, Sacks DA, Murali SB, Peltier MR, Mulugeta W, Chiu VY, Wing DA, Coleman KJ. Perinatal outcomes after bariatric surgery.Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022;226:121.e1-121.e16.
81-Gibbons KS, Chang AMZ, Ma RCW, Tam WH, Catalano PM, Sacks DA, Lowe J, David McIntyre HD. Prediction of large-for-gestational age infants in relation to hyperglycemia in pregnancy - A comparison of statistical models. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2021;178:108975.
82-Sun Y, Li X, Benmarhnia T, Chen JC, Avila C, Sacks DA, Chiu V, Slezak J, Molitor J, Getahun D, Wu J. Exposure to air pollutant mixture and gestational diabetes mellitus in Southern California: Results from electronic health record data of a large pregnancy cohort. Environ Int. 2022 Jan;158:106888. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106888. Epub 2021 Sep 24.
83-Lowe LP, Perak AM, Kuang A, Lloyd-Jones DM, Sacks DA, Deerochanawong C, Maresh M, Ma RC, Lowe WL Jr, Metzger BE, Scholtens DM; HAPO and HAPO Follow-Up Study Cooperative Research Groups. Associations of glycemia and lipid levels in pregnancy with dyslipidemia 10-14 years later: The HAPO follow-up study. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2022 Mar;185:109790. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2022.109790. Epub 2022 Feb 19.
84-Sun Y, Li X, Benmarhnia T, Chen JC, Avila C, Sacks DA, Chiu V, Slezak J, Molitor J, Getahun D, Wu Corrigendum to "Exposure to air pollutant mixture and gestational diabetes mellitus in Southern California: Results from electronic health record data of a large pregnancy Cohort" [Environ. Int. 158 (2022) 106888]. J.Environ Int. 2022 May;163:107207.. Epub 2022 Mar 25.
85-Getahun D, Peltier MR, Lurvey LD, Shi JM, Braun D, Sacks DA, Burgos AE, Fong A, Trivedi N, Yasumura L, Reynolds K, Nguyen M, Volodarskiy M, Chiu VY, Lopez AH, Fassett MJ. Association
between SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Adverse Perinatal Outcomes in a Large Health Maintenance Organization. Am J Perinatol. 2022 Jun 23. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1749666. Online ahead of print.
86-He Y, Ma RCW, McIntyre HD, Sacks DA, Lowe J, Catalano PM, Tam WH. Comparing IADPSG and NICE Diagnostic Criteria for GDM in Predicting Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes. Diabetes Care. 2022;45(9):2046-2054
87-Xie F, Khadka N, Fassett MJ, Chiu VY, Avila CC, Shi J, Yeh M, Kawatkar A, Mensah NA, Sacks DA, Getahun D. Identification of Preterm Labor Evaluation Visits and Extraction of Cervical Length Measures from Electronic Health Records Within a Large Integrated Health Care System: Algorithm Development and Validation. JMIR Med Inform. 2022;10:e37896.
88-Mensah NA, Fassett MJ, Shi JM, Kawatkar AA, Xie F, Chiu VY, Yeh M, Avila CC, Khadka N, Sacks DA, Getahun D. Examining recent trends in spontaneous and iatrogenic preterm birth across race and ethnicity in a large managed care population. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2023;228:736.e1-736.e15.
89-Jiao A, Sun Y, Sacks DA, Avila C, Chiu V, Molitor J, Chen JC, Sanders KT, Abatzoglou JT, Slezak J, Benmarhnia T, Getahun D, Wu J. The role of extreme heat exposure on premature rupture of membranes in Southern California: A study from a large pregnancy cohort. Environ Int. 2023 Mar;173:107824. Epub 2023 Feb 13.
90-Youssefzadeh AC, Aberle LS, Gordon B, Sriprasert I, Sacks DA, Martin B, Sequeira P, Lee RH. Postpartum Glucose Tolerance Testing Among Patients With Gestational Diabetes During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic. Cureus. 2023;15:e34210
91-Molitor J, Sun Y, Rubio VG, Benmarhnia T, Chen JC, Avila C, Sacks DA, Chiu V, Slezak J, Getahun D, Wu J.Modeling spatially varying compliance effects of PM2.5 exposure reductions on gestational diabetes mellitus in southern California: Results from electronic health record data of a large pregnancy cohort. Environ Res. 2023 Aug 15;231(Pt 2):116091. Epub 2023 May 12.
92-Sun Y, Molitor J, Benmarhnia T, Avila C, Chiu V, Slezak J, Sacks DA, Chen JC, Getahun D, Wu J. Association between urban green space and postpartum depression, and the role of physical activity: a retrospective cohort study in Southern California. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2023;21:100462.
93-Jiao A, Sun Y, Avila C, Chiu V, Molitor J, Slezak J, Sacks DA, Chen JC, Benmarhnia T, Getahun D, Wu J. Maternal exposure to ambient air pollution mixture and premature rupture of membranes: Evidence from a large cohort in Southern California (2008-2018). Environ Int. 2023;177:108030. Epub 2023 Jun 11
B. Non-Peer Review Journals
1- Sacks DA, Nelson JM: Transfusion reactions. The Female Patient 1992;17:155:50.
C. Books
1-McCance DR, Maresh M, Sacks DA (eds). Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 2010.
2-Sacks, DA (ed). Diabetes & Pregnancy. A guide to a healthy pregnancy with type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes. American Diabetes Association 2011
3- McCance DR, Maresh M, Sacks DA (eds). Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 2017
D. Chapters
1- Quilligan EJ, Paul RH, Sacks DA: Results of fetal and neonatal intensive care, Chapter 31.
In: Modern Perinatal Medicine.Edited by L Gluck, Chicago, Year Book Medical Publishers, 1974,
2- Sacks DA: Blood transfusion, Chapter 20. In: Cesarean Delivery. Edited by Phelan JP and Clark SL. New York, Elsevier Science Publishing Company, 1988, pp. 298-319.
3- Sacks DA: Blood and component therapy in obstetrics. Chapter 31. In: Critical Care Obstetrics,
Second Edition. Edited by Clark SL, Phelan JP and Cotton DB. Blackwell Scientific Publications,
1991, pp. 599-632.
4- Sacks DA, Nocas AJ, Hermosillo TJ. Medical-legal aspects of blood transfusion in obstetrics and gynecology. In: Medical-legal considerations in obstetrics and gynecology. Edited by Phelan, JP. Blackwell Scientific Publications (in press).
5- Sacks DA: "Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation" PAC-LAC Prenatal and Intrapartum Guidelines for Care. Perinatal Advisory Council of Los Angeles Communities, 1995, pp. 86-93.
6- Sacks DA: "Amniotic fluid embolism" PAC-LAC Prenatal and Intrapartum Guidelines for Care.
Perinatal Advisory Council of Los Angeles Communities, 1995, pp. 358-63.
7- Sacks DA: Blood component replacement therapy. Chapter 11. In: Critical Care Obstetrics, Third Edition
Edited by Clark SL, Phelan JP and Cotton DB. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1997, pp. 191-218.
8- Sacks DA: Blood component replacement therapy. In: Critical Care Obstetrics, Fourth Edition Chapter 10 Edited by Dildy GA, Belfort MA, Saade GR, Phelan JP, Hankins GDV, Clark SL. Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2004, pp. 162-84.
9- Sacks DA: Timing and delivery of the macrosomic infant - Induction versus conservative management. In: Textbook of Diabetes and Pregnancy Chapter 31. Edited by Hod M, Jovanovic L, Di Renzo GC, De Leiva A, Langer O. Martin Dunitz 2003, pp 447-54.
10- Sacks DA: Antepartum and intrapartum obstetric care. In: Therapy for diabetes mellitus and related disorders, Fourth Edition. Edited by Lebovitz, HE. American Diabetes Association 2004, pp 37-50.
11- Sacks DA: Timing and delivery of the macrosomic infant - Induction versus conservative management. In: Textbook of Diabetes and Pregnancy Second Edition Chapte r39. Edited by Hod M, Jovanovic L, Di Renzo GC, De Leiva A, Langer O. Informa Healthcare, 2008, pp 297-303.
12- Sacks DA: Antepartum and intrapartum obstetric care. In: Therapy for diabetes mellitus and related disorders, Fifth Edition. Edited by Lebovitz, HE. American Diabetes Association 2009, pp 42-63
13- Sacks DA: Screening for gestational hyperglycemia. In: Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy. Edited by McCance DR, Maresh M, Sacks DA. Wiley-Blackwell 2010, pp 45-56.
14-King JC, Sacks DA. Nutrition and Weight Recommendations for Treating Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. In: Diabetes during and after pregnancy. Edited by Kim C , Ferrara A. Springer-Verlag 2011, pp 259-280.
15-Sacks DA: Blood component replacement therapy. In: Critical Care Obstetrics, Fifth Edition Chapter 11 Edited by Belfort MA, Saade GR, Foley MR, Phelan JP, Dildy GA. Blackwell Publishing Limited, 2010, pp165-180.
16- Sacks DA. Gestational diabetes mellitus: management. In: Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus and Related Disorders. 6th ed. Umpierrez GE, Ed. Alexandria, VA, American Diabetes Association, 2014, pp168-196.
17-Sacks DA. Overweight, obesity and gestational diabetes. In: Contemporary topics on gestational diabetes. Edited by Seshiah V. Jaypee Medical Publishers, 2015, pp25-31.
18-Sacks, DA. Screening for gestational diabetes. In: Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy, 2nd ed. Edited by McCance DR, Maresh M, Sacks DA. Wiley-Blackwell 2017, pp 49-60.
19-Wender-Ozegowska E, Sacks DA. Implications for the mother with diabetes. In: Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy. Edited by McCance DR, Maresh M, Sacks DA. Wiley-Blackwell 2017, pp 355-366..
E. Letters
1- Sacks DA: Human placental lactogen measurements. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1975;123:771.
2- Sacks DA: A650 as indicator of fetal maturity. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1980;137:518.
3- Sacks DA: Percutaneous umbilical sampling in immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
Am J Obstet Gynecol 1986;154:214-5.
4- Greenspoon JS, Morgan R, Sacks DA: Gestational Diabetes. Mayo Clin Proc 1993;68:408.
5- Sacks DA, Greenspoon JS. Déjà vu, again. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;179:1100.
6- Sacks DA. On methods and materials. Diabetes Care 2002;25:939-40.
7- Brown FM, Wyckoff J, Rowan JA, Jovanovic L, Sacks DA, Briggs GG. Metformin in pregnancy: its time has not yet come. Diabetes Care. 2006;29:485-6
8- Sacks, DA. Weekly compared with daily blood glucose monitoring in women with diet-treated gestational diabetes. Obstet Gynecol. 2009;114:1375
9- Black MH, Sacks DA, Xiang AH, Lawrence JM. Response to Comment on: Black et al. The relative contribution of prepregnancy overweight and obesity, gestational weight gain, and IADPSG-defined gestational diabetes mellitus to fetal overgrowth. Diabetes Care 2013;36:56-62. Diabetes Care. 2013 Aug;36(8):e128
F. Abstracts
1- Sacks D, Greenspoon J, Abu-Fadil S, Henry H, Walde-Tsadik G, Yao JFF. Toward universal criteria
for gestational diabetes: the 75 gram glucose tolerance test. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1994; 170:293.
2- Sacks DA, Greenspoon JS, Walde-Tsadik G, Chen W. Should the same glucose values be targeted
for Type I as for Type II diabetics in pregnancy?" Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997; 176:S177.
3- Sacks DA, Chen W, Wolde-Tsadik G, Buchanan TA, Greenspoon JS. When is fasting really fasting? The influence of time of day, time interval after the meal, and maternal body mass on maternal glycemia in gestational diabetes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1999;180:S37.
4- Sacks DA, Chen W, Wolde-Tsadik G, Buchanan TA. The fasting plasma glucose in early pregnancy: a screening test for gestational diabetes. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;184:S65.
5- Lowe LP for the HAPO Cooperative Research Group. The hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcome (HAPO) study: A work in progress. Diabetes 2002;51 (Suppl 2)A59.
6-Lawrence JM, Getahun D, Liu J, Sacks DA. Differences in associations between prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and nativity among Asian American women by subgroup, 1999-2007. Diabetes 2009;58(Suppl 1):A23
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:10/28/2023Date updated:10/28/2023