The Evolving Landscape of Cystic Fibrosis Care

PDF icon CNMC Ped Pulmonology 9.20.24.pdf

Learning objectives:

  • Describe the currently used CF treatments
  • Explain how an individual’s genetic profile can be utilized to develop a CF personalized treatment plan
  • Discuss the role of CFTR modulators in changing CF care landscape
  • Describe future therapies under development
Session date: 
09/20/2024 - 8:00am to 9:00am EDT
United States
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

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Faculty List: 
Program Director(s)

Jenny Lew, MD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Peter Mogayzel, MD, PhD, MBA

has a financial relationship (Grant Or Contract) with 4D Medical;.
has a financial relationship (Grant Or Contract) with Vertex Pharmaceuticals;.
has a financial relationship (Grant Or Contract) with Eloxx Pharmaceuticals;.
has a financial relationship (Grant Or Contract) with AstraZenca;.