Genetic Diversity of CFTR Variants Around the World
CNMC Ped Pulmonology 10.18.2024.pdf
Learning objectives:
- Describe CFTR variant distribution around the world
- Discuss implications of CFTR variant distribution on CF presentation and CFTR test selection
- Assess CFTR modulator eligibility across the globe
Session date:
10/18/2024 - 8:00am to 9:00am EDT
United States
See map: Google Maps
Add to calendar:
- 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
Faculty List:
Program Director(s)
Jenny Lew, MD
has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.
Deepa Rastogi, MD
has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.
Karen Raraigh, MGC, CGC
has a financial relationship (Consulting Fee) with Billion to One;.