Miriam Faunda, MSN, RN, CAPA
Miriam Faunda MSN, RN, CAPA is the Children's Surgery Program Manager at L.J. Murphy Inova Children's Hospital in Falls Church, Virginia. She graduated with a BSN from Messiah College and an MSN in Leadership and Health Systems Management from Drexel University. She completed Inova's 9-month Nurse Leadership residency program, and most recently completed The Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Basic Certificate in Quality and Safety. During the Covid pandemic, Miriam served as the co-manager of the Emergency Department’s Covid 19 tent. In addition, she has served as an Inova Flu Champion, providing on-campus immunization opportunities. Furthermore, she volunteered in the Covid19 Vaccination Clinic’s post-vaccination recovery room at the height of uncertainty. She has practiced nursing in various critical care departments around the country including PICU, Peds CVICU, Adult ICU, Adult CVICU, Peds ER, Adult ER, and Inova's Pediatric Surgery Center's Pre-Op, PACU, and Sedation Suite. Miriam has served as a charge nurse and as the chair of the Perianesthesia Nursing Practice Council at Inova Fairfax Hospital. She is the conceptualist and secondary author for "Validation of Assessment Tools to Assess for Sleep Disordered Breathing or Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pediatric Patients in the Peri-Anesthesia Setting,” which was chosen for a poster presentation at the American College of Surgeons Quality and Safety Conference and published in the Journal of Peri-anesthesia Nursing, 2020. She worked with the Fairfax County Health Department and the Nurse Family Partnership to create a new Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HVCoIIN) on Early Childhood Literacy, which included a care path, data collection tool, charter, and dashboard. She was selected to present an evidence-based-practice poster about a team approach to providing non-pharmacological treatment of pediatric peri-surgical anxiety at Drexel University's EBP annual symposium. She is the innovator of “A call for workarounds: Improved problem identification, staff engagement, and patient safety", which she debuted as a podium presentation at the ACS Quality and Safety Conference.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/17/2023Date updated:01/28/2025