Nov. 6-7, 2025 - 18th Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group - From Lab to Labor: Advancing Diabetes Care

Fairfax, VA US
November 6, 2025 to November 7, 2025

Program Description

The 2025 "From Lab to Labor: Advancing Diabetes Care", and will feature internationally and nationally recognized experts who play an active role in a patient’s care from before conception, through the stages of pregnancy and delivery, to her long-term wellbeing.

Live Simulation Labs - Available to All Registered Attendees!

Each registered attendee will have the opportunity to run through two separate high-fidelity endocrine obstetric emergency simulation scenarios and then debrief afterwards.

Simulation Topics:

  • Simulation #1:   Diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy due to pyelonephritis
  • Simulation #2:  Thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy

Course Format

This year we will be participating as an in-person event only. Attendees will have the opportunity to join the speakers in-person at Inova Center for Personalized Health Conference Center (ICPH).

History of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of Northern America (DPSG-NA)

DPSG-NA was founded in 1997 by a small group of Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists with a distinct interest in diabetes in pregnancy. Since its inception, the DPSG-NA meetings have become a vehicle for the dissemination of data, gathered through collaboration among basic, translational and clinical researchers and care centers.

Only through a collaborative, multi-faceted approach can we ever hope to overcome the health burden and devastation that pregnancies complicated by diabetes can bring to a family by:

  • Bringing together healthcare experts and those still in training to learn about and discuss the major and timely issues related to diabetes in pregnancy. 
  • Providing a highly interactive forum for exploring new approaches to prevention, management and treatment of diabetes in pregnancy to improve outcomes of pregnancies complicated by type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes mellitus, and other cardiometabolic health risk factors.
  •  Promoting collaboration and initiation of new research in diabetes in pregnancy.

Founders of DPSG-NA 


E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA

E. Albert Reece is an OB/GYN physician-basic scientist and former Dean of Medicine and University Executive Vice President at University of Maryland, Baltimore. He is senior scientist in the University of Maryland School of Medicine Center for Birth Defects Research where he remains involved in exploring the biomolecular mechanisms of birth defects, specifically the teratogenicity of hyperglycemia associated with unmanaged diabetes mellitus. Over the last 40 years, he and his research colleagues have identified several potential targets around which to design therapies. He remains intimately involved in DPSG-NA, engaged in conference programming and ensuring the group’s longevity.






Menachem Miodovnik (1946-2025)

Menachem Miodovnik was an enthusiastic and larger-than-life presence in maternal-fetal medicine. For nearly two decades, Miodovnik oversaw research funded by a National Institute of Child Health and Development program project grant at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center (UCMC) and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) that showed that strict preconception glucose control could reduce reproductive failure, abortion, fetal malformations and maternal and neonatal morbidity, but many resulted in increased maternal hypoglycemia. His work resulted in hundreds of peer-reviewed publications on how to improve maternal and fetal outcomes for pregnancies complicated by diabetes. In addition to research, Miodovnik was a dedicated educator and mentor, who dedicated hundreds of hours as course director and instructor in local, regional, national and international conferences, also serving on a number of leadership and organizing committees. He was a keen proponent of bringing together professionals across fields, specialties, and disciplines to discuss and promote further research to improve the health and wellbeing of pregnant individuals with diabetes as broadly defined by type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and cardiometabolic health risk factors, and their offspring. He has been recognized by the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American College of Nutrition, the National Perinatal Association, the American Association of Birth Centers, and the organization he helped found, the Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group of North America.


Oded Langer (1943-2019) 

Oded Langer was and continues to be internationally recognized for his outstanding contributions to the field of diabetes and pregnancy. He dedicated his 40-year career to promoting the translation of promising research findings into better clinical care for pregnant women and their children. His efforts to promote translational medicine include demonstrating that oral anti-hyperglycemic agents are safe and effective for managing diabetes in pregnancy; increasing our understanding the potential complications of diabetes for both mother and fetus; and helping to delineate the associations between levels of maternal hyperglycemia and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Dr. Langer contributed extensively to the literature in obstetrics, gynecology, and high-risk pregnancy through his extensive number of publications in both journals and textbooks. He was co-editor of four textbooks on diabetes and pregnancy and several journals focused on the topic. He also has served on a variety of journal editorial boards in this field. Dr. Langer was an invited presenter of the Norbert Freikel Lecture for the American Diabetes Association, named the prestigious Donnell D. Etzwiler Professorship, which is named after the late ADA president and former co-director of World Health Organization Collaborative Centers for Diabetes Education and Translation, recipient of the Andre Boivin Visiting Professorship at the Motherisk Program of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. received the Award of Research Excellence from the Society of Maternal-Fetal Medicine on multiple occasions and was repeatedly recognized as “teacher of the year” for residents’ instruction at both Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, where he previously taught and conducted research.


2023 Fairfax County Chairman Jeffrey C. McKay presented official proclamation to recognize October as Diabetes in Pregnancy Awareness Month


2023 Fairfax County Chairman Jeffrey C. McKay presented official proclamation to recognize October as Diabetes in Pregnancy Awareness Month

Target Audience

This event is intended for all healthcare professionals and biomedical researchers with a special interest in the treatment of pregnant women with diabetes, including:

  • Basic, Translational and Clinical Research Scientists
  • Diabetes Educators 
  • Endocrinologists
  • Family Practitioners
  • Fellows
  • Gynecologists
  • Internists
  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine Subspecialists
  • Midwives
  • Neonatologists
  • Nurses and Nurse Practitioners
  • Obstetricians
  • Physicians’ Assistants
  • Nutritionists
  • Residents
  • Students

Learning Objectives

  • Assess the effects of insulin dependent diabetes on long term health on the offspring
  • Compare novel therapies in the management of GDM and type 2 diabetes in pregnancy
  • Analyze the effect that technological innovations, specifically AI, have on the management of diabetes in pregnancy
  • Understand the importance of comprehensive nutritional strategies beyond carb counting in managing diabetes during pregnancy, and explore key dietary considerations to support optimal maternal and fetal health.
  • Examine the impact of social determinants of health on diabetes management and outcomes, and explore strategies to address these factors in improving care for individuals with diabetes.

Questions & Refunds

Refunds will be allowed up to seven days before the event, November 1, 2025. Refund requests need to be submitted in writing to [email protected]

If at any time you have questions, please email: [email protected]

Course summary
Course opens: 
Course expires: 
Event starts: 
11/06/2025 - 7:00am EST
Event ends: 
11/07/2025 - 5:00pm EST

From Lab to Labor: Advancing Diabetes Pregnancy Care Agenda

November 6-7, 2025 - Fairfax, Virginia


Day 1 – November 8, 2025

7:00 AM - Registration and Breakfast with Exhibitors

7:30 AM - Welcome

Speaker: Scott Sullivan, MD & Sarah Crimmins, DO

7:40 AM - Lifetime Achievement Awards Presented

8:00 AM - Keynote Address: Mitigating Diabetes Complications: Bench to Bedside Paradigm         

Speaker: E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD                

Session I: Diabetes in Pregnancy: Scripting Intergenerational Future Health

Moderator/Speaker: Jane Khoury, PhD & Christine Wey Hockett, PhD

8:15 AM - COMPASS-P: Navigating IDDM in Pregnancy Through Six Critical Phases

Speaker: TBD

8:35 AM - Through the Lens of Time: Unraveling the Long-Term Impact of Maternal IDDM on the Offspring

Speaker: Jane Khoury, PhD

8:55 AM - Developmental Origins of Metabolic Dysfunction: Long-Term Consequences of Intrauterine Exposure to Maternal Diabetes

Speaker: Katherine Bowers, PhD

9:15 AM - Temporal Mapping of Blood Glucose Levels in IDDM Pregnancies: A Statistical Approach to Evaluate Intrauterine Programming Effects

Speaker:  Ashlyn Garter, PhD Candidate

9:35 AM - Fetal Renal Programming in Diabetic Pregnancies: Tracking Kidney Outcomes from Womb to Adulthood

Speaker: Shelley Ehrlich, MD, ScD, MPH

9:55 AM - Hearts at Risk: Long-Term Cardiovascular Consequences of Fetal Exposure to Maternal Diabetes

Speaker: Shelley Ehrlich, MD, ScD, MPH

10:15 AM - Q&A

10:30 AM - Break with Exhibitors (15 min. break)

Session II: Balancing Tradition and Innovation in GDM and Type 2 Management in Pregnancy

10:45 AM - Medications in Management: Balancing Safety, Efficacy, and Patient Convenience in GDM and Type 2 DM

Speaker: Sarah Crimmins, DO

11:05 AM - Insulin as the Gold Standard: Optimizing Safety and Efficacy in GDM and Type 2 Diabetes Management

Speaker: Maisa Feghali, MD

11:25 AM - Oral Hypoglycemics: A Modern Approach to Balancing Efficacy and Patient Convenience in GDM and Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Speaker:  Anna Palatnik, MD

11:45 AM - Q&A

12:00 PM - Lunch with Exhibitors and “Ask the Expert”

Session III: Beyond the Glucose Curve: The Genetic Story of Diabetic Pregnancies

1:00 PM - Topic: Fetal Precision Medicine in Diabetic Pregnancies: Utilizing Genome Sequencing for in Utero Health Assessment

Speaker: Ron Wapner, MD

1:25 PM - From Genes to Gestation: Latest Discoveries in Diabetes and Pregnancy

Speaker: Huda Al-Kouatly, MD

1:50 PM - Q&A

Session IV: Diabetes and the Placenta: From Microscope to Maternal Health

Moderator/Speaker: Leslie Myatt, PhD and Yoel Sadovsky, MD

2:00 PM - Sexual Dimorphism in Placental Function with Maternal Obesity and GDM

Speaker: Leslie Myatt, PhD

2:25 PM - Placental O-GlcNAc Transferase: The X Factor in Gestational Diabetes

Speaker: Stephanie Olivier-Van Stichelen, PhD

2:50 PM - Small Cargo Within Nano-packages for Pregnancy Health

Speaker: Yoel Sadovsky, MD

3:00 PM - Q&A

3:15 PM - Break with Exhibitors

Session V: Breakout Sessions

Breakout A: Smart Diabetes Care: AI, Novel Therapies and Beyond

Moderator/Speaker: Barak Rosenn, MD and Ellen Murrin, MD

3:45 PM - From Steel Magnolias to Smart Tech: Revolutionizing Diabetes Care in Pregnancy

Speaker: Karl Seif, MD

4:05 PM - CGM and GDM and T2DM

Speaker: Rana Malek, MD

4:25 PM - Conversation with AI: Generative Technology as Your Diabetes Companion

Speaker: Amos Grunebaum, MD

4:45 PM - Anytime, Anywhere MFM: Transforming Diabetic Pregnancy Care Through Telemedicine

Speaker: Sina Haeri, MD

5:05 PM - Q&A

Breakout B: Cutting-Edge Imaging in the Gravida: A Visual Journey

Moderator/Speaker: Alfred Z. Abuhamad and Jacques Abramowicz

3:45 PM - Universal Early Cardiac Screening in Diabetic Pregnancy: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

Speaker: Alfred Abuhamad, MD

4:05 PM - Sonographic Strategies to Optimize the Detection of Fetal Brain Anomalies

Speaker: Siegfried Rotmensch, MD

4:25 PM - Ultrasound Insights: A Window into Diabetic Pregnancy Complications

Speaker: Jacques Abramowicz, MD

4:45 PM - Artificial Intelligence in Perinatal Diagnosis and Management of Congenital Heart Disease

Speaker: Shifa Turan, MD

5:05 PM - Q&A

5:15 PM - Reception Exhibitors and Abstract Poster Presentations

Day 2 – November 7, 2025

7:30 AM - Registration & Breakfast with Exhibitors

8:00 AM - Welcome to Day Two

8:05 AM - Keynote Address: NIDDK Diabetes in Pregnancy: Aligning Investigator Goals with Organizational Priorities

Speaker: Griffin Rodgers, MD

Session VI:  Diabetes and Pregnancy: NIH Priorities and Funding Opportunities

8:40 AM - Moderator/Speakers: E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD

8:50 AM - Griffin P Rodgers, MD

9:15 AM - Janine Austin Clayton, MD

9:40 AM  - Denise Bonds, MD

10:05 AM - Q&A

10:20 AM - Break with Exhibitors

Session VII:  Beyond Carb Counting: Unlocking Optimal Nutrition in Diabetic Pregnancy

10:30 AM - Moderator/Speakers: Andrew Bremer, MD and Patrick Catalano, MD

10:35 AM - Redefining Diabetes Nutrition in Pregnancy: Beyond the 2000-Calorie Myth

Speaker: Patrick Catalano, MD

10:45 AM - Optimizing Nutrition for Mom and Baby: Implications for the Pregnancy and Beyond 

Speaker: Andrew Bremer, MD

10:55 AM - Eating for Two with Diabetes in Pregnancy: Modern Dietary Strategies- New Guidelines for Optimal Health

Speaker: Amy Valent, DO

11:15 AM - From Restriction to Balance: Challenging Traditional Diets for Diabetes in Pregnancy Re-examining Carbohydrate Requirements

Speaker: Terry Hernandez, PhD

11:35 AM - Ultra-Processed Food Intake and Risk for Gestational Diabetes

Speaker: Jagteshwar Grewal, PhD

11:55 AM - Nourishing the Next Generation: Maternal Diabetes and its Impact on Breastfeeding – Optimal Weaning Time – Lessons from Cross-Species Studies

Speaker: Francis Mimouni, MD

12:15 PM - Q&A

12:30 PM - Lunch with Exhibitors

Session VIII: Shaping Tomorrow's Care: Early Career Investigators at the Frontier of Diabetes in Pregnancy Research

Moderators/Speakers: Monika Longo, MD and Jean Lawrence, ScD, MPH

1:25 PM - ETCHED Cohort: Maternal/Fetal Epigenetics Diabetes and Obesity

Speaker: Sourav Roy Choudhury, PhD

1:45 PM - Islet Cell Dynamics in Gestational Diabetes: From Pregnancy to Postpartum

Speaker: Aoife Maria Egan, MD, PhD

2:05 PM - Maternal Hyperglycemia and Cardiac Development: Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Insights

Speaker: Javier Contreras

2:25 PM - Intensive Glycemic Targets in Overweight and Obese Women with Pregestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Multicenter Randomized Trial  

Speaker: Ashley Battarbee, MD

2:45 PM - Q&A

3:00 PM - Break

Session IX: Breakout Sessions

Breakout A: Simulation (Pre-registration is Required)

Moderator/Speakers: Shad Derring and Antonio Saad, MD


Faculty Planner


Max participants

DKA in pregnancy

Shad Derring, MD

Inova Fairfax Hospital


Thyroid Storm

Shad Derring, MD

Inova Fairfax Hospital



Breakout B: Social Determinants of Health and Diabetes

3:15 PM - Moderator/Speaker: Christine Field, MD

3:30 PM - Cultural Awareness and Grounded Diabetes Care for Latina Individuals     

Speaker: Sandy Ramos, MD

3:50 PM - Group Prenatal Care in Minoritized Individual Living with Diabetes

Speaker: Ebony B. Carter, MD

4:10 PM - Pregnancy Inflammation and Diabetes: Insights from ETCHED Study

Speaker: Madhumita Sinha, PhD

4:30 PM - Upstream Interventions: Preventing T2DM Disparities After GDM

Speaker: Teresa Janevic, PhD

4:50 PM - Closing Remarks

Speakers: Scott Sullivan, MD and Antonio Saad, MD

Inova Center for Personalized Health Conference Center (ICPH)
8100 Innovation Park Drive
Fairfax, VA 22301
United States


Parking is complimentary at the Inova Center for Personalized Health Conference Center (ICPH) . Use surface any surface lots. Use Entrance 3 under the pedestrian bridge to enter the Conference Center and take stairs or elevator to level 2. 


Airports and Ground Transportation

Inova Center for Personalized Health Conference Center (ICPH)  is centrally located between Washington Dulles Airport (IAD) and Reagan Airports (DCA).  Union Station (in Washington, DC) is located about 30-40 minutes from the campus.  Both airports along with Union Station offer onsite ground transportation to Fairfax, VA which is about a 30–40-minute drive.  Uber or Lyft are also reliable ground transportation options in the DC metro area.


Below are the two hotels that are located closest to the Inova Center for Personalized Health Conference Center (ICPH) and offer us discounted rates.

8296 Glass Alley, Fairfax, VA 22031

Phone: 571-327-2277

Inova/corporate rate code: 8296INOVA


3111 Fairview Park Dr, Falls Church, VA 22042

(703) 849-9400

    Program Director

    • Sarah D. Crimmins, DO
    • Shad Deering, MD
    • Audrey Huang, MD
    • Menachem Miodovnik, MD
    • E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA
    • Antonio Saad, MD
    • Karl Seif, MD
    • Scott Sullivan, MD


    Speaker Disclosure Statement:

    Inova Health System’s Office of Continuing Medical Education adheres to ACCME’s Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education. Any individuals in a position to control the content of a CME activity, including faculty, program directors, and planners are required to disclose all relevant financial relationships with ineligible entities as defined by ACCME.  All relevant financial relationships listed for these individuals have been mitigated.  

    Inova CME Accreditation

    The Medical Society of Virginia is a member of the Southern States CME Collaborative, an ACCME Recognized Accreditor. Inova Health System Office of Continuing Medical Education is accredited by the Southern States CME Collaborative to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

    Credit Designation

    The Inova Office of Continuing Medical Education designates this live educational activity for a maximum of 16 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s) ™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Physicians may claim up to 16 credits in Type 1 CME on the Virginia Board of Medicine Continued Competency and Assessment Form required for renewal of an active medical license in Virginia.

    ABS CC Statement

    Successful completion of this CME activity enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME requirement(s) of the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit.

    Nurse Credentialing FAQs 

    For the purpose of recertification, the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ issued by organizations accredited by the ACCME.  For more information visit,


    General In-Person:

    • 6' undraped display table with two chairs
    • Full access to conference sessions and meals for two exhibit representatives
    • Verbal and name recognition the day of the conference with signage, podium mention and on screen during the conference
    • Company name recognition on:
      • Marketing emails
      • Introduction slides, break slides, and closing slides
      • Post-event follow-up attendee email
      • Exhibitor page on event website
    • Post attendee registration list (for those that opt in)

    Premium In-Person:


    • Prime table location, including a 6' undraped display table with three chairs
    • Full access to conference sessions and meals for three exhibit representatives
    • Verbal and name recognition the day of the conference with signage, podium mention and on screen during the conference
    • Company name recognition on:
      • Marketing emails
      • Introduction slides, break slides, and closing slides
      • Post-event follow-up attendee email
      • Exhibitor page on event website
    • Post attendee registration list (for those that opt in)
    • Highlighted Website Listing:
      • Your company’s sales contact information will be prominently displayed on the event website. This listing will feature, company name & sales contact person email address

    Catering Sponsor Add-ons (Optional): Includes company name on buffet table signage

    • Breakfast per day: $1,000
    • Lunch per day: $1,500
    • One Day's Break: $500

    Ready to Register as an Exhibitor?  CLICK HERE to be directed to the exhibitor registration site!


    Questions? Email Christina Fontana for more information.


    Please login or register to take this course.

    Evaluation and Credit Claiming Information:

    In order to view all the event information, please sign in or create an account. 


    Refunds will be allowed up a to week before the event, November 1, 2025. Refund requests need to be submitted in writing to [email protected]