Anniette Maldonado, MSEd, BCBA
Anniette (Annie) Maldonado is a native of Puerto Rico and a PhD candidate in the School Psychology program at the University of Utah. She is currently completing her psychology internship at Children’s National Hospital. Prior to her doctoral training, Annie obtained her master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Special Education and Psychology from Florida International University. She has previously served as a special education teacher for neurodiverse students and as a board certified behavior analyst supporting feeding within an interdisciplinary team. Annie’s research and clinical interests include equity of accessibility for historically marginalized communities, cultural and linguistic adaptations to evidence-based practices, caregiver mental health, caregiver-mediated behavioral interventions; and values-based interventions. Annie will remain at Children’s National Hospital next year as a Perinatal and Infant Mental Health postdoctoral fellow where her training will have an emphasis in addressing Latina mental health.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:05/17/2024Date updated:05/17/2024