Brieanne Kohrt, PhD
I am a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in perinatal mental health, complex trauma, and cultural adaptation of assessments and interventions. I am a perinatal psychologist with the Developing Brain Institute (DBI) at the Children’s National Medical Center, where I provide diagnostic evaluations, individual therapy, and group therapy, to perinatal women demonstrating psychological distress. I utilize evidence-based approaches derived from interpersonal therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy. I am bilingual (English/Spanish) and passionate about reducing barriers to mental health care for Limited English Proficient (LEP) communities, as well as improving training and support for Spanish-speaking trainees and mental health clinicians. My research focuses on mental health capacity-building for low-resource settings in Latin America and increasing access to mental health services for immigrant populations in the U.S., with a focus on the use of task-sharing models to address gaps in perinatal and maternal mental health. My research utilizes ethnographic and mixed methodology research to understand what mental illness and mental wellness looks like in different communities, as well as on developing training and intervention models for non-specialist health workers. I currently am a perinatal mental health coordinator for the University of Colorado’s Center for Global Health project in Coatepeque, Guatemala, and the director of PASEO Salud Mental, an organization dedicated to increasing the mental health workforce that can provide services in Spanish.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:01/03/2024Date updated:01/03/2024