1 Start 2 Complete Please identify your profession * Physician Advanced Practice Provider Nurse Pharamcist Other How did you hear about this conference? * Did this program meet the following learning objectives? Click all that apply. * 1| Identify and increase awareness around healthcare disparities related to race, socioeconomic status, and intersecting identities. 2| Extrapolate the potential impact of practicing cultural humility to create brave spaces for patients. 3| Assess the affects of addressing upstream social drivers of health on patient outcomes. LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE 3 Now that you have returned to your practice, have you incorporated changes in any of the following areas? Check all that apply and provide specific examples. * Create/revise protocols, policies, and/or procedures Change the management and/or treatment of my patients This activity validated my current practice Examples: Now that you have returned to your practice, have you incorporated changes in any of the following areas? Check all that apply and provide specific examples. Examples: Please indicate any barriers you encountered in implementing changes. Check all that apply. * Cost Lack of experience Lack of opportunity (patients) Lack of resources (equipment) Lack of administrative support Lack of time to assess/counsel patients Reimbursement/insurance issues Patient compliance issues Lack of consensus or professional guidelines No barriers Other... Please indicate any barriers you encountered in implementing changes. Check all that apply. Other... Overall, how would you rate the conference? * Excellant Very Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory What did you like most about this conference? * What did you like least about this conference? * Leave this field blank