Stephen Clement

Updated 3/08/2023
3300 Gallows Rd. Falls Church, VA 22042
PHONE: (703) 597-1401 (cell)
EDUCATION (Date Completed):
June 1979 BS, Biochemistry with Honors, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
May 1983 M.D., University of South Alabama College of Medicine
June 1984 Internship, Internal Medicine Tulane Affiliated Hospitals, New Orleans, LA.
June 1985 Endocrinology Research Fellowship Tulane Medical School (Sponsor: David Coy, Ph.D.)
June 1987 Residency, Internal Medicine, Tulane Affiliated Hospitals
June 1988 Fellowship, Joslin Diabetes Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
CURRENT POSITION (as of Jan 1, 2022):
Director of Academics and Research, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medicine Service Line
July 1988- Dec 1996 Chief, Diabetes Clinic, Endocrine-Metabolic Service Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Jan. 1997- Aug. 2011 Director, Georgetown Diabetes Center, Division of Endocrinology, Georgetown University Hospital
June 2004– June 2008 Acting Chief, Division of Endocrinology, Georgetown University Hospital
Aug. 2011 – Dec 2013 Regional Director for Medical Affairs, U.S. Diabetes & Obesity, Merck and Co
Jan 2014 - Dec 2021 Director of Endocrine Service, INOVA Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church, VA
1997-2012 Associate Professor of Medicine, Clinician Scholar Tract, Georgetown University
2021-present Adjunct Associate Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Georgetown University
2020-present Associate Professor of Medical Education, University of Virginia
1987 American Board of Internal Medicine, Certificate number: 117772
1989 American Board of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Certificate number 117772
Washington, DC #MD18068 (inactive)
Virginia #0101055901 (active)
- M. Levy, Y. Tal, and S. Clement. A discontinuous energy-density functional. J Chem Phys 77:3140-3147, 1982
- S. Clement, W. Duncan, L. Coffey, K. Dean, N. Kinum. Screening for diabetes mellitus. Ann Intern Med 110:572, 1989
- M. Kussman, S. Clement. Change in army policy. Letter to Editor, Diabetes Care 13:903, 1990
- H. Burch, S. Clement, M. Sokol, F. Landry. Reactive hypoglycemic coma due to insulin autoimmune syndrome: A case Report and Literature Review. Am J Med 92:681-685, 1992
- S. Clement, N. Gay. A better method for demonstrating the relationship between factors affecting glycemic control. Diabetes Educator 18:243-246, 1992
- C. Chapman, S. Blaydon, S. Clement, et al. The utility of routine ophthalmologic examination in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus. (Letter) Diabetes Care 16:1413-14, 1993
- W. Duncan, N. Linville, S. Clement. Assessing risk factors when screening for diabetes. (Letter) Diabetes Care 16:1403-04, 1993
- S. Clement. Scorecard Medicine: Measuring process and outcome (Letter) Ann Intern Med 120:971-71, 1994
- S. Clement. Diabetes Self-Management Education (Technical Review). Diabetes Care 18:1204-1212, 1995
- S. Clement Intensive Insulin Therapy of Diabetes. In: Current Review of Diabetes, Taylor SI, ed. Current Medicine, Inc, Philadelphia, 1999
- Koch CA, Azumi N, Furlong MA, Jha RC, Kehoe TE,Trowbridge CH, Odorisio TM, Chrousos GP, Clement S. Carcinoid Sydrome Caused by Atypical Carcinoid of the Uterine Cervix. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 84:4209-4213, 1999
- Clement S. Perioperative Glycemic Control Clinical Diabetes 18:44-45, 2000
- Koch CA, Picken C, Clement SC, Azumi N, Sarlis NJ. Ectopic lingual thyroid: an otolaryngologic emergency beyond childhood. Thyroid 10:511-514, 2000
- S Clement, H Bowen-Wright. Twenty-Four hour action of insulin glargine (Lantus) may be too short for once-daily dosing: a care report. Diabetes Care 25:1479-80, 2002
- S Clement, J Still, G Kosutic, R McAllister. Oral insulin product hexyl-insulin monoconjugate 2 (HIM2) in type 1 diabetes mellitus: the glucose stabilization effects of HIM2. Diabetes Tech Theraputics 4:459-466, 2002
- S Clement, B. Cockerill, E. Smith. The need to integrate diabetes education and treatment. Hormone and Metabolic Research 35:333, 2003
- S Clement, P. Dandona, J Still, G Kosutic. Oral modified insulin (HIM2) in patients with type 1 diabetes: Results from phase I/II clinical trial. Metabolism 53:54-58, 2004
- American Diabetes Association (S. Clement, Panel member). Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and obesity and diabetes. Diabetes Care 27:596-601, 2004
- American College of Endocrinology (S. Clement, writing committee). Position Statement on Inpatient Diabetes and Metabolic Control. Endocrine Practice 10:77-82, 2004
- S Clement, S. Braithwaite, M. Magee, Ahmann, A, Smith, E, Schafer, R, Hirsch, I. Technical Review: Management of diabetes and hyperglycemia in hospitals. Diabetes Care 27:553-91, 2004
- M Magee, S Clement: Subcutaneous insulin therapy in the hospital setting: Issues, concerns, and implementation. Endocrine Practice 10 (suppl 2): 81-88, 2004
- S Clement: Guidelines for Glycemic Control. Clinical Cornerstone 6:31-39, 2004
- K Smith, Levine B, Clement S, Hu M, Alaoui A, Mun S. Impact of MyCareTeam for Poorly Controlled Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Tech Ther 6:828-35, 2004
- Rosenstock J, Zinman B, Murphy LJ, Clement SC et al. Inhaled insulin improves glycemic control when substituted for or added to oral combination therapy in type 2 diabetes. Annals Int Med 143:549-558, 2005
- Khokhar O,Gange C, Clement S, Lewis J. Autoimmune Hepatitis and Thyroiditis Associated with Rifampin and Pyrazinamide Prophylaxis: An Unusual Reaction. Dig Dis Sci 50:207-211, 2005
- Clement S. Better glycemic control in the hospital: beneficial and feasible. Cleveland Clin J Med 74:111-120, 2007
- Siegel AJ, Verbalis JG, Clement S, Mendelson JH, Mello NK, Adner M, et al. Hyponatremia in marathon runners due to inappropriate arginine vasopressin secretion. Am J Med 120:461.e11-461.e17, 2007
- Braithwaite SS, Clement S. Algorithms for Intravenous Insulin Delivery. Current Diabetes Reviews 4:258-268, 2008
- Clement S. What are the best options for controlling prandial glycemia? Current Diabetes Reports 9:355-59, 2009
- DeFronzo R, Banerji M, Bray G, Buchanan T, Clement S, Henry R, Kitabchi A, Mudaliar S, Musi N, Ratner R, Reaven P, Schwenke D, Stentz F, Tripathy D. Actos now for the prevention of diabetes (ACT NOW) study. BMC Endocrine Disorders 9:17, 2009
- DeFronzo R, Banerji M, Bray G, Buchanan T, Clement S, Henry R, Kitabchi A, Mudaliar S, Musi N, Ratner R, Reaven P, Schwenke D, Stentz F, Tripathy D. Determinants of glucose tolerance in impaired glucose at baseline in the Actos Now for Prevention of Diabetes (ACT NOW) study. Diabetologia 53:435-445, 2010
- DeFronzo R, Tripathy D, Schwenke D, Banerji M, Bray G, Buchanan T, Clement S, Henry R, Hodis H, Kitabchi A, Mack W, Mudaliar S, Ratner R, Stentz F, Musi N, Reaven P. Pioglitazone for Diabetes Prevention in Impaired Glucose tolerance. New England Journal of Medicine 364:1101-15, 2011
- Godfrey KJ, Mathew B, Bulman JC, Shah O, Clement S, Gallicano G. Stem Cell Based Treatments for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Bone Marrow, Embryonic, Hepatic, Pancreatic, and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Diabetic Medicine 29:14-23, 2012
- Bray GA1, Smith SR, Banerji MA, Tripathy D, Clement SC, Buchanan TA, Henry RR, Kitabchi AE, Mudaliar S, Musi N, Ratner RE, Schwenke DC, Stentz FB, Reaven PD, DeFronzo RA: Effect of pioglitazone on body composition and bone density in subjects with prediabetes in the ACT NOW trial. Diabetes Obes Metab. 15:931-7, 2013
- Defronzo RA, Tripathy D, Schwenke DC, Banerji M, Bray GA, Buchanan TA, Clement SC, Henry RR, Kitabchi AE, Mudaliar S, Ratner RE, Stentz FB, Musi N, Reaven PD, Gastaldelli A: Prediction of Diabetes Based on Baseline Metabolic Characteristics in Individuals at High Risk. Diabetes Care 36:3607-12, 2013
- Defronzo RA1, Tripathy D, Schwenke DC, Banerji M, Bray GA, Buchanan TA, Clement SC, Gastaldelli A, Henry RR, Kitabchi AE, Mudaliar S, Ratner RE, Stentz FB, Musi N, Reaven PD: Prevention of diabetes with pioglitazone in ACT NOW: physiologic correlates. Diabetes 62:3920-6, 2013
- Tripathy D, Clement SC, Schwenke DC, Banerji M, Bray GA, Buchanan TA, Gastaldelli A, Henry RR, Kitabchi AE, Mudaliar S, Ratner RE, Stentz FB, Musi N, Reaven PD, DeFronzo RA: Baseline adiponectin levels do not influence the response to pioglitazone in ACT NOW. Diabetes Care 37:1706-11, 2014
- Younossi ZM, Stepanova M, Saab S, Kalwaney S, Clement S, Henry L, Frost S, Hunt S. The impact of type 2 diabetes and obesity on the long-term outcomes of more than 85,000 liver transplant recipients in the US. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 40:686-94, 2014
- Tripathy D, Cobb J, Gall W, Klaus-Peter A, George T, Schwenke D, Banerje M, Bray G, Buchanan T, Clement S, Henry R, Kitabchi A, Mudaliar S, Ratner R, Stents F, Reaven P, Musi N, Ferrannini E, DeFronzo. A novel insulin resistance index to monitor changes in insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance: The ACT NOW Study. J Clin Endo Metabolism 100: 1855–1862, 2015
- Clement S. Upcoming trends for inpatient diabetes management. Diabetes Tech Ther 18:1-3, 2016
- Tripathy D, Schwenke D, D, Banerje M, Bray G, Buchanan T, Clement S, Henry R, Kitabchi A, Mudaliar S, Ratner R, Stents F, Reaven P, Musi N, and DeFronzo R. Diabetes incidence and glucose tolerance after termination of pioglitazone therapy: Results of ACT NOW. J Clin Endo Metabolism 101:2056-62, 2016
- Koenig A, Stepanova M, Felix S, Kalwaney S, Clement S, Younossi ZM. Vaccination against hepatitis A and B in patients with chronic liver disease and type 2 diabetes: has anything changed? Liver Int. 36(8):1096-100, 2016
- Stepanova M, Clement S, Wong R, Saab S, Ahmed A, Younossi ZM. Patients With Diabetes and Chronic Liver Disease Are at Increased Risk for Overall Mortality: A Population Study From the United States. Clin Diabetes. 35(2):79-83, 2017
- King C, Clement S, Katugaha S, Brown A. Fungal thyroiditis in a lung transplant recipient. BMJ Case Rep Oct 16, 2018
- Clement S, Medical Management of the Diabetic Patient. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 36(3):349-354, 2019
- Clement KC, Alejo D, DiNatale J, Whitman GJR, Matthew TL, Clement SC, Lawton JS. Increased glucose variability is associated with atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass. J Card Surg 34(7):549-554, 2019
- Younossi ZM, Corey KE, Alkhouri N, Noureddin M, Jacobson I, Lam B, Clement S, Basu R, Gordon SC, Ravendhra N, Puri P, Rinella M, Scudera P, Singal AK, Henry L; US Members of the Global Nash Council. Clinical assessment for high-risk patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in primary care and diabetology practices. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 52(3):513-526, 2020
- M. Levy. S.C. Clement, and Y. Tal. Correlation Energies from Hartree-Fock Electrostatic Potentials from Zero-Order and Asymptotic Information, pp. 29-50, in Chemical Applications of Atomic and Molecular Electrostatic Potentials. Ed. by P.Politzer and D. G. Truhlar, Plenum, New York, 1980.
- S. Clement. Diabetes Mellitus, pp. 1-12, in Endocrine Secrets Ed. by M. McDermott, Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 1994.
- S. Clement, J. Torrens. Acute Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, pp. 13-19, in Endocrine Secrets. Ed. by M. McDermott, Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 1994.
- S. Clement. Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, pp. 20-28, in Endocrine Secrets. Ed. by M. McDermott, Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 1994.
- S. Clement. Tight for 2's: Is tight glucose control for me? Diabetes Forecast 51:50-53, 1998
- S. Clement. What is the Best Treatment for Type 2? Diabetes Forecast 52:69-71, 1999
- S. Clement, M. McDermott. Acute Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, in Endocrine Secrets. Ed. by M. McDermott, Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 2001.
- S Clement McDermott, Chronic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, in Endocrine Secrets. Ed. by M. McDermott, Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 2001.
- S. Clement Spring Cleaning Diabetes Style. Diabetes Forecast 56:70-72, 2003
- S. Clement Lactic Acidosis, in Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus and Related Disorders. American Diabetes Association, 2004
- S. Clement. Diabetes Mellitus, pp. 1-12, in Endocrine Secrets Ed. by M. McDermott, Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 2001.
- Zobair M Younossi, Maria Stepanova, Sammy Saab, Kelly Hoyle, Rebecca Cable, Alita Mishra, Stephen C. Clement, Sharon Hunt. AASLD : Patients with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis are at High Risk of Developing Post-Transplant Diabetes. AASLD POSTER; 2014.
- Patrick Austin, Kerry Dhakal, Lynn Gerber, Patricia Tran, Stephen C. Clement, Zobair M Younossi. ACG: Research Measurements of Insulin Resistance in Liver Disease: A Scoping Review. ACG POSTER; 2015.
- Zobair M Younossi, Maria Stepanova, Stephen C. Clement, Sean C. Felix, Irfan Ali, Shirley Kalwaney, Aybike Birerdinc, Tasneem Shaikh, Keanu Lee, Manirath Srishord. DDW: Low Rates of Vaccination against Hepatitis B in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease and Type 2 Diabetes. DDW POSTER; 2015.
- Stephen C. Clement, Maria Stepanova, Robert John Wong, Sammy Saab, Aijaz Ahmed, Zobair M Younossi. DDW: Presence of Diabetes and Chronic Liver Disease is Associated with an Increased Risk for Overall Mortality: A Population Study from the United States. DDW POSTER OF DISTINCTION; 2015.
- Pegah Golabi, Omer Shahab, Maria Stepanova, Mehmet Sayiner, Stephen C. Clement, Zobair M Younossi. AASLD: Long-Term Outcomes of Diabetic Patients with Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). AASLD POSTER; 2017.
- Tannock LR, Boelaert K, Carranza Leon BG, Clement S, Dahir KM, Donner TW, Freel M, Hu M, Irwig MS, Jonklaas J, Magill SB, Reddy D, Salvatori R, Subramanian S, Vaidya A, Welt C. ESAP 2018: Endocrine Self-Assessment Program. Washington, DC: Endocrine Society; 2018.
- Tannock LR, Boelaert K, Carranza Leon BG, Chang AY, Clement S, Diab DL, Freel M, Irwig MS, Jonklaas J, Magill SB, Reddy D, Salvatori R, Sidhaye A, Subramanian S, Vaidya A, Weber TJ. ESAP 2019: Endocrine Self-Assessment Program. Washington, DC: Endocrine Society; 2019.
- Tannock LR, Carranza Leon BG, Chang AY, Clement S, Diab DL, Esfandiari NH, Grossmann M, Gurnell M, Jonklaas J, Magill SB, Reddy D, Salvatori R, Sidhaye A, Subramanian S, Vaidya A, Weber TJ. ESAP 2020: Endocrine Self-Assessment Program. Washington, DC: Endocrine Society; 2020.
Research Experience (Principal Investigator 2020-present):
1. Euglycemic Ketoacidosis Associated with SGLT-2 Inhibitors and COVID-19 Virus Infection
2. Perceptions of the NDPP amongst Postpartum Mothers’ with previous GDM and providers experienced with GDM: Focus Group
4. GOCAP Insulin Pen Device to enhance adherence
5. Impact of the One Drop Glucose Management System on Anti-Diabetic Medication Persistence and Adherence: A Prospective Observational Study
6. Phase III trial of GLP-1 receptor agonist vs placebo in patients with biopsy proven NASH. Principal Investigator
7. Novo-Nordisc: NN9931-4553 ESSENCE Study. Research Study on Whether Semaglutide Works in People With Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
8. Inventiva: 337HNAS20011: A Phase 3 Study Evaluating Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Lanifibranor in Adult Patients With (NASH) and Fibrosis 2 (F2)/Fibrosis 3 (F3) Stage of Liver Fibrosis
1984 Best Intern, Touro Infirmary, New Orleans
1986 Best Second-Year Resident, Tulane Affiliated Hospitals
1999 Outstanding Physician Clinician in Diabetes, American Diabetes Association, Mid-Atlantic Region
2003-05 Named “Top Doctor” by Washingtonian Magazine
2011 Listed in “Best Doctors in America” by US News and World Report
2014 Inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society as outstanding alumnus
2016 Attending of the Year, Department of Medicine Subspecialty Faculty, Inova Fairfax Medical Campus.
2023 Named “Top Doctor” in Endocrinology by Northern Virginia Magazine
US Patent 7,756,722 Co-Inventor: Clinical management system from chronic illness using telecommunication. Patent held by Georgetown University.
US Patent 9,783,276B2 Inventor: Sailing Furler and Method. Granted October 2017
1983-1997 U.S. Army, Medical Corps. Honorable Discharge, January 1997. Highest Rank: LTC
American Diabetes Association
Endocrine Society
1991-1993 Member, Education Program Recognition Committee, American Diabetes Association
1997-1999 Member, Scientific and Medical Advisory Group, Professional Section Steering Committee, American Diabetes Association
1997-1999 Member, Professional Practice Committee, American Diabetes Association
1998-2001 Member, Board of Directors, American Diabetes Association
1998-2004 Member, Item Review Committee, National Certification Board of Diabetes Educators (NCBDE)
2001-03 Member, Nominations Committee, American Diabetes Association
2004-06 Member Scientific Sessions Planning Committee, American Diabetes Association
2006-08 Course Director, Postgraduate Meeting, American Diabetes Association
2011-13 Corporate Liaison Boards, ADA, AACE, Endocrine Society
2018-20 Writing Committee, Endocrine Self-Assessment Program, Endocrine Society
1992-1998 Board of Directors, American Diabetes Association, Washington DC Area Affiliate
1993-1994 Vice President, American Diabetes Association, Washington DC Area Affiliate
1999-2000 President, American Diabetes Association, Mid-Atlantic Region
Reviewer, American Journal of Medicine, Diabetes Care, American Journal of Family Medicine, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
1997-2002 Food and Drug Administration, Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology Devices Panel, CDRH, Standing Advisory Committee Member
2002-2004 Chair, Food and Drug Administration, Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology Devices Panel, CDRH
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Advanced Trauma Life Support
Certified Diabetes Educator (initial certification, 1989)
Clinical Endocrinology, Diabetes, Medical Student and Graduate Medical Education
- January 31, 2006. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists: Moderated session “Hyperglycemia in the Hospital.”
- April 7, 2006. American College of Physcians, “Optimal Management of the Diabetic Patient”
- May 3-4, 2006 Society of Hospital Medicine: “Management of Hyperglycemia and Diabetes in the Hospital”
- June 9-13, 2006 American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions. Developed and moderated the following symposia:
- “Type 2 Diabetes: Where do we go from here? Assessing Multi-drug approaches.”
- “Tools for Managing Patients with Difficult Clinical Challenges.”
- “New Approaches to Glucose Sensing”
- “The Changing Face of Diabetes Care Delivery”
- “Clinical CVD and Experimental Models”
- June 24, 2006 Endocrine Society Satellite Symposia: “Hyperglycemia in the Hospital.”
- June 2007, American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions Symposia Presentation: “Use of Insulin in the ICU: Who should be Treated?”
- May 2008, American College of Physicians, “Diabetes and Hospitalization:
The Evidence for New Inpatient Goals.” - June 27, 2010, American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions Symposia Presentation: “Challenges in Implementing Insulin Therapy in the General Ward”
- June 2011, Endocrine Society: "Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of the Adult"
1990-1994 Pfizer Pharmaceuticals: $200,000, Phase III clinical studies for the oral sulfonylurea Glipizide GITS. Two separate trials, both completed.
1995 Pfizer Visiting Professorship Program in Diabetes Management: $6,000
1999 Pfizer, Phase III clinical trials for inhaled insulin in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, $200,000
1999-03 Nobex, Inc, Phase II clinical trials on the safety and efficacy of oral insulin HIM2 in the treatment of type1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (4 studies), $500,000
2004-06 Sanofi-Aventis, Origin Study, $500,000
2004-07 Takeda, Act Now Study, $500,000
2009-12 Origin Extension Study $200,000
2010-12 Comparison of a new transdermal sensing device to the standard laboratory method for measuring glucose in type 1 diabetic patients. Privately funded IDE exempted study (completed) $70,000.
2010-12 Locally awarded translational study: Generation of insulin-secreting islet-like cells from human spermatogonial stem cells. Collaborative project with Dr. Ian Gallicano, a developmental biologist. $25,000
2017-18 Sanofi-Aventis: The Impact of the One Drop Glucose Management System on Anti-Diabetic Medication Persistence and Adherence: A prospective observational study. $ 800,000
2021- Novo-Nordisc: NN9931-4553 ESSENCE Study. Research Study on Whether Semaglutide Works in People With Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) Funding is open-ended
Financial relationships
Attribution:SelfType of financial relationship:Contracted ResearchIneligible company:Nono NordiscTopic:Clinical Research for diabetes medicationDate added:04/25/2023Date updated:11/15/2024