Deepa Rastogi, MD
1. NAME and CONTACT INFORMATION Deepa Rastogi, MBBS, MS Office address: 3415 Bainbridge Ave, Bronx, NY 10467 Office telephone: 718-515-2330 Office email: [email protected] 2. EDUCATION Graduate/ Medical Education 9/87-3/92 M.B.B.S. at Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial (GSVM) Medical College, Kanpur, India. 4/92-3/93 Rotatory Internship in Medicine, Surgery, Ob.& Gyn., Pediatrics, Cardiology, Ophthalmology at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, India 7/08-6/10 MS in Clinical Research Methods (Program Director, Dr. Ellie Schoenbaum), Institute of Clinical and Translational Research, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. Post-Graduate Training (Post-Doctoral Fellowships, Internship, Residency) 3/94-5/96 Resident in Pediatrics at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, India. 6/96 Move to US to start residency 7/96-6/97 Internship in Pediatrics (Residency Director, Dr. Stephen Wadowski), The Children’s Medical Center of Brooklyn. SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn. NY. 7/97–6/99 Residency in Pediatrics (Residency Director, Dr. Elizabeth Wedemeyer), Children’s Hospital of New York-Presbyterian, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. NY. 7/00-6/03 Fellowship in Pediatric Pulmonology (Fellowship Director, Dr. Michael Bye), Children’s Hospital of New York-Presbyterian, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY Additional Training 2022 McKinsey Academy Management Accelerator Program 3. EMPLOYMENT 9/03-12/05 Chief of Pediatric Pulmonology, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, Bronx, NY 1/06 to 1/20 Attending, Division of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, NY 6/10 to 6/15 Director, Bronchoscopy services, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore 6/11 to 1/20 Director, Pediatric Asthma Center, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore 2/20 to 07/23 Attending, Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC 3/20 to 07/23 Director, Translational Research, and Co-Director, Severe Asthma Program Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC 11/21 to 07/23 Associate Director, Center for Genetic Medicine Research, Children’s National Medical Center, Washington, DC 08/23 to present Division Chief, Pediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY Faculty Appointment 4/04 to 6/15 Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 7/15 to 1/20 Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 6/19 to 1/20 Associate Professor of Pathology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 3/20 to 5/22 Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Genomics and Precision Medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences 5/22 – 7/23 Tenured Professor of Pediatrics and Genomics and Precision Medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences 8/23 – present Tenured Professor of Pediatrics, Pathology and Genetics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine 4. BOARD CERTIFICATIONS 1999 Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics 2006 American Board of Pediatrics, Board certified in Pediatric Pulmonology 2009 American Board to Pediatrics, Re-certified in Pediatrics 2016 American Board of Pediatrics, Re-certified in Pediatric Pulmonology 5. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP American Thoracic Society: 2002-present Member, American Thoracic Society 2016-2020 Member, Program Committee, Assembly on Pediatrics 2019 Fellow, American Thoracic Society 2022 Nominated for Chair, Program Committee, Assembly on Pediatrics 2023 Chair-Elect, Program Committee, Assembly on Pediatrics Others: 2006-present Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics 2022-present Group Leader, APS SPR Journeys program 2010-present Active Member, Society of Pediatric Research 2015-present Member, New York Obesity and Nutrition Research Center 6. AWARDS AND HONORS 1985 National Talent Search Scholar, India 1990 Distinctions in Biochemistry and Microbiology 1992 Certificate of honors in all the subjects in the M.B.B.S. curriculum 1993 Chancellor’s Medal for the highest aggregate marks/ valedictorian position in M.B.B.S. course 2010 Joseph S. Blume Faculty Scholar in Pediatric Development 2011 K12 awardee from Institute of Clinical and Translational Research, Albert Einstein College of Medicine 2011 – 2020 Inaugural Director, Pediatric Asthma Center, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore 2019-present Fellow, American Thoracic Society 2023-2024 Chair elect, Programming Committee, Assembly on Pediatrics, American Thoracic Society 7. OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES A. Division/Departmental i) Service on Committees 2011-2020 Residency Selection Committee, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore 2013-2017 Committee on Admissions, Albert Einstein College of Medicine 2012-2019 Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Respiratory Needs Committee 2012-2019 Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Performance Improvement Committee 2013-2019 Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Research Initiative Committee 2013-2014 Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Asthma Management Pathway Committee 2015-2019 Montefiore Medical Center Ambulatory Care Committee 2015-2019 Montefiore Medical Center Respiratory Care Committee 2020-2023 Member, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Subcommittee on Faculty Development, Children’s National Hospital 2021-2023 Member, Executive Committee, Center for Translational Research, Children’s National Hospital 2021-2023 Member, New Faculty Orientation Committee, Children’s National Hospital ii) Local Scientific Participation 2013-2016 Co-leader of the workshop entitled “Mentor Mentee relationship” on Annual Research Day, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore 2018-2019 Co-leader of the workshop entitled “Mentorship in clinical and translational research” on Research Day, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore 2015-2019 Poster facilitator. Research Day, Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore 2021 Adjudicator, Research Showcase, GWU School of Medicine and Health Sciences B. University 2010-2013 Einstein Medical Student Selection Committee 2013-2020 Einstein Medical Student Research Committee 2016-2020 Einstein Committee on Appointments and Promotions 2021-2023 GWU Institute of Biomedical Sciences Student Selection Committee C. Regional Service on Committees and Programs 2003 Member, New York City Asthma Partnership (NYCAP) 2005 Member, NYCAP planning committee 2005 Member, Health Services Advisory Committee, Administration for Children’s Services Head Start programs, New York City Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYCDOHMH) 2004-2006 Director, South Bronx Asthma Partnership, a New York State funded asthma program to increase awareness about asthma management among health care providers and general public. 2006-2010 Lead for outpatient primary care and subspecialty asthma initiatives at Children’s Hospital at Montefiore 2007 Faculty on Physician Asthma Care Education (PACE), a program sponsored by NYCDOHMH for asthma management education for physicians in New York City. 2011-2020 Director, Pediatric Asthma Center, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, a multidisciplinary center comprised of pediatric allergists and pulmonologists and a health educator that provides guidelines-based care to children with poorly controlled asthma. 2015 Committee Chair, Asthma Transition Working Group, Delivery System Reform Incentive Program (DSRIP), Bronx Program. 2015 Member, Montefiore Medical Center, Delivery System Reform Incentive Program 2020- 2023 Co-director, Severe Asthma Program at Children’s National Medical Center, a multi-disciplinary program that includes allergists and pulmonologists to deliver guidelines-based care to children with poorly controlled asthma. D. National i) Grant review a. NIH Study Sections: 4/2014 Member, NIH Review Panel, RFA-AI-13-036-Inner-City Asthma Consortium-3 (UM1) 1/2018 Ad-hoc Member, Lung Cellular, Molecular and Immunobiology (LCMI) Study Section 6/2019 Ad-hoc Member, recurring Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1, Hypersensitivity, Allergies and Mucosal Immunology (HAMI) 3/2020 Ad-hoc Member, recurring Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 F55 Population Sciences and Epidemiology (PSE) Social Epigenomics Research Focused on Minority Health and Health Disparities 6/2020 Ad-hoc Member, recurring Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1, Hypersensitivity, Allergies and Mucosal Immunology (HAMI) 9/2020 Ad-hoc Member, Lung Cellular, Molecular and Immunobiology (LCMI) Study Section 4/2021 Ad-hoc Member, Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 PSE-N(02) M Population Sciences and Epidemiology (PSE) 9/2021 Ad-hoc Member, Lung Cellular, Molecular and Immunobiology (LCMI) Study Section 7/2022 Ad-hoc Member, Infectious, Reproductive, Asthma and Pulmonary Conditions (IRAP) Study Section 3/2023 Ad-hoc Member, recurring Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1, Hypersensitivity, Allergies and Mucosal Immunology (HAMI) 9/2023 Ad-hoc Member, Lung Cellular, Molecular and Immunobiology (LCMI) Study Section b. Foundation Study Sections. Unpaid commitment 6/2015 Michigan Metabolomic, Nutrition and Obesity Research Center. Pilot/Feasibility Grant Awards 7/2018 American Lung Association Airways Clinical Research Center Pilot Grant Awards ii) Data Safety Monitoring Boards 2019-present Translating an Evidence-based Urban Asthma Program for Rural Adolescents: Testing Effectiveness & Cost-effectiveness and Understanding Factors Associated with Implementation. (R01 HL136753) (PI: Jean-Marie Bruzzese) 2020-present SANDIA: Supplementing L-citrulline to overweight late Asthma oNset phenotypes to increase airway L-arginine/ADMA ratio and Improve Asthma control. (R01 HL146542) (PIs: Fernando Holguin and Loretta Que) 2021-present The Efficacy of CAMP Air, a Web-based Asthma Intervention, Among Urban Adolescents with Uncontrolled Asthma (R61HL151958-01) (PI: Jean-Marie Bruzzese) 2021-present School-Based Asthma Therapy (SBAT) to reduce disparities in childhood asthma: pragmatic process and program implementation evaluation. (R01 HL144652-02) (PI: Kimberly Arcoleo) 2022-present The ALOHA trial: Addressing Quality of Life, Clinical Outcomes, and Mechanisms in Uncontrolled Asthma Following the DASH Dietary Pattern (R61/R33 HL155160) (PI: Jun Ma) iii) Service on Journal Editorial Board 4/2021 Editorial Board Member, Pediatric Pulmonology 10/2022 Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine iv) Expert Opinion on guidelines and policy development 2008 Pediatric pulmonologist on physician panel that developed Guidelines on Asthma Management among Homeless Children, Children’s Health Fund. 2014 Expert opinion commentary included in Medical News and Perspectives article entitled “Studies probe links between Childhood Asthma and Obesity” published in the Journal of American Medical Association 2014; 311(17): 1718-9. 2017 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: Stake Holder in the development of The Asthma Registry of Patient Registries Outcome Measure Framework Clinical Harmonization Committee v) National Conference Participation 5/2016 Poster facilitator at PAS SPR International Conference for session “Pediatric Pulmonology: Potpourri”. vi) Contribution to Society of Pediatric Research 2022-2023 Cohort Leader, APS SPR Journeys Program for young faculty development vii) Consultant appointment 10/28/2019 Member, Sanofi Genzyme 2019 Dupilumab US Medical Advisory Board-Asthma in Underserved Populations 08/19/2022 Member, Sanofi Genzyme 2022 Dupilumab US Medical Advisory Board-Asthma in Underserved Populations E. International i) Grant Review 6/2021 Expert Reviewer, Medical Research Council, UK Research Institute ii) International Conference Participation 5/17-present Session chair, moderator and poster facilitator at American Thoracic Society (ATS) International Conference (held annually) 7/16-5/20 Scientific Program Committee Member, Assembly on Pediatrics, ATS 10/21-present Session chair at CHEST International Conference (held annually) 5/23/5/24 Chair Elect, Program Committee, Assembly on Pediatrics, ATS iii) Peer Reviewer (Ad-hoc reviewer) Chest Journal of Asthma Canadian Medical Association Journal Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Pediatric Allergy, Asthma and Pulmonology Obesity PLoS One Pediatric Pulmonology International Journal of Obesity Clinical Epidemiology Respiratory Research Pediatric Research Nature Scientific Reports Clinical Epigenetics Pediatric Diabetes Respiration Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) Epigenomics Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology BMC Medical Genomics Annals of American Thoracic Society New England Journal of Medicine Journal of Medical Genetics Nature Medicine International Archives of Allergy and Immunology American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 8. GRANTS A. Current Research Support Title of Grant: Investigating the CDC42 pathway as a novel pathway for pediatric non-atopic obesity-related asthma. Funding agency: NIH Funding number: NHLBI 1R01HL141849-01A1 Dates of Award: 2/1/2019- 1/31/2024 Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $279,675 Role on project: PI % Effort: 25% Title: Relevance of RPS27L expression quantitative trait locus in immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma Funding agency: NIH Funding number: NIAID 1R21 AI16674-01A1 Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $150,000 Year 1, $125,000 Year 2 Dates of award: 10/1/2022 to 9/30/2024 Role on project: PI % Effort: 20% Title: CTSA K12 Program at Einstein-Montefiore Funding agency: NIH Funding number: 1 K12 TR004411-01 Total Award: $3,780,000 Dates of award: 07/01/2023 – 6/30/2028 Role on project: PI % Effort: 20% B. Previous Research Support Title: Inflammatory mechanisms for co-existence of asthma and obesity among inner- city minority children Funding agency: Stony Wold-Herbert Fund Grant-in-Aid Dates of Award 7/2008-6/2009 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $25,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for other than personnel costs (OTPS) Title: Impact of co-existence of asthma and obesity on the T cell profile and allergen sensitization among inner-city minority children Funding agency: Stony Wold-Herbert Fund Grant-in-Aid Dates of Award 7/2009-6/2011 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $25,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for OTPS Title: Improving communication with low-literacy caretakers Funding agency: NIH Funding number: R21 HL091821-01A1 Dates of Award 4/1/2009-3/31/2012 Yearly Direct Costs of Award Year 1: $150,000, Year 2: $125,000, Year 3: NCE Role on project: Consultant % Effort: Time for interpretation of spirometry performed on participants Title: Immune Responses to Inactivated Swine-Origin Influenza Virus (H1N1) Funding agency: Institute of Clinical and Translational Research Microgrant Dates of Award 4/1/2009-3/31/2010 Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $5,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for OTPS Title: Mechanical and Inflammatory Links between Pediatric Inner-city Asthma and Obesity. Funding agency: NIH Funding Number: NIH/NCRR 5 KL2 RR025749-04 Dates of Award: 7/1/2011-6/30/2013 Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $95,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: 75% Title: DNA Methylation Patterns among Children with Asthma and Obesity. Funding agency: Pilot grant, Dean’s Office and Center of Epigenomics Dates of Award 7/1/2011-6/30/2012 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $10,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for OTPS Title: T regulatory cell and monocyte maturation patterns among urban adolescents with asthma and obesity. Funding agency: Institute of Clinical and Translational Research Microgrant Dates of Award 4/1/2011-3/31/2012 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $5,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for OTPS Title: Improving community wide asthma care by increasing spirometry use by communitybased health care providers. Funding agency: Stony Wold Herbert Fund Community Service Grant Dates of Award 7/1/2012-6/30/2013 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $10,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for OTPS Title: Exhaled breath metabolites of obesity-specific inflammation in asthma Funding agency: Pilot grant, Diabetes Research Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Dates of Award 7/1/2013-6/30/2014 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $10,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for OTPS Title: Genetic and epigenetic determinants of pediatric obesity-associated asthma. Funding agency: Department of Pediatrics Career Development Award Dates of Award 7/1/2013-6/30/2018 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $120,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: 75% Title: Genetic and epigenetic determinants of pediatric obesity-associated asthma. Funding agency: NIH Funding Number: NIH/NHLBI 5 K23 HL118733 Dates of Award 5/1/2014-4/30/2020 Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $135,000 5/1/2014-4/30/2019, NCE 5/1/2019-4/30-2020 Role on project: PI % Effort: 75% Title: Association of vitamin D with systemic inflammation among children with obesity-related asthma Funding agency: Institute of Clinical and Translational Research Microgrant Dates of Award 2/1/2014-4/30/2014 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $5,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for OTPS Title: The role of metabolic dysregulation in pediatric obesity-related asthma Funding agency: Feldstein Medical Foundation Grant. Dates of Award 5/1/2014-11/30/2015 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $60,000 Role on project: PI % Effort: funds were only for OTPS Title: Web-based Peer Mentor Training to Reduce Hospitalizations for Children with Asthma. Funding agency: NIH Funding Number: NIH/NICHD 1R44HC081830 Dates of Award 9/1/2014-8/30/2018 Average Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $520,000 for years 9/1/2014-8/30/2017, NCE: 9/1/2017- 8/30/2018 Role on project: Co-Investigator % Effort: 10% Title: The Asthma and Sickle Cell Disease Transition Program: Facilitating the Transition from Pediatric to Adult Medical Care Funding agency: CMO Innovation Grant Dates of Award 7/1/2015-12/16/2016 Yearly Direct Costs of Award $150,000 Role on project: Co-investigator % Effort: funds supported the salary of the transition navigator and OTPS Title: Asthma symptom perception feedback intervention for ethnic minority adolescents. Funding agency: NIH Funding Number: NIH/ NHLBI R01 HL128260 Dates of Award 12/15/2015-12/31/2021 Average Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $452,000 for years 12/15/2015-12/14/2020, NCE:12/15/2020-12/14/2021 Role on project: Co-Investigator % Effort: 10% until 12/14/2020 Title: Promoting Asthma Guidelines and Management through Technology-Based Interventions and Care Coordination (PRAGMATIC). Funding agency: NIH Funding Number: NIH/ NHLBI R01 HL133789 Dates of Award 7/1/2016-4/30/2021 Average Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $507,000 Role on project: Co-Investigator % Effort: 5% until 1/31/2020 Title: Crosstalk between T cells and airway smooth muscle in obesity-related asthma. Funding agency: NIH Funding number: NHLBI 1R03HL144534-01 Dates of Award: 9/1/2018 – 8/31/2021 Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $52,950 Role on project: PI % Effort: 10% Title: District of Columbia Childhood Asthma in Urban Settings - Clinical Research Center Funding agency: NIH Funding Number: NIAID U01 AI 160090-01 Dates of award: 4/1/2021- 3/31/2028 Yearly Direct Costs of Award: $2,886,071 Role: Co-Investigator % Effort: 5% until 07/2023 9. PRESENTATIONS IN PAST 5 YEARS A. Regional Presentations 2007 St. John’s Riverside Hospital, New York, Pediatric Grand Rounds “Asthma: An update” 2007 New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene physicians “Physician asthma care education (PACE) program” 2008 Norwalk Hospital, Connecticut, Pediatric Grand Rounds “Asthma: An update” 2008 Gouvernor Hospital, New York, Department of Pediatrics “PACE program” 2009 Children’s Hospital of New York Presbyterian, New York, Department of Pediatrics “PACE program” 2010 Lutheran Medical Center, New York, Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds. “Cystic Fibrosis” 2011 Bronx Lebanon Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds. “Pediatric obesity associated asthma: A distinct entity.” 2012 Maimonides Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds. “Pediatric obesity associated asthma: A distinct entity.” 2013 Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York Presbyterian, New York, Chief of Service rounds. “Pediatric obesity associated asthma: A distinct entity.” 2013 New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. School-based pediatricians. “Pediatric obesity associated asthma: A distinct entity.” 2013 Staten Island University Hospital, New York, Pediatric Grand Rounds “Pediatric obesity associated asthma: A distinct entity.” 2014 Bronx Lebanon Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds. “Metabolic dysregulation and obesity-related asthma in children.” 2015 New York City Regional Pediatric Hospital Medicine Forum “Hot Topics in the Care of the Hospitalized Child: Optimizing Care, Safety, and Quality” “The Truth and Hype about High Flow Nasal Cannula and other oxygen delivery methods.” 2017 6th Annual Hot Topics in Pediatrics Conference, Tarrytown, Westchester, NY “Pediatric Asthma” 2017 Morris Heights Medical System, Bronx, NY “Nuts and bolts of asthma management” 2017 Flushing Hospital Medical Center, New York, Pediatric Grand Rounds “Asthma among Urban Minority Children: A multifactorial disease” 2020 Pediatric Health Network, Children’s National Health System “Update on COVID-19 and its management in children with asthma” 2020 Pediatric Health Network, Children’s National Health System “COVID-19 and return to school for children with asthma” 2021 GWU School of Medicine and Health Sciences (1st year medical students) “Clinical Public Health Summit on Childhood Asthma” Panelist, Health Care Panel 2021 Pediatric Health Network, Children’s National Health System “Criteria for subspecialty referral for children with asthma” 2022 GWU School of Medicine and Health Sciences (1st year medical students) “Clinical Public Health Summit on Childhood Asthma” Panelist, Health Care Panel 2024 Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Grand Rounds “Pediatric Obesity-related Asthma – a distinct entity” B. National Presentations 2002 Platform presentation at the Annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Baltimore, MD. “Prevalence of reversible lower airway obstruction in patients with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension.” Authors: Rastogi D, Ngai P, Berman-Rozensweig E, Koumbourlis A. 2004 Platform presentation at the Annual conference of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. “B cell Priming In Utero to Influenza Vaccine Antigens.” Authors: Rastogi D, Ogawa Y, Lendor C, Blythe D, Miller RL. 2005 Platform presentation at the Annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Washington, DC. “Predictors of Frequent Emergency Room Utilization for Asthma Among Inner- City Children.” Authors: Harijith A, Neugebauer R, Klein M, Rastogi D. 2013 University of Vermont, Obesity and Metabolism Conference “Epigenetics of Obesity-associated Asthma among Children” 2014 ResInsights Live. Internet-based CME certified conference. “Management of Moderate and Severe Persistent Asthma”. Attended by 300 physicians and nurse practitioners nationally. 2015 University of Vermont, Obesity and Metabolism Conference “Epigenomics and transcriptomics of systemic inflammation among urban minority obese asthmatic children” 2015 California Asthma Summit, San Diego, CA. “Pediatric obesity-related asthma: Time for recognition and intervention” 2016 Eastern Society of Pediatric Research, Philadelphia, PA “Change in Pulmonary Function with Weight Gain in Minority Children with Asthma.” Authors: Issapour A, Matta E, Choi J, Hall CB, Rastogi D. Presented by me in place of Ms. Issapour, medical student mentee, due to medical school exam conflict. 2017 Colorado Children’s Hospital, University of Colorado, Denver “Asthma among minority children: A multifactorial disease” 2017 Colorado Children’s Hospital, University of Colorado, Denver “Unraveling the immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma” 2018 University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey, Pediatric Grand Rounds “Unraveling the immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma” 2018 Cornell University New York-Presbyterian Komansky Children’s Hospital Research Seminar. “Unraveling the immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma” 2019 Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York Presbyterian, New York, Research Seminar. “Unraveling the immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma” 2019 UC Davis Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds “Asthma among urban minority children: a multifactorial disease” 2019 Children’s National Medical Center, Pediatric Research Rounds “Unraveling the immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma” 2020 CHEST Severe Asthma Podcast series- Expert Discussant “Severe Asthma in Children” 2020 Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America- Pulmonologist on a 5-physician panel “Ask the Experts: Managing Asthma During COVID-19 Pandemic” 2022 Asthma Conference, Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology, Yeshiva University “Unraveling the immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma” 2022 Pediatric Pulmonology Conference, Yale University “Unraveling the immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma” 2022 Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, Rutgers University “Pediatric asthma – a multifactorial disease” C. International Presentations 2004 Platform Presentation at the American Thoracic Society International Conference, Orlando, FL. “Systemic Th2 polarization among Pregnant Asthmatics”. Authors: Rastogi D, Lendor C, Horton M, Blythe D, Miller RL. 2010 Platform presentation at the Annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Vancouver, Canada. “Is there an association between Asthma, Obesity and Inflammation in Inner-city Adolescents?” Authors: Khan U, Isasi C, Coupey S, Rastogi D, Andrade C. 2012 Regency Hospital Medical Center, Kanpur, India. Educational Rounds “Obesity associated asthma: A distinct entity.” 2012 American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Francisco, CA “Differences in Asthma Management Behaviors Among Urban Early Adolescents of Foreign Born Caregivers Compared to those of US Born Caregivers.” Authors: Pillai S, Sanchez J, Cespedes J, Bruzzese JM, Rastogi D. Presented by Dr. Sophia Pillai, fellow mentee, received ATS travel grant award. 2014 Asthma and Allergy Conference. Good Hope Hospital, NHS, Birmingham, UK “Challenges of childhood asthma” 2014 American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Francisco, CA “Asthma and Sleep Disordered Breathing Among Minority Children: Correlation Between Polysomnography and Spirometry”. Authors: Rani S, Nandalike K, Arens R, Rastogi D. Presented by Dr. Seema Rani, resident mentee, received ATS Pediatric Committee Scholarship Award 2014 International Symposium of Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Harbor, MD Adverse cardiometabolic risk profile in Hispanic/ Latino boys. Preliminary results from The Study of Latino Youth (SOL-Youth). Authors: Isasi CR, Delamater A, Gonzalez F, Rastogi D, Perreira KM, Daviglus ML, Elder JP, Marchante AN, Bangdiwala SI, Van Horn L, Carnethon MR. 2015 Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi, India. Grand Rounds. “Inflammation, metabolic dysregulation and inflammation among children with asthma” 2017 Trans-Atlantic Conference on Lung Diseases, Lucerne, Switzerland. Theme: Obesity and metabolism in lung diseases. “Metabolic dysregulation, systemic inflammation and pediatric obesity-related asthma” 2018 CHEST International Conference, San Antonio, TX “Novel pathways underlying non-atopic (T2 low) asthma” in session entitled “Non-TH2 Asthma: from New pathways to novel therapies” 2018 51st Conference of Indian College of Allergy, Asthma & Applied Immunology, Lucknow, India. “Childhood obesity-related asthma. A new epidemic” 2019 American Thoracic Society International Conference, Dallas, TX “Unraveling the immunobiology of pediatric obesity-related asthma” in Session entitled “Severe and difficult to control pediatric asthma” 2019 American Thoracic Society International Conference, Dallas, TX “Obesity and asthma: a causal relationship” in Session entitled “Controversies in Pediatric Pulmonology” 2019 International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology Conference, Vevey, Switzerland. “Concurrent Patterns of Children’s Controller Medication Adherence and Quick Relief Medication Use and Relationship to Acute Healthcare Utilization”. Authors: Arcoleo K, McGovern C, Kaur K, Halterman JS, Mammen J, Crean H, Rastogi D, Feldman J. 2019 CHEST International Conference, New Orleans, LA “Metabolic dysregulation in non-Th2 asthma” in Session entitled “Updates on Non-Th2 Asthma: Investigating New Pathways and Novel Therapies” 2020 CHEST International Conference, Chicago, IL (held virtually) “Beyond the guidelines: Choosing a Biological Agent in Children and Adults with severe Th2 Asthma” 2021 Pediatric Education Development Society International (PEDSI) International Pediatric Conference (held virtually with participants from Bangladesh and US) “Pediatric pulmonary perspective on updated asthma guidelines” 2021 American Thoracic Society International Conference (held virtually) “Metabolic dysregulation, inflammation, and lung disease in children” in session entitled “Metabolic dysregulation and lung disease: A common thread between children and adults”. I also co-chaired this session 2021 CHEST International Conference, Orlando, FL “Novel non-Th2 biological mechanisms- one disease or multiple syndromes?” in Session entitled “Understanding Non-Th2 Asthma: From Novel Biologic Mechanisms to New Therapeutic Options.” I also co-chaired this session 2022 American Thoracic Society International Conference, San Francisco, CA “Endotyping and phenotyping to improve our understanding and management of obese asthma” in session entitled “Obesity-related Asthma: Translating Science into the Clinic” 2022 CHEST International Conference, Orlando, FL “Novel non-Th2 biological mechanisms- one disease or multiple syndromes?” in Session entitled “Understanding Non-Th2 Asthma: From Novel Biologic Mechanisms to New Therapeutic Options.” I also co-chaired this session. 2023 American Thoracic Society International Conference, Washington, DC “Treatment strategies for immune perturbations in obesity-related asthma” in session entitled “Obesity-related Asthma: Translating Science into the Clinic.” I also co-chaired this session. 2023 European Respiratory Society International Congress, Milan, Italy “The Immune system and obesity-related asthma: what is the link” in session entitled “Lung consequences of the obesity epidemic from children to the elderly” 10. BIBLIOGRAPHY Google Scholar Score: h-index: 34, i10-index: 60 ORCID link: A. Original Communications in Reviewed Journals * These publications were led by student, resident, fellow, or junior faculty mentees. ^ In these publications, I served as a co-senior author # These publications had an accompanying editorial 1. Rastogi S, Gupta S, Rastogi D, Srivastava KL. Pseudohyperparathyroidism-Albrights Hereditary Osteodystrophy. Indian J Pediatr. 1998; 65(3): 477-482. 2. Rastogi D, Rastogi S. Four-month old with dark urine. Emer Office Pediatr. 1999; 12(2): 53:57 3. Rastogi S, Rastogi D. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in healthy, term breast-fed infants: assessment at discharge. Emer Office Pediatr. 1999; 12(3):100-103 4. Rastogi S, Kulpa A, Rastogi D, Parikh A. Leukemoid reaction in extremely low birth weight infants. Am J Perinatol. 1999; 6(3): 92-97 5. Gupta A, Rastogi S, Sahni R, Bhutada A, Bateman D, Rastogi D, Smerling A, Wung JT. Inhaled nitric oxide and gentle ventilation in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension of the newborn - a single-center, 5-year experience. J Perinatol. 2002; 22(6):435-41 6. Rastogi D, Ngai P, Barst R, Koumbourlis AC. Prevalence of lower airway obstruction in children with primary pulmonary hypertension. Ped Pulmonol 2004; 37(1): 50-55 7. Rastogi D, Shetty A, Neugebauer R, Harijith A. NHLBI Guidelines and Asthma Management Practices among Inner-City Pediatric Primary Care Providers. Chest 2006; 129(3): 619-623 8. Rastogi D, Wang C, Lendor C, Rothman PB, Miller RL. T helper 2 polarization among asthmatics during and following pregnancy. Clin ExpAllergy 2006; 36: 892-898 9. Rastogi D, Reddy M, Neugebauer R. Comparison of patterns of allergen sensitization among inner-city Hispanic and African American children with asthma. Ann Allergy, Asthma Immunol 2006; 97(5):636-42. 10. Rastogi D, Wang C, Mao X, Lendor C, Rothman PB, Miller RL. Antigen-Specific Immune Responses to Influenza Vaccine In Utero. J Clin Invest. 2007; 117(6):1637-46 11. Rastogi D, Gupta S, Kapoor R. Comparison of Asthma Knowledge, Management and Psychological Burden among Parents of Asthmatic Children From Rural and Urban Neighborhoods in India. J Asthma 2009; 46(9): 911-5 12. *Lovinsky S, Rastogi D. Prescription Habits for Preventative Medications among Pediatric Emergency Department Physicians at an Inner-city Teaching Hospital. J Asthma 2010 Nov; 47(9):1011-4. 13. Rastogi S, Olmez I, Bhutada A, Rastogi D. NCI classification of thrombocytopenia in preterm neonates and their association with mortality and morbidity. J Perinatal Med. 2011; 39(1):65- 9 14. Rastogi S, Olmez I, Bhutada A, Rastogi D. Drop in platelet counts in extremely preterm neonates and its association with clinical outcomes. J Pediatr Hemat Onc. 2011; 33(8): 580-4 15. Long CB, Ramos I, Rastogi D, Manwani D, Janow G, Delrio M, Mayers M, Herold BC, Fernandez –Sesma A, Madan R. Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to monovalent 2009 influenza A/H1N1 and seasonal trivalent influenza vaccines in high risk children. J Pediatr 2012; 160(1): 74-81 16. Rastogi D, Canfield S, Andrade A, Hall CB, Isasi CI, Rubinstein A, Arens R. Obesityassociated asthma in children- a distinct entity. Chest 2012; 141(4): 895-905 17. Rastogi D, Khan UI, Isasi CR, Coupey SM. Associations of Obesity and Asthma with Functional Exercise Capacity in Urban Minority Adolescents. Ped Pulmonol 2012; 47(11): 1061-9 18. Rastogi S, Rajasekhar H, Gupta A, Bhutada A, Rastogi D, Wung JT. Factors affecting the weaning of nasal CPAP in preterm neonates. Int J Pediatr 2012; 416073 19. Khan UI, Rastogi D, Isasi CR, Coupey SM. Independent and Synergistic Association of Asthma and Obesity with Systemic Inflammation in Adolescents. J Asthma 2012; 49(10): 1044-50 20. Rastogi S, Wong W, Gupta A, Bhutada A, Rastogi D. Gradual versus sudden weaning from nasal CPAP in preterm infants: A pilot randomized control trial. Resp Care 2013; 58(3): 511- 6 21. *Vo P, Makker K, Matta E, Hall CB, Arens R, Rastogi D. The Association of Overweight and Obesity with Spirometric Values in Minority Children Referred for Asthma Evaluation. J Asthma 2013; 50(1): 56-63 22. Rastogi S, Michel M,Filipov P, Rastogi D. Effects of ventilation on hearing loss in preterm neonates: Nasal continuous positive pressure does not increase the risk of hearing loss in ventilated neonates Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2013; 77(3): 402-6 23. Rastogi D, Suzuki M, Greally J. Differential epigenome-wide DNA methylation patterns in childhood obesity-associated asthma. Sci Rep 2013; 3: 2164. 24. Rastogi D, Madhok N, Kipperman S. Caregiver asthma knowledge, aptitude and practice in high healthcare utilizing children: Effect of an educational intervention. Ped Allergy Immunol Pulmonol 2013; 26(3):128-139 25. Miller M, Vaidya R, Rastogi D, Bhutada A, Rastogi S. From parenteral to enteral nutrition: A nutrition-based approach for evaluating postnatal growth failure in preterm infants. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2014; 38(4): 489-97 26. Rastogi R, Rastogi D, Silver E. Quality of life among urban children with obesity and asthma. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2014; 25(2): 683-93 27. Rastogi D, Bhalani K, Hall CB, Isasi CR. Association of pulmonary function with adiposity and metabolic abnormalities in urban minority adolescents. Ann Am Thoracic Soc. 2014; 11(5):744-52. 28. *Ayulo M, Katyal C, Agarwal C, Sweberg T, Rastogi D, Markowitz M, Ushay HM. The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency and its relationship with disease severity in an urban pediatric critical care unit. Endocr Regul. 2014; 48(2): 69-76. 29. Rastogi S, Rojas M, Rastogi D, Haberman S. Immediate outcomes of neonates born to obese mothers. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2015; 28(7):829-35 30. Amatya S, Rastogi D, Bhutada A, Rastogi S. Weaning of nasal CPAP in preterm infants: Who, When and How? World J Pediatr. 2015; 11(1):7-13 31. #Rastogi D, Fraser S, Oh J, Huber AM, Schulman Y, Bhagtani RH, Khan ZS, Tesfa L, Hall CB, Macian F. Inflammation, metabolic abnormalities and pulmonary function among obese asthmatic urban adolescents. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2015; 191(2): 149-160. 32. *Lautenbacher LA, Jariwala SP, Markowitz ME, Rastogi D. Vitamin D and pulmonary function in obese asthmatic children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016; 51(12): 1276-83 33. Miller M, Donda K, Bhutada A, Rastogi D, Rastogi S. Transitioning preterm infants from parenteral nutrition: A comparison of two protocols. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017; 41(8): 1371-1379. 34. Yan Q, Brehm J, Pino-Yanes M, Forno E, Lin J, Oh SS, Acosta-Perez E, Laurie CC, Cloutier MM, Raby BA, Stilp AM, Sofer T, Hu D, Eng CS, Huntsman S, Conomos MP, Rastogi D, Rice K, Canino G, Chen W, Barr RG, Burchard EG, Celedón JC. A meta-analysis of genomewide association studies of asthma in Puerto Ricans. Eur Resp J. 2017; 49(5): pii: 1601505 35. Amatya S, Macomber-Estill M, Bhutada A, Rastogi D, Rastogi S. Sudden versus Gradual pressure wean from Nasal CPAP in Preterm Infants: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Perinatol. 2017; 37(6):662-667 36. Rastogi D, Jung M, Strizich G, Shaw PA, Davis SM, Klein OL, Penedo FJ, Ries AL, Daviglus ML, Moreiras JJ, Salathe MA, Celedón JC, Isasi CR, Kaplan RC. Association of systemic inflammation, adiposity, and metabolic dysregulation with asthma burden among Hispanic adults. Respir Med. 2017; 125:72-81 37. Suratt BT, Ubags NDJ, Rastogi D, Tantisira KG, Marsland BJ, Petrache I, Allen JB, Bates JHT, Holguin F, McCormack MC, Michelakis ED, Black SM, Jain M, Mora AL, Natarajan V, Miller YI, Fessler MB, Birukov KG, Summer RS, Shore SA, Dixon AE; Allergy, Immunology, and Inflammation Assembly. An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report: Obesity and Metabolism. An Emerging Frontier in Lung Health and Disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017; 14(6):1050-1059. 38. Rastogi D, Nico J, Johnston AD, Tobias TA, Jorge Y, Macian F, Greally JM. CDC42-related genes are upregulated in T helper cells from obese asthmatic children. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018; 141(2):539-548 39. *Hogan AH, Rastogi D, Rinke ML. A Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Accurate Asthma Controller Prescriptions on Discharge from the Pediatric Wards. Hosp Pediatr 2018; 8(3):127-134. (judged as the most read article for 2018) 40. Burkart KM, Sofer T, London SJ, Manichaikul A, Hartwig FP, Yan Q, Artigas MS, Avila M, Chen W, Thomas SD, Diaz AA, Hall IP, Horta BL, Kaplan RC, Laurie CC, Menezes AM, Morrison JV, Oelsner EC, Rastogi D, Rich SS, Soto-Quiros M, Stilp AM, Tobin MD, Wain LW, Celedón JC, Barr RG. A Genome-Wide Association Study in Hispanics/Latinos Identifies Novel Signals for Lung Function. The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2018; 198(2):208-219 41. Guo Y, Moon JY, Laurie CC, North K, Sanchez-Johnsen LAP, Davis SM, Yu B, Nyenhuis SM, Kaplan RC, Rastogi D ^, Qi Q^. Genetic Predisposition to Obesity is associated with Asthma in US Hispanics/Latinos: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Allergy 2018; 73(7):1547-1550. 42. *Gross E, Lee DS, Hotz A, Ngo KC, Rastogi D. Impact of obesity on asthma morbidity during a hospitalization. Hosp Pediatr 2018; 8(9): 538-546 43. Orfanos S, Jude J, Deeney BT, Cao G, Rastogi D, Van Zee M, Pushkarsky I, Di Carlo D, Panettieri RA Jr. Obesity increases airway smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness. J Appl Physiol- Lung Cell Mol Physiol 2018; 315(5): L673-L681 44. Donda K, Vijayakanthi N, Dapaah-Siakwan F, Bhatt P, Rastogi D, Rastogi S. Trends in epidemiology and outcomes of respiratory distress syndrome in the United States. Pediatr Pulmonol 2019; 54(4): 405-414 45. Arcoleo K, McGovern C, Kaur K, Halterman J, Mammen J, Crean H, Rastogi D, Feldman JM. Patterns of Mexican and Puerto Rican Children’s Asthma Controller Medication Adherence and Acute Healthcare Utilization. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2019; 16(6): 715:723 46. *Tobias TAM, Wood LG, Rastogi D. Carotenoids, fatty acids, and disease burden in obese minority adolescents with asthma. Clin Exp Allergy 2019; 49(6): 838-846 47. *Agrawal S, Burton WB, Manwani D, Rastogi D, De A. A physicians survey assessing management of pulmonary airway involvement in sickle cell disease. Pediatr Pulmonol 2019; 54(7):993-1001 48. Kong Y, Rastogi D, Seoighe C, Greally JM, Suzuki M. Insights from deconvolution of cell subtype proportions enhance the interpretation of functional genomic data. PLoS One 2019;14(4):e0215987. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215987 49. Feldman J, Kaur K, Serebrisky D, Rastogi D, Marsiglia F, Arcoleo K. The adaptive effect of illness specific panic fear on asthma outcomes in Mexican and Puerto Rican children. J Pediatr 2019; 214:178-186 50. *De A, Agrawal S, Morrone K, Zhang J, Bjorklund NL, Manwani D, Rastogi D. Airway inflammation and lung function in sickle cell disease. Ped Allergy Immunol Pulmonol 2019;32(3):92-102 51. *Philips KS, Reiss DE, Silver EJ, Rastogi D. Readmission and Ambulatory Healthcare Utilization after Asthma Hospitalization among Urban Minority Children. Hosp Pediatr 2020;10(4):338-346 52. Mader S, Peek G, Rastogi D. Extracorporeal and Advanced Therapies for Progressive Refractory Near-Fatal Acute Severe Asthma in Children. Pediatr Pulmonol 2020; 55(6):1311- 1319 53. *Lee DS, Gross E, Hotz A, Ngo KC, Rastogi D. Comparison of severity of asthma hospitalization between African American and Hispanic children in the Bronx. J Asthma 2020; 57(7):736-742 54. #Rastogi D, Johnston AD, Nico J, Loh LN, Jorge Y, Suzuki M, Macian F, Greally JM. Functional genomics of the pediatric obese asthma phenotype reveal enrichment of Rho- GTPase pathways. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2020; 202(2):259-274 55. *Chen L, Gong J, Matta E, Morrone K, Manwani D, Rastogi D ^, De A^. Pulmonary Disease Burden in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Children with Sickle Cell Disease. Pediatr Pulmonol 2020; 55(8):2064-2073 56. Shah P, Badner VM, Rastogi D, Moss KL. Association between asthma and dental caries in United States adult population. J Asthma 2021; 58(10):1329-36 57. *Farhat L, DeVos G, De A, Lee DS, Rastogi D. Atopy and Pulmonary Function Among Healthy-weight and Overweight/ Obese Children with Asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol 2021; 56(1):34-41. 58. Altman MC, Flynn K, Rosasco MG, Dapas M, Kattan M, Lovinsky-Desir S, O'Connor GT, Gill MA, Gruchalla RS, Liu AH, Pongracic JA, Khurana Hershey GK, Zoratti EM, Teach SJ, Rastogi D, Wood RA, Bacharier LB, LeBeau P, Gergen PJ, Togias A, Busse WW, Presnell S, Gern JE, Ober C, Jackson DJ; NIAID Inner City Asthma Consortium. Inducible expression quantitative trait locus analysis of the MUC5AC gene in asthma in urban populations of children. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2021; 148(6):1505-14 59. Manwani D, Doyle M, Davidson L, Mallea M, Silver EJ, Jackson J, Chhabra R, Morrone K, Minniti C, Rastogi D, Stein RE, Oyeku S, Bauman LJ. Transition Navigator Intervention improves transition readiness to adult care for youth with Sickle Cell Disease. Acad Pediatr. 2022; 22(3): 422-30 60. Kaur K, Arcoleo KJ, Serebrisky D, Rastogi D, Marsiglia F, Feldman JM. Impact of caregiver depression on child asthma outcomes in Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. J Asthma 2022; 59(11):2246-2257 61. Chikkabyrappa SM, Chaudhary N, Agarwal A, Rastogi D, Filipov P, Rastogi S. Outcomes among preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus: Relationship between treatment, gestational age, hemodynamic status and timing of treatment. J Neonatal Perinatal Med 2022; 15(2):219-27 62. *Alabdulkarim N, Gai J, Bost JE, Pillai DK, Teach SJ, Rastogi D. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on morbidity among children hospitalized for an asthma exacerbation. Ann Asthma Allergy Immunol. 2022; 129(2):194-198 63. *Thompson DA, Wood LG, Williams EJ, McLoughlin RF, Rastogi D. Endotyping pediatric obesity-related asthma: contribution of anthropometrics, metabolism, nutrients and CD4+ lymphocytes on pulmonary function. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2022; 150(4):861-871 64. *Chen L, Agalliu I, Roth A. Rastogi D. Association of Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide with Asthma Morbidity in Urban Minority Children. J Asthma 2023; 60(3):553-564 65. *Conrad L, Rani S, Nandalike K, Rastogi D. Associations between sleep, obesity, and asthma in urban minority children. J Clin Sleep Med. 2022; 18(10):2377-2385 66. Washington C, Dapas M, Biddanda A, Magnaye KM, Helling BA, Nobrega MA, Mathias RA, Barnes KC, Hershey GKK, Kercsmar CM, Teach SJ, Gereige J, Makhija M, Gruchalla RS, Gill MA, Liu AH, Rastogi D, Busse WW, Gergen PJ, Visness CM, Gold DR, Hartert TV, Johnson CC, Lemanske, Jr. RF, Martinez FD, Miller RL, Ownby D, Seroogy CM, Wright AL, Zoratti EM, Bacharier LB, Kattan M, O’Connor GT, Wood RA, Altman MC, Jackson DJ, Gern JE, McKennan CG, Ober C. African-specific alleles modify risk for asthma at the 17q12-q21 locus in African Americans. Genome Medicine 2022; 14(1):112 67. #Yon C, Thompson D, Jude J, Panettieri RA Jr, Rastogi D. Cross Talk between CD4+ T cells and Airway Smooth Muscle in Pediatric Obesity-Related Asthma. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2023; 207(4):461-474 68. *Schroeder JC, Sharron MP, Wai K, Pillai DK, Rastogi D. Asthma as a comorbidity in COVID-19 ICU admissions in a large metropolitan children’s hospital. Pediatr Pulmonol 2023; 58(1):206-212 69. Dapas M, Thompson EE, Wentworth-Sheilds W, Clay S, Magnaye KM, Visness CM, Calatroni A, Sordillo JE, Gold DR, Wood RA, Makhija M, Hershey GKK, Sherenian MG, Gruchalla RS, Gill MA, Liu AH, Kim H, Kattan M, Bacharier LB, Rastogi D, Altman MC, Busse WW, Becker PM, Nicolae D, O’Connor GT, Gern JE, Jackson DJ, Ober C. Multi-omic association study implicates PPP1R13B in DNA methylation-mediated genotype and smoking exposure effects on decreased lung function in urban children. PLoS Genet 2023 Jan 13:19(1):e1010594 70. Starr S, Wysocki M, DeLeon JD, Silverstein G, Arcoleo K, Rastogi D^, Feldman JM^. Obesityrelated pediatric asthma: Relationships between pulmonary function and clinical outcomes. J Asthma 2023; 60(7): 1418-1427 71. Donda K, Babu S, Rastogi D, Rastogi S. Risk factors for pneumothorax and its association with ventilation in neonates. Am J Perinatol. 2023 (Online ahead of print) 72. Silverstein GD, Arcoleo K, Rastogi D, Serebrisky D, Warman K, Feldman JM. The Relationship between Pediatric Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Asthma Management. J Adol Health 2023 Nov;73(5):813-819 73. Sheehan W, Maghzian N, Rastogi D, Bollard CM, Lin AA. Decreased peripheral regulatory B cells in pediatric patients with asthma. Ann Asthma Allergy Immunol. 2023 131(1):120-121 74. *Hakansson KEJ, *Guerrero SC, Backer V, Ulrik CS, Rastogi D. Burden and unmet need for specialist care in poorly controlled and severe childhood asthma in a Danish nationwide cohort. Resp Research 2023 Jun 27;24(1):173. 75. Sasenick J, Miller M, Rastogi D, Morrissey M, Rastogi S. Carnitine supplementation increases serum concentrations of free carnitine and total acylcarnitine in preterm neonates: A retrospective cohort study. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2023 Aug;47(6):746-753 76. Fruchter N, Arcoleo K, Rastogi D, Serebrisky D, Warman K, Feldman JM. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms, Under-Perception of Respiratory Compromise, and Illness Representations in Black and Latino Children with Asthma. J Pediatr Psychol 2023 Nov; 16;48(11):896-906 77. *Guerrero SC, Hakansson KEJ, Backer V, Ulrik CS, Rastogi D. Childhood asthma and parental antidepressant use in a nationwide Danish cohort. J Asthma Allergy 2023 Aug; 16:821-831 78. *Reichenbach A, O’Brien W, Duran S, Authelet KJ, Freishtat RJ, Nadler EP, Rastogi D. Immune profile of adipose tissue from youth with obesity and asthma. Ped Obesity 2024 Jan; 19(1):e13078 79. Clay S, Alladina J, Smith NP, Visness CM, Wood RA, O'Connor GT, Cohen RT, Khurana Hershey GK, Kercsmar CM, Gruchalla RS, Gill MA, Liu AH, Kim H, Kattan M, Bacharier LB, Rastogi D, Rivera-Spoljaric K, Robison RG, Gergen PJ, Busse WW, Villani AC, Cho JL, Medoff BD, Gern JE, Jackson DJ, Ober CC, Dapas M. Gene-based association study of rare variants in children of diverse ancestries implicates TNFRSF21 in the development of allergic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2023 (accepted) 80. Goodwin RD, Zhou C, Silverman KD, Rastogi D, Borrell LN. Cannabis use and the prevalence of current asthma among adolescents and adults in the United States. Prev Med. 2023 Dec 19:107827. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2023.107827. Online ahead of print. 81. Silverman KD, Cheslack-Postava K, Rastogi D, Borrell LN, Goodwin RD. Asthma prevalence among US 9th-12th graders who report past 30-day cannabis use in 2019. Pediatr Pulmonol 2024 Jan 19. doi: 10.1002/ppul.26840. Online ahead of print. 82. Renzi-Lomholt M, Ulrik CS, Rastogi D, Jensen JUS, Hakansson KEJ. Impact of family socioeconomic position on childhood asthma outcomes, severity, and specialist referral – a Danish nationwide study. Chron Respir Dis 2024 (accepted) B) Editorials 1. Rastogi D, Aschner JL. Airway metabolome and chronic lung disease of prematurity. J Pediatr 2015; 166(2): 224-6 2. Rastogi D. Quantifying the contribution of obesity to incident childhood asthma- it’s about time. Pediatrics 2018;142(6). pii: e20182979. doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-2979 3. Rastogi D. Evidence builds for a role of metformin in asthma management. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2019;16(12):1497-1499 4. Rastogi D, Lang JE. ^Leptin as a predictor of incident asthma in offspring of obese mothers. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2020;17(12):1530-1532 5. *Xu Chen X, Rastogi D. Use of the triglyceride glucose index for asthma assessment: One step closer to routine clinical evaluation of obese individuals with asthma. Chest 2021;160(3):801- 802 6. Rastogi D. Epigenetics of asthma: The field continues to evolve. Ann Translational Med 2022 Nov;10(22):1190 C) Systematic reviews 1. Rastogi D, Ratner AJ, Prince A. Host-Bacterial interactions in the initiation of inflammation. Paediatr. Respir. Rev. 2001; 2:1-8 2. Isasi CR, Rastogi D, Molina K. Health Issues in Hispanic Youth. J Lat Psychol 2016; 4(2): 67- 82 3. *Vijayakanthi N, Greally JM, Rastogi D. Pediatric obesity-related asthma: The role of metabolic dysregulation. State of the Art Review. Pediatrics 2016; 137(5): e20150812 4. Rastogi D, Holguin F. Metabolic dysregulation, systemic inflammation and pediatric obesityrelated asthma. Ann Am Thoracic Soc. 2017 Nov;14 (Supplement_5):S363-S367 5. *De A, Manwani D, Rastogi D. Airway inflammation in sickle cell disease: A translational perspective. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2018; 53(4): 400-411 6. *De A, Rastogi D. Obesity-related asthma in children: The interplay between pulmonary physiology, metabolic dysregulation, and atopy; and the role of weight management. Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab 2019 Sep; 14(5):335-349 7. Rastogi D. Pediatric obesity-related asthma: a prototype of pediatric severe non-T2 asthma. Pediatr Pulmonol 2020; 55(3):809-817 8. *Chen L, Collado K, Rastogi D. Contribution of systemic and airway immune responses to pediatric obesity-related asthma. Paediatr Respir Rev 2021; 37:3-9. 9. Rastogi D. Mini-symposium: Globesity and asthma. Paediatr Respir Rev 2021; 37:1-2. 10. *Conrad LA, Cabana MD, Rastogi D. Defining Pediatric Asthma: Phenotypes to endotypes and beyond. Pediatr Res 2021; 90(1):45-51 11. *Weinstock J, *Xu Chen X, Nino G, Koumbourlis AC, Rastogi D. The interplay between airway epithelium and the immune system – a primer for the respiratory clinician. Paediatr Respir Rev 2021; 38:2-8 12. *Xu Chen X, *Weinstock J, Rastogi D, Koumbourlis AC, Nino G. The airway epithelium during infancy and childhood: a complex multicellular immune barrier. A basic review for clinicians. Paediatr Respir Rev 2021; 38:9-15. 13. Rastogi S, Rastogi D. The epidemiology and mechanisms of pediatric cardiopulmonary morbidities associated with maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and excessive gestational weight gain. Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 2022 22;9:844905. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.844905. 14. Reyes-Angel J, Kaviany P, Rastogi D, Forno E. Obesity-related asthma in children and adolescents. Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2022 Oct;6(10):713-724. doi: 10.1016/S2352- 4642(22)00185-7. 15. Guerrero SC, Panettieri RA Jr, Rastogi D. Mechanistic links between obesity and airway pathobiology inform therapies for obesity-related asthma. Pediatr Drugs 2023; 25(3): 283-299 16. Roshan Lal T, Cechinel LR, Freishtat RJ, Rastogi D. Metabolic Contributions to Pathobiology of Asthma. Metabolites 2023 Jan 31; 13(2):212 doi: 10.3390/metabo13020212 17. Massa-Buck B, Rastogi D, Rastogi S. Complications associated with incorrect use of nasal CPAP. J Perinatol 2023 (Online ahead of print) D) Chapters in Books: All were invited submissions 1. Rastogi S, Jain A, Basu SK, Rastogi D. Current overview of COPD with special reference to emphysema. In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Ed. Kian-Chung Ong. Intech Publishers; Croatia 2011 doi:10:5772/33582 2. Jariwala S, Sinha S, Rastogi D. Asthma, Pulmonary Diseases and Vocal Cord Dysfunction. In: Manual of Allergy and Immunology for Otolaryngologists. Eds. Rosentstreich DL, DeVos GS, Jackman AH. Pleural Publishing Inc.; San Diego, CA 2015 3. Rastogi D, Dixon AE. Mechanistic insights from human studies of asthma. In: Mechanisms and Manifestations of Obesity in Lung Disease. Eds. Johnston RA and Suratt BT. Elsevier Inc.; San Diego, CA 2018 4. Rastogi D, Liu AH. Severe Asthma in Childhood: Special Considerations. In: ATS/ Springer Respiratory Medicine Series book “Difficult to Treat Asthma: Clinical Essentials”. Eds. Khurana S, Holguin F. Springer Publishing Inc.; New York, NY 2019 5. Conrad L, Rastogi D. Wheezing. In: Pediatric 5 Minute Consult. 9th Edition. Ed. M. Cabana. Wolters Kluwer; Philadelphia, PA 2023 6. Reichenbach A, Guerrero SC, Rastogi D. Immune function and host defense alterations in obesity and their impact on lung diseases. In: ATS/ Springer Respiratory Medicine Series book “Obesity and Lung Disease: A Guide to Management”. Eds. Anne E. Dixon and Erick Forno. Springer Publishing Inc.; New York, NY 2023 7. Chen L, Rastogi D. Stridor. In: Pediatric 5 Minute Consult. 9th Edition. Ed. M. Cabana. Wolters Kluwer; Philadelphia, PA 2023 E) Abstracts * These abstracts were presented by resident, fellow, or junior faculty mentees. ^ These abstracts received travel awards 1. Gupta I, Rastogi S, Rastogi D. Etiological pattern of bacterial pneumonia and sensitivity to antimicrobials in hospitalized children. Poster presentation at the 43rd annual conference of the Indian Association of Pathology and Microbiology, Lucknow, India 1994. 2. Saba S, Soong G, Rush WG, Rastogi D, Greenberg S, Prince A. Bacterial stimulation of GCSF expression contributes to PMN persistence at site of infection. Poster presentation at the 201st annual conference of the American Society of Microbiology, Orlando, FL, May 2001 3. Rastogi D, Reddy M. Increased Sensitization to Indoor Versus Outdoor Allergens in Inner-city Asthmatic Children. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005: 115(2) Suppl(1); A277. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, San Antonio, TX, Feb 2005. 4. Rastogi D, Shetty A, Neugebauer R, Harijith A. NHLBI Guidelines and Asthma Management Practices among Inner-City Primary Care Physicians. Pediatric Research 2005: 57(4): A3485. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Washington, DC, May 2005. 5. Rastogi D, Wang C, Mao X, Lendor C, Johnson A, Daswani M, Kadura S, Rothman PB, Miller RL. Antigen –Specific Immune Responses to Influenza Vaccine In Utero. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2007: 175: A324. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2007. 6. Rastogi D, Gupta S, Kapoor R. Parental perceptions and asthma severity among children in India. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2008: 177: A711. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the American Thoracic Society, Toronto, Canada, May 2008. 7. *Vo P, Matta E, Makker K, Rastogi D. Pattern of Lung Function among Obese and Non-obese Asthmatic Inner-City Children. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Honolulu, HI, May 2008. 8. *^Sitaraman S, Rastogi D. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Guidelines and Asthma Management: A Re-evaluation of Practices Among Inner-City Pediatric Primary Care Providers. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009. 123(2) S1: 118. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Washington, DC, Mar 2009. 9. *Madhok N, Kipperman S, Tom C, Sin S, Freeman C, Rastogi D. Parental Perception and Knowledge of Asthma Severity and Management of Asthmatic Children in the Bronx. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009. 123(2) S1: 161 Poster presentation at the annual conference of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Washington, DC, Mar 2009. 10. Wong W, Rajsekhar H, Rastogi D, Gupta A, Bhutada A and Rastogi S. Prospective Randomized Control Trial of Weaning from CPAP in VLBW babies. Poster presentation at annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Vancouver, Canada, May 2010. 11. Rastogi D, Khan U, Coupey S. Comparison of Patterns of Lung Function and Exercise Tolerance Among Obese Asthmatics, Non-obese Asthmatics, Obese Non-Asthmatics, and Normals. Poster presentation at annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Vancouver, Canada, May 2010. 12. *Rao H, Arens R, Rastogi D. Patterns of Pulmonary Function Testing in Prepubescent Children with Co-existent Asthma and Obesity. Poster presentation at annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Vancouver, Canada, May 2010. 13. *Lovinsky S, Rastogi D. An electronic medical record review quantifying prescription of controller medications to children with asthma in the pediatric emergency department. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2010; 181: A6646. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, New Orleans, LA, May 2010. 14. *Nandalike K, Rastogi D, Vicencio A. 19 year-old immune competent male with cavitary lung lesion. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2010; 181: A4728 Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, New Orleans, LA, May 2010. 15. *Rao H, Levin T, Rastogi D. 12 year-old girl with Crohn’s disease and MBL deficiency and unilateral bronchiectasis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011; 183: A5417. Poster discussion at the annual conference of the American Thoracic Society, Denver, CO, May 2011. 16. Rastogi D, Canfield S, Andrade A, Isasi CR, Hall CB, Rubinstein A, Arens R. T helper cell patterns with co-existent asthma and obesity. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2011; 183: A6402. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Denver, CO, May 2011. 17. *Vo P, Makker K, Matta E, Arens R, and Rastogi D. Pattern of Pulmonary Function among Obese, Overweight and Normal-weight Urban Minority Asthmatic Children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 185: A5688. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2012. 18. *Rao H, Farooqi K, Dara J, Ewart M, Kojaoglanian T, Lamour, J, Rastogi D. Thoracic actinomycosis presenting as pericardial effusion in an immuno-competent host. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 185: A6911. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2012. 19. *Pillai S, Kesebir D, Rastogi D, Nandalike K. Plastic Bronchitis Associated with MSSA Osteomyelitis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 185: A6901.Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2012. 20. Sinha S, Rastogi D, Jariwala S, Spivack S, Rosenstreich D. Spirometry Utilization Among Primary Care Providers. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013; 187: A2162. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Philadelphia, PA, May 2013. 21. Rastogi D, Oh J, Fraser S, Schulman Y, Bhagtani R, Khan Z, Tesfa L. Monocyte Activation Patterns Associated with Asthma And Obesity Among Urban Minority Adolescents. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013; 187: A5004. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Philadelphia, PA, May 2013. 22. Rastogi D, Suzuki M, Greally JM. Differential Epigenome-Wide DNA Methylation Patterns In Childhood Obesity-Associated Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013; 187: A5005. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Philadelphia, PA, May 2013. 23. *Rao H, Balachandar D, Rastogi D. Bronchiolitis Obliterans Following Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013; 187: A2250. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Philadelphia, PA, May 2013. 24. Sinha S, Rastogi D, Shao H, Jariwala S, Collado D, Spivack S, Rosenstreich D, Meara A, Chung H. Impact of multi-specialty asthma center on health care utilization. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013; 187: A2146 Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Philadelphia, PA, May 2013. 25. *Mukhatiyar P, Rastogi D. Early Onset Childhood Sarcoidosis Manifesting As Thyroiditis And Hepatitis With Pulmonary Involvement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2014; 189: A2576. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, May 2014. 26. *^Rani S, Nandalike K, Arens R, Rastogi D. Asthma And Sleep Disordered Breathing Among Minority Children: Correlation Between Polysomnography And Spirometry. 27. Rastogi D, Bhalani K, Hall CB, Isasi CR. Association of pulmonary function with adiposity and metabolic abnormalities in urban minority adolescents. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Association of Clinical and Translational Science National Meeting, Washington, DC, April 2014. 28. Isasi CR, Delamater A, Gonzalez F, Rastogi D, Perreira KM, Daviglus ML, Elder JP, Marchante AN, Bangdiwala SI, Van Horn L, Carnethon MR. Adverse cardiometabolic risk profile in Hispanic/ Latino boys. Preliminary results from The Study of Latino Youth (SOLYouth). Podium and poster presentation at the International Symposium of Minority Health and Health Disparities, Washington, DC, Dec 2014. 29. *Lautenbacher L, Jariwala S, Markowitz M, Rastogi D. Association of Vitamin D Levels with Pulmonary Function in Urban Minority Adolescents with Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015; 191: A3351. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Denver, CO, May 2015. 30. Rastogi D, Jung M, Shaw PA, Davis SM, Klein OL, Penedo FJ, Reis AL, Daviglus ML, Moreiras JJ, Salathe MA, Isasi CR, Kaplan RC. Association of pulmonary function with adiposity, systemic inflammation and insulin resistance among Latino adults with asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015; 191: A2499. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Denver, CO, May 2015. 31. Rastogi D, Shah H. Kurland IJ, Spivack SD. Airway Metabolomics in Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2015; 191: A4307. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Denver CO, May 2015. 32. *^Rani S, Nandalike K, Arens R, Rastogi D. Asthma And Sleep Disordered Breathing Among Minority Children: Correlation Between Polysomnography And Spirometry. 11th Respiratory Disease Young Investigators Forum, Denver, CO, Oct 2015. 33. *Sofer G, Toh J, Jariwala S, Rastogi D. An Analysis of Obesity and Asthma Morbidity in Patients Managed at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore's Asthma Center. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016; 137: S2 AB7. Poster presentation at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Los Angeles, CA, Mar 2016. 34. *^Issapour A, Matta E, Choi J, Hall CB, Rastogi D. Change in Pulmonary Function with Weight Gain in Minority Children with Asthma. Podium presentation at the Eastern Society of Pediatric Research, March 2016 and poster discussion symposium at the Society of Pediatric Research, Baltimore, MD, May 2016. 35. *Gross E, *Lee DS, Hotz A, Ngo KC, Rastogi D. Factors that Impact Length of Stay in Pediatric Asthma Admissions. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, May 2016 36. *Hogan AH, Rastogi D, Patel H, Germain E, Levitt D, Rinke ML. METRICS: Meeting expected treatment recommendations for inhaled corticosteroids. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Baltimore, MD, May 2016. 37. *Lee DS, *Gross E, Hotz A, Ngo KC, Rastogi D. Impact of Obesity on Inpatient Pediatric Asthma. Poster presentation at the annual conference of Society of Pediatric Research, Baltimore, MD, May 2016. 38. *Hogan AH, Rastogi D, Rinke ML. A Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Accurate Asthma Controller Prescriptions on Discharge from the Pediatric Wards. Poster presentation at the NYC Hospitalist Medicine Forum, New York City, NY, Dec 2016. 39. Manwani D, Davidson L, Silver EJ, Chhabra R, Minniti C, Rastogi D, Doyle M, Morrone KA, Stein R, Oyeku SO, Bauman L. An Intensive Transition Navigator Intervention Improves Transition Readiness to Adult Care in Youth with Sickle Cell Disease. Blood Poster Presentation at the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec 2017. 40. Guo Y, Moon JY, Laurie CC, North K, Sanchez-Johnsen LAP, Davis SM, Yu B, Nyenhuis SM, Kaplan RC, Rastogi D, Qi Q. Genetic Predisposition to Obesity is associated with Asthma in US Hispanics/Latinos: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology Consortium meeting, Rotterdam, Netherlands, April 2018. 41. *Philips K, Reiss D, Silver E, Rastogi D. Predictors of Healthcare Utilization after Asthma Hospitalization among Urban Minority Children. Poster presentation at the annual conference of Society of Pediatric Research, Toronto, Canada, May 2018. 42. Donda K, *Vijayakanthi N, Dapaah-Siakwan F, Bhatt P, Rastogi D, Rastogi S. Epidemiology, Outcomes, and Resource Utilization for Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Preterm Neonates in the United States: 2003 to 2014. Poster presentation at the Society of Pediatric Research, Toronto, Canada, May 2018. 43. *Agrawal S, Rastogi D, Bidiwala AA. A Quality Improvement Initiative Designed to Reduce Asthma Related Acute Care Utilization Through Patient Centered Management. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018; 197: A2033. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, May 2018. 44. *Farhat L, Rastogi D, Bidiwala A. Omalizumab: A Previously Unreported Side Effect of Therapy. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018; 197: A5575. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, May 2018. 45. *De A, *Agrawal S, Manwani D, Morrone K, Rastogi D. Airway inflammatory patterns in sickle cell disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018; 197: A2061. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, May 2018. 46. *Agrawal S, Burton WB, Manwani D, Rastogi D, *De A. A Physician Survey Assessing Management Practices among Pediatric Pulmonologists Treating Sickle Cell Patients with Pulmonary Airway Involvement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018; 197: A2062. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, May 2018. 47. Rastogi D, Wood LG. Association of serum carotenoids with disease burden in urban minority obese adolescents with asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018; 197: A1166. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego CA, May 2018. 48. Fernandez-Castillo J, Afshar M, Durazo-Arvizu R, Wu D, Rastogi D, Nyenhuis S, Persky V, Perreira KM, Camacho-Rivera M, Daviglus ML. The Role Of Environmental Exposures In Explaining The Difference In Prevalence Ratios For Asthma Between Hispanic Heritage Groups: Results From The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018; 197: A2800. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, May 2018. 49. *Chen L, Gong J, Matta E, Morrone K, Manwani D, Rastogi D, De A. Differences in Pulmonary Disease Burden in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Children with Sickle Cell Disease. Poster presentation at the 12th Annual Sickle Cell Disease Research and Educational Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, June 2018. 50. *Philips K, Reiss D, Silver E, Rastogi D. Determinants of Ambulatory Follow-Up after an Asthma Hospitalization in an Urban Minority Population. Poster presentation at the Pediatric Hospital Medicine meeting, Atlanta, GA, July 2018. 51. Feldman J, Kaur K, Rastogi D, Arcoleo K. Maternal depression, child illness-specific panicfear, and asthma outcomes in Mexican and Puerto Rican children. Poster presentation at International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology Conference, Gainesville, FL, October 2018. 52. Arcoleo K, McGovern C, Kaur K, Halterman JS, Mammen J, Crean H, Rastogi D, Feldman J. Patterns of Mexican and Puerto Rican Children’s Asthma Controller Medication Adherence Over One Year. Poster presentation at International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology Conference, Gainesville, FL, October 2018. 53. *Chen L, Gong J, Matta E, Morrone K, Manwani D, Rastogi D, De A. Differences in Pulmonary Disease Burden in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Children with Sickle Cell Disease. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019; 199: A4387. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Dallas, TX, May 2019. 54. *Chen L, *Temech M, *Roth A, Agalliu I, Bidiwala A, Rastogi D. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide as a prognostic tool in urban minority children with asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019; 199: A6736. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Dallas, TX, May 2019. 55. Feldman J, Kaur K, Rastogi D, Arcoleo K. The adaptive effects of illness-specific panic fear in pediatric asthma. Poster presentation at the Society of Pediatric Research, Baltimore, MD, May 2019. 56. Arcoleo K, McGovern C, Kaur K, Halterman JS, Mammen J, Crean H, Rastogi D, Feldman J. Concurrent Patterns of Children’s Controller Medication Adherence and Quick Relief Medication Use and Relationship to Acute Healthcare Utilization. Oral presentation at the International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology Conference, Seattle, WA, October 2019. 57. Shah P, Badner VM, Rastogi D, Moss KL. Association between asthma and dental caries in the United States (U.S.) adult population. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 2019 58. Arcoleo K, McGovern C, Kaur K, Halterman JS, Mammen J, Crean H, Rastogi D, Feldman J. Longitudinal Patterns of Latino Children’s Quick Relief Medication Use: Over-Utilization or Not? Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020; 201: A3709. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, virtual, May 2020. 59. Yon C, Thompson D, Jude JA, Panettieri RA Jr, Rastogi D. Crosstalk Between T Helper Cells and Airway Smooth Muscle Cells in Obesity-Related Asthma. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2022. 60. Thompson D, Wood LG, Rastogi D. Anthropometrics, Metabolic Measures, Nutrients, and T Helper Cell Immune Profiles Make Distinct as Well as Interdependent Contributions to the Pediatric Obese Asthma Endotype. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2022. 61. *Alabdulkarim N, Gai J, Bost J, Pillai DK, Rastogi D. Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Asthma Morbidity Among Children Hospitalized for an Exacerbation. Rapid Abstract Poster Discussion Session, at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2022. 62. *Schroeder J, Sharron MP, Wai K, Pillai DK, Rastogi D. Characterization of Pediatric ICU Admissions from COVID-19 in a Large Metropolitan Children's Hospital. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2022. 63. *Sun Y, Treyster Z, Rastogi D, Conrad L. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Utilization Rates on Urban Minority Children with High Asthma Disease Burden. Rapid Abstract Poster Discussion Session, at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2022. 64. Wysocki M, Starr S, Silverstein G, DeLeon JD, Rastogi D, Feldman J. Obesity-Related Pediatric Asthma: Relationships Between Pulmonary Function and Clinical Outcomes. Poster discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Francisco, CA, May 2022. 65. *Guerrero SC, Hakansson KEJ, Ulrik CS, Rastogi D. Association of Caregiver Depression With Childhood Asthma - a Nationwide Study. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Washington, DC, May 2023. 66. *Guerrero SC, Yon C, Panettieri RA Jr, Rastogi D. Comparing Response of Obese and Lean Human Airway Smooth Muscle Cells to Insulin. Poster presentation at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, Washington, DC, May 2023. 67. *Du N, Thompson D, Kocher K, Bhattacharya S, Yon C, Rastogi D. Differential Methylation Patterns in Monocytes in Pediatric Obesity-Related Asthma. Oral poster presentation at the annual international conference of the Society of Pediatric Research, Washington, DC, May 2023. 68. Kuntzman K, Hakanson KEJ, Ulrik CS, Rastogi D. Impact of Natal and Childhood Metabolic Markers on Childhood Asthma Burden - A Nationwide Cohort Study. Podium presentation in Best of Pediatrics Session at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, May 2024. 69. Fitzgerald T, Kuntzman K, Donda K, Rastogi D. U. S. Healthcare Burden of Asthma Among Overweight And Obese Hospitalized Children With Asthma. Poster Discussion at the annual international conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA, May 2024. F) Electronic Media 9/05 Presented asthma basics on Channel 12, local TV news channel in Bronx, NY 5/12 LA Parent Magazine: expert opinion on childhood obesity-related asthma. 10/12 Parenthood Magazine: Links between childhood obesity and asthma. 1/17 to 1/20 Regular contribution to Reuters News on the analysis and interpretation of scientific studies published on childhood asthma, averaging one study review every 3 months. 1/24 Expert Comment on “How to treat a cough that lingers” by Rachel Sklar in the New York Magazine 11. RECORD OF MENTORSHIP A. Research Project mentor * Mentees whose presentations received awards and/or travel funds to regional and national conferences 2004 Ashita Shetty, Pediatric Resident. Project: Comparison of adherence to asthma care guidelines in pediatricians in private practice and in academia 2005 Anantha Harijith, Junior faculty member. Project: Predictors of Frequent Emergency Room Utilization for Asthma Among Inner- City Children. 2007 Phuong Vo, Pediatric Resident. Project: Ethnic differences in the association of body mass index with pulmonary function among children with asthma 2007 Stephanie Lovinsky, Pediatric Resident. Project: Prescription Habits for Preventative Medications among Pediatric Emergency Department Physicians. 2008 *Sandhya Sitaraman, Medical Student Project: Comparison of adherence to new asthma care guidelines among academic pediatricians. 2008 Andrea Andrade, Undergraduate Student, Tufts University Project: Mechanical and inflammatory links between asthma and obesity among children 2008 Kiran Nandalike, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow Project: Association of medication use, passive smoke exposure, health utilization and pulmonary function among homeless children 2009 Kartikeya Makker, Pediatric Resident Project: Ethnic differences in the association of body mass index with pulmonary function among children with asthma 2010 Neha Madhok, Pediatric Resident Project: Caregiver asthma knowledge, aptitude and practice in high healthcare utilizing children 2011 Zeeshan Khan, Medical Resident Project: Mechanical and inflammatory links between asthma and obesity among children 2011 Jamie Oh, Pre-doctoral student Project: Mechanical and inflammatory links between asthma and obesity among children 2012 *Seema Rani, Pediatric Resident Project: Asthma and sleep disordered breathing in urban minority children. 2012 Sasha Fraser, Pre-doctoral student Project: Mechanical and inflammatory links between asthma and obesity among children 2012 Lindsey Douglas, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Attending Project: Role of azithromycin in acute asthma exacerbations 2012 Marco Ayulo, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Fellow Project: Role of vitamin D in morbidity among children hospitalized in the PICU 2013 Kshitij Bhalani, Pediatric Resident Project: Association between metabolic abnormalities and disease in obese children with asthma 2013 Nandini Vijayakanthi, Pediatric Resident Project: Association between metabolic abnormalities and disease in obese children with asthma 2013 John Nico, Lab technician Project: Genetic and epigenetic links between asthma and obesity in minority children 2014 *Azadeh Issapour, Medical Student Project: Longitudinal change in lung function in children with weight gain 2014 Laura Lautenbacher, Pediatric Resident Project: Vitamin D and pulmonary function in obesity-related asthma 2015 *Alexander Hogan, Hospital Medicine Fellow Project: A Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Accurate Asthma Controller Prescriptions on Discharge from the Pediatric Wards. 2015 Diana Lee, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Attending Project: Asthma burden among Hispanics and African Americans in the Bronx 2015 Elissa Gross, Pediatric Hospital Medicine Attending Project: Asthma burden among obese children hospitalized for an asthma exacerbation. 2015 Aliva De, Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine Attending Project: Mechanisms underlying pulmonary morbidity in sickle cell disease 2015 Aneela Bidiwala, Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine Attending Project: Effectiveness of education in asthma management among urban minority children 2015 Yurydia Jorge, Post-doctoral student Project: Genetic and epigenetic links between asthma and obesity in minority children 2016 Laura Chen, Pediatric Resident, then Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow Residency Project: Pulmonary disease burden among Hispanic and non-Hispanic patients with sickle cell disease Fellowship Project 1: Investigating the CDC42 pathway as a novel pathway for pediatric non-atopic obesity-related asthma. Fellowship Project 2: Utility of FeNO in asthma management in minority children with asthma 2016 *Kaitlyn Philips, Hospital Medicine Fellow Project: Determinants of outpatient follow up post asthma hospitalization 2016 *Lara Farhat, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow Project: Patterns of allergen sensitization among obese children with asthma 2016 Stacy Clements, Pediatric Resident Project: Disease burden in obese asthmatic children seen at the Asthma Center 2016 Adam Roth, Medical Student Project: Exhaled nitric oxide in minority children with asthma 2017 *Marisol Temech, Pediatric Resident Project: Exhaled nitric oxide in minority children with complex diseases 2017 Sabhyata Agrawal, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow Project: Assessment of management patterns of pulmonary morbidity due to sickle cell disease among pediatric pulmonologists. 2018 Toni Tobias, Lab technician Project: Genetic and epigenetic associations between asthma and obesity in urban minority children 2020 Nuerye Ainiwan, 2nd year Student, MS Bioinformatics, George Washington University Thesis Project: Identification of the obesity-mediated determinants of gene expression in T helper cells from obese children with asthma. 2020 Nada Alabdulkarim, Pediatric Resident, Children’s National Hospital (REACH project) Project: Characteristics of children hospitalized for asthma during COVID-19 pandemic. 2021 Jonathan Schroeder, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow, Children’s National Hospital Project: COVID-19 and childhood asthma disease burden 2021 Silvia Cabrera, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow, Children’s National Hospital Project: Role of airway smooth muscle in obesity-related asthma. 2022 Kjell E.J. Hakansson, PhD student, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Project: Possible severe and uncontrolled childhood asthma in Denmark (REASSESS Youth) 2023 Thomas Fitzgerald, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow, Children’s National Hospital Project: Obesity and asthma burden in a national cohort of children 2023 Kaitlyn Kuntzman, Pediatric Pulmonology Fellow, Children’s National Hospital Project: The association of parental and early life metabolic measures with disease burden among Danish children with asthma 2023 Hani Fanous. Pediatric Resident, Children’s National Hospital (REACH project) Project: Transcriptomic footprint of CFTR modulators on airway epithelium and immune cells 2023 Gayathri Prabhakar, Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine Fellow, Children’s National Hospital Project: Characteristics of children with asthma who are hospitalized in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit B. Scholarship Oversight Committee Member Since 2008, I have served on the scholarship oversight committee for the following fellows in pediatric pulmonary, gastroenterology, hospital medicine and neonatology training programs, providing them guidance and input on their research projects. 2008-2011- Kiran Nandalike, Fellow, Pediatric Pulmonology 2009-2012- Harish Rao, Fellow, Pediatric Pulmonology 2009-2012: Marco Ayulo, Pediatric Intensive Care Fellow 2009-2012-Preeti Viswanathan, Fellow, Pediatric Gastroenterology 2010-2013-Bryan Rudolph, Fellow, Pediatric Gastroenterology 2012-2015- Pamela Mukhatiyar, Fellow, Pediatric Pulmonology 2015-2017- Lisa Valdez, Fellow, Pediatric Hospitalist Medicine 2015-2017- Danitza Velazquez, Fellow, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 2017-2018- Kaitlyn Philips, Hospital Medicine 2016-2018- Lara Farhat, Fellow, Pediatric Pulmonology 2017-2019- Sabhyata Agrawal, Pediatric Pulmonology 2018-2020- Laura Chen, Pediatric Pulmonology 2021-2023- Silvia Cabrera Guerrero, Pediatric Pulmonology 2021-2023- Jonathan Schroeder, Pediatric Pulmonology SERVICE TO COMMUNITY: Community service 7/04- 6/06 Monthly asthma teaching and evaluation in churches and primary schools in Bronx, NY 7/06-6/10 Board member: KIDS BASE: Not-for-profit preschool and after-school program in Westchester. Board meeting once a month. 2011-2020 Asthma education in schools, community boards, and primary care settings in the Bronx, averaging 4 sessions each year.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:10/04/2024Date updated:10/04/2024