Frank Cerny, PhD - University of Wisconsin, 1972

Professor Emeritus
Departments of Pediatrics and Exercise and Nutrition Sciences
State University of New York at Buffalo
194 Walnut St.
East Aurora, NY 14052
Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn. BA (Biology and Chemistry) 1964-68
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Ph.D. 1968-72
(Exercise Physiology)
Medizinisches Universitats Klinik, Post-doctorate 1972-74
Freiberg, West Germany
United Theological Seminary MDiv. 2000-03
Employment and Positions Held:
Instructor Physical Education 1968-70
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Research Assistant Pulmonary NIH Trainee 1969-72
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Assistant Cardiac Rehabilitation Program 1972-74
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
Instructor Exercise Physiology for Sportsmedicine students 1972-74
Medical College, Freiberg, W. Germany
Director of Ontario Exercise-Heart Collaborative Study 1974-76
Research Satellite Centre, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Assistant Professor Faculty of Human Kinetics 1974-76
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Associate Director Children's Lung Center 1976-85
Children's Hospital of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
Research Assistant Department of Pediatrics 1976-2004 Professor University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
Assistant Professor Department of Physical Therapy and Exercise Science 1985-1991
State University of New York at Buffalo
Associate Professor Department of Physical Therapy and Exercise Science 1991-2004
State University of New York at Buffalo
Chair Department of Physical Therapy, Exercise & Nutrition Sciences 1996-2003
State University of New York at Buffalo
Chair Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 2003-2004
State University of New York at Buffalo
Professor Emeritus Departments of Pediatrics & Exercise and Nutrition Sciences 2004-present
Pastoral Intern Eden United Methodist Church 2000-2003
Associate Pastor Baker United Methodist Church 2003-2006
Senior Pastor Pathways Christian Fellowship 2006-present
Executive Director Rural Outreach Center 2013-present
As Executive Director of the Rural Outreach Center (ROC), Dr. Cerny brings together his past experiences as an administrator, a scientist, public health advocate and passion for the health of rural populations.
The antecedents and consequences of poverty overlap with the recognized social determinants of health (SDH). New York State’s efforts to focus resources on poverty reduction and on enhancing health care by addressing the SDH, could benefit from insights gleaned from Dr. Cerny’s model of addressing both at the ROC.
This robust model empowers Participants to take responsibility for moving themselves from dependency toward greater self-sufficiency; the ROC provides opportunities and resources to help them attain their goals.
Dr. Cerny has developed a robust matrix for measuring and monitoring movement on 14 scales that reflect both poverty determinants and social determinants of health. This matrix might provide a basis for more global measurement of the SDH to allow better monitoring of changes in these measures and their relationship to social and health interventions.
To change the dynamics of poverty in rural communities, the ROC has developed a collaboration with a volunteer transportation network that now dispatches transportation to rural residents, depending on needs. An affordable housing initiative is working with rural communities to identify needs and bringing together resources to meet those needs. A rural health disparities working group has surveyed the extend of and is working on solutions to the very real health disparities in rural communities. Finally, extensive data gathering on rural workforce needs has resulted in a workforce development initiative.
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Cerny FJ, Dempsey JA and Reddan W: Pulmonary gas exchange in non-native residents of high altitude. J. Clin. Invest. 52:2993-2999, 1973.
- Keul J and Cerny F: Influence of altitude training on muscle metabolism and performance in man. Brit. J. Sports Med. 8: 18-29, 1974.
- Haralambie G and Cerny FJ: Changes in serum lysozyme activity with physical exercise. Clin. Chim. Acta. 55:217-224, 1974.
- Dempsey JA, Thomson JM, Forster HV, Cerny FJ and Chosy LW: HbO2 dissociation in man during prolonged work in chronic hypoxia. J. Appl. Physiol. 38:1022-1029, 1975.
- Dempsey JA, Reddan WG, DoPico GA, Cerny FJ and Forster HV: Determinants of acquired changes in pulmonary gas exchange in man via chronic hypoxic exposure. Prog. Resp. Pes. 9:180-186, 1975.
- Taylor PB and Cerny FJ: Evaluation of the isolated paced rat heart. J. Appl. Physiol. 41:328-331, 1976.
- Haralambie G, Cerny FJ and Huber G: Serum enzyme levels after bobsled racing. J. Sports Med. and Physical Fitness. 16:54-56, 1976.
- Heiss HW, Barmeyer J, Wink K, Hell G, Cerny FJ, Keul J and Reindell H: Studies on the regulation of myocardial blood flow in man. I. Training effects on blood flow and metabolism of the healthy heart at rest and during standardized heavy exercise. Basic Res. Cardiol. 71:658-675, 1976.
- Burke E, Cerny FJ, Costill D and Fink W: Characteristics of skeletal muscle in competitive cyclists. Med. Sci. Sports. 9:109-112, 1977.
- Sharratt MT and Cerny FJ: Pulmonary function and health status of children in two cities of different air quality. A pilot study. Arch. Environ. Health. 34:114-119, 1979.
- Taylor AW, Cerny FJ and Keul J: Myosin ATPase in swine heart, "soleus" and "gastrocnemius." Biomedicine 35:13-15, 1981.
- Fisher JF and Cerny FJ: Characteristics of the adjustment of lung diffusing capacity to work. J. Appl. Physiol. 52:1124-1127, 1982.
- Bye MR, Cerny FJ and Gingell RL: Increased exercise capability after repair of a pulmonary arteriovenous fistula. Chest 82:373-374, 1982.
- Cerny FJ, Pullano TP and Cropp GJA: Cardiorespiratory adaptations to exercise in cystic fibrosis. Amer. Rev. Respir. Dis. 126:217-220, 1982.
- Cropp GJ, Pullano TP, Cerny FJ and Nathanson IT: Exercise tolerance and cardiorespiratory adjustments at peak work capacity in cystic fibrosis. Amer. Rev. Respir. Dis. 126:211-216, 1982.
- Orenstein DM, Henke KG and Cerny FJ: Exercise and cystic fibrosis. Physician and Sportsmedicine 11:57-63, 1983.
- Sills I, Cerny FJ: Responses to continuous and intermittent exercise in healthy and insulin-dependent diabetic children. Med. Sci. in Sports and Exer. 15:450-454, 1983.
- Cerny FJ, Cropp GJA and Bye MR: Hospital Therapy improves exercise tolerance and lung function in cystic fibrosis. Amer J. Dis. Child. 138:261-265, 1984.
- Newman B, Jewett TC, Lewis A, Cerny FJ, Kahn A, Karp MP and Cooney DR: The use of prosthetic materials and muscle flaps in the repair of extensive diaphragmatic defects: an experimental study. J. Ped. Surg. 20:362-367, 1985.
- Cerny FJ: Breathing pattern during exercise in young Black and Caucasian subjects. J. Appl. Physiol. 62:2220-2223, 1987.
- DeGarmo C, Cerny F, Conboy K, Ellis E: In vivo effects of theophylline on diaphragm, bicep and quadricep strength and fatiguability. J. Allergy Clin. Immun. 82:1041-1046, 1988.
- Hirsch J, Zhang S-P, Rudnick MP, Cerny FJ and Cropp GJA: Resting oxygen consumption and ventilation in cystic fibrosis. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 6:19-26, 1989.
- Cerny FJ, Armitage L: Exercise and cystic fibrosis. Pediatric Exercise Science. 1:116-126, 1989.
- Cerny FJ: Relative effects of chest physiotherapy and exercise for in-hospital care of cystic fibrosis. Physical Therapy. 69:633-639, 1989.
- Whieldon T, Cerny F: Incidence and severity of high school athletic injuries. J. National Athletic Training Association. 25:344-350, 1990.
- Goldenburg M, Burton H, Yack J and Cerny F: Acoustic myography as an indicator of force contractions of a small hand muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 70:87-91, 1991.
- Walker J, Cerny F, Cotter J, Burton H: Attenuation of contraction-induced skeletal muscle injury by Bromelain. Med. Sci. Sports and Exer. 24:20-25, 1992.
- Cerny F, Armitage L, Hirsch J, and Bishop B: Respiratory and abdominal muscle responses to expiratory threshold loading in cystic fibrosis. J. Appl. Physiol. 72:842-850, 1992.
- Cerny F, Patton D, Whieldon T, Roehrig S: An organizational model of sports medicine facilities in the United States. J. Orth. Sports Phys. Ther. 15:80-86, 1992.
- Barrett J, Cerny F, Hirsch J, Bishop B: Control of breathing patterns and abdominal muscles during graded loads and tilt. J Appl Physiol. 76:2473-2480, 1994.
- Kinney-LaPier, T, Burton, H, Almon, R, Cerny F: Alterations in intramuscular connective tissue after limb casting affects contraction-induced muscle injury. J. Appl Physiol. 78:1065-1069, 1995.
- Farkas G, Cerny F, Rochester D: Contractility of the ventilatory pump muscles. Med. Sci. Sports and Exer. 28:1106-1114, 1996.
- Cerny F, Panzarella K, and Stathopoulos E: Expiratory muscle conditioning in hypotonic children with low vocal intensity levels. J. Med. Speech-Language Pathology. 5:141-152, 1997.
- Russell B, Cerny F, and Stathopoulos E. Effects of varied vocal intensity on ventilation and energy expenditure in women and men. J. Speech, Lang. Hearing Res. 41:239-248, 1998.
- Puckree L, Cerny F, and Bishop, B. Abdominal motor unit activity during respiratory and nonrespiratory tasks. J. Appl. Physiol. 84:1707-1715, 1998.
- Gennuso, J, Epstein, LH, Paluch, RA and Cerny, FJ. The relationship between asthma and obesity in urban minority children and adolescents. Arch. Ped. Adol. Med. 152:1197-1200, 1998.
- Coleman, KJ, Raynor, HR, Mueller, DM, Cerny, FJ, Dorn, JM and Epstein, L. Providing sedentary adults with choices for meeting their walking goals. Prev. Med. 28:510-519, 1999.
- Dorn, JP, Cerny, FJ, Epstein, LH, Naughton, J, Vena, JE, Winkelstein, W, Schisterman, E & Trevisan, M. Work and leisure time physical activity and mortality in men & women from a general population sample. Ann. Epidemiol. 9:366-373, 1999.
- Cerny, FJ and Maxwell P. Control of exercise-induced asthma. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal. 4:17-24, 2000.
- Epstein, L, Wu, YW, Paluch, R, Cerny, F, Dorn, J. Asthma and maternal body mass index are related to pediatric body mass index and obesity: Results from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Obesity Research 8:575-581, 2000.
- Wang, LY and Cerny F. Respiratory responses to graded isocapnic expiratory threshold loading in humans. F. J. Phys. Ther. 25:292-303, 2000.
- Mozrall, JR, Drury, CG, Sharit, J., Cerny, F et al. The effects of whole body restriction on task performance. Ergonomics. 43:1805-1823, 2000.
- Borowitz, D, Armstrong, D and Cerny, F. Relief of central airways obstruction following spinal release in a patient with idiopathic scoliosis. Pediatr. Pulmono. 31:86-88, 2001.
- Epstein, LH, Rocco, P, Kalakanis, L, Goldfield, GS, Cerny, FJ, Roemmich, JN. How much activity do youth get? A Quantitative review of heart-rate measured activity. Pediatrics 108:e44, 2001.
- Puckree, T, Cerny, F, and Bishop, B. Does intercostal stretch alter breathing pattern and respiratory muscle activity in conscious adults? Physiotherapy. 88:2, 89-97, 2002.
- Maxwell, PJ and Cerny, FJ. Full court press against exercise-induced asthma. Advance for Managers of Respiratory Care. 50-52, 2002
- Prasad, SA and Cerny, FJ. Factors that influence adherence to exercise and their effectiveness: Application to Cystic Fibrosis. Pediatr. Pulmonol 34:66-72, 2002.
- Steegmann, AT, Cerny, FJ, Holliday, TW. Neandertal cold adaptation: Physiological and energetic factors. Am. J. Human Biol. 14:566-583, 2002.
- Silvestri, JM, Chen, ML, Weese-Mayer, DE, McQuitty, JM, Carveth, HJ, Nielson, DW, Borowitz and Cerny, FJ. Idiopathic congenital central hypoventilation syndrome: The next generation. Am. J. Med. Genetics 112:46-50, 2002.
- Russell, B, Cerny, F., Stathopoulos, E. Estimating blood Pco2 during speaking: a postscript on Hoit and Lohmeier. J. Speech, Lang & Hearing Res. 45:1134-1137, 2002
- Borowitz, D. Cerny, F, Zallen, G, Sharp, J, Burke, M, Gross, K and Glick, PL. Pulmonary function and exercise response in patients with pectus excavatum after Nuss repair. J. Ped. Surg. 38:544-547, 2003.
- Cerny, FJ and Ucer, C. Arm work interferes with normal ventilation. Applied Ergonomics 35:411-415, 2004.
- Cerny, F. and Schneider, P. Nasal dilator strips: myth and fact. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal 7:16-19, 2003
- Wang, L and Cerny, FJ. Ventilatory response to exercise is reduced by simulating obesity with chest loading. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 36 (5):780-786, 2004
- Darbee, J C, Ohtake, PJ, Grant, BJB and Cerny, FJ. Physiologic evidence for the efficacy of positive expiratory pressure as an airway clearance technique in patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Phys. Ther. 84:524-537, 2004.
- Wang, L, Cerny, FJ, Kufel, TJ and Grant, BJ. Simulated obesity-related changes in lung volume increases airway responsiveness in lean, non-asthmatic subjects. Chest 130:834-840, 2006
- Zhan, S, Cerny, F.J., Gibbons, W.J., Mador, M.J.. Development of an Unsupported Arm Exercise Test in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Disease. J. Cardiopulmonary Rehab. 26:180-187, 2006
- Cerny, FJ and Rundell KW. Physical Activity and the Treatment of Asthma. ACSM’s Health and Fitness J. 16:19-26, 20, 2012.
- Cerny, F. Exercise and Cystic Fibrosis (CF) 2.0. Ped Exerc. Sci. 25:616-623, 2013.
- Ashish N, Bamman, M.M., Cerny, F.J., Cooper D. et al. The Clinical Translation Gap in Child Health Exercise Research: A Call for Disruptive Innovation. Clin Trans Sci 1:67-76, 2015.
- Bradley, J, O’Neill B, Kent L, Hulzebos E, Arets B, et al. Physical Activity Assessment in cystic fibrosis: A position statement. J Cystic Fibrosis 14:e25-e32, 2015.
- Hebestreit, H, Arets, HG, Aurora, P, Cerny, F. et al (European Cystic Fibrosis working group). Statement on exercise testing in Cystic Fibrosis. Respiration: International review of thoracic diseases. 90:332-351, 2015
- Hebestreit, Helge; Arets, Hubertus G M; Aurora, Paul; et al. Corporate Author(s): Cystic Fibrosis Exercise Working Group Respiration; international review of thoracic diseases 92: Pages: 63-4, 2016.
- Pianosi P, Liem R, McMurry R, Cerny FJ, Falk B, and Kemper H. Pediatric Exercise Testing: Value and Implications of Peak Oxygen Uptake. Children 4:1-9, 2017.
- Perrella, K and Cerny, F. Hot topics in nutrition and how to advise your client. ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal. March April:13-18, 2017.
- Kozlowski, KF, Ferrentino-DePriest, A, and Cerny, F. Effects of energy gel ingestion on blood glucose, lactate, and performance measures during prolonged cycling. J Strength Cond Res 35:3111-3119. 2021
Cerny, FJ and Burton H. Exercise Physiology for Health Care Professionals. Champaign: Human Kinetics,
Chapters in Books:
1. Cerny F: Besonderheiten der atmung bei Schwimmen (Respiratory problems associated with swimming). German Swimming Coaches Association, 1974.
2. Cerny FJ: Protein metabolism during two-hour ergometer exercise. In eds., Howald H and Poortmans JR, Metabolic Adaptation to Prolonged Physical Exercise. Birkhauser/ Basel, pp. 232-237, 1975.
3. Cerny FJ, Pullano TP and Cropp GJA: Adaptations to exercise in children with cystic fibrosis. In eds., Nagel F and Montoya H. Exercise in Health and Disease. Springfield, Ill. CC Thomas. Chapter 3, 1981.
4. Cerny FJ and Haralambie G: Exercise-induced loss of muscle enzyme. In eds., Knuttgen H, Vogel J and Poortmans J. Biochemistry of Exercise. Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics, pp. 441-446, 1983.
5. Exercise testing and therapy for patients with cystic fibrosis. Manual written for the CF Foundation for national distribution to all CF Center personnel.
6. Cerny FJ: Effects of Exercise on the CF patient. In ed., Cystic Fibrosis-Soma and Psyche. D. Schidlow. Philadelphia. Regional CF Center, pp. 11-15, 1987.
7. Darbee J and Cerny F: Exercise testing and exercise conditioning for children with lung disease. In ed., Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy. S. Irwin & J. Tecklin. CF Mosby: Philadelphia, pp. 461-476, 1990.
8. Cerny, F, Whieldon, T, and Cerny, N: Pulmonary rehabilitation for children with cystic fibrosis and asthma. In ed., F. Haas and K. Axen. Pulmonary Therapy and Rehabilitation: Principles and Practice. Williams and Wilkins: Baltimore, pp. 262-277, 1991.
9. Cerny, F and Orenstein D: Cystic Fibrosis. In ed. J. S. Skinner. Exercise Testing and Exercise Prescription for Special Cases. Lea and Febiger: Philadelphia, 1992.
- Cerny, F, Farkas, G: Changes in respiratory muscle activity in disease. In. ed. A. Miller, A. Bianchi, B. Bishop. Neural Control of the Respiratory Muscles. CRC Press: Boca Raton, pp. 203-210, 1997.
- Cerny, F and Orenstein D: Cystic Fibrosis. In ed. J. S. Skinner. Exercise Testing and Exercise Prescription for Special Cases. Lea and Febiger: Philadelphia, 2002.
Grant Activity:
$ 102,473 Exercise and cystic fibrosis. NIH AM 24066. (PI). 1979-82.
$ 3,000 The metabolic and hormonal consequences of intermittent versus continuous exercise in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. NIH/BRS 2680. (PI). 1981-82.
$ 3,600 Exercise in children with cystic fibrosis. NIH/BRS 2862. (PI). 1981-82.
$ 1,800 Ventilatory adaptation to exercise in restrictive lung disease; sickle cell anemia. (summer student fellowship). (PI). 1982-83.
$ 9,600 Exercise in children with obstructive lung disease (cystic fibrosis) and restrictive lung disease (sickle cell anemia). The Buffalo Foundation. (PI). 1983-84.
$ 28,000 NIH Small business grant. Computerization of the passive flow volume technique for measurement of compliance and resistance in infants. Co-author and Academic Consultant to Equilibrated Biosystems, Inc. 1985-86.
$ 3,500 Ventilatory response to loading. BRSG. (PI). 1988-89.
$ 29,325 Abdominal muscle response to loading in cystic fibrosis. CF Foundation. (PI). 1989-90.
$ 17,430 Analysis of abdominal expiratory activity in simulated COPD. American Lung Association.
(PI). 1990-1991.
$ 540,165 Medical rehabilitation research training. National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research; National Institute for Child and Human Development; NIH. 1995-2001.
$ 209,778 Dehydration and asthma. US AMRMC. (PI). (2000-2002).
Membership in Scientific/Professional Honorary Societies:
American College of Sports Medicine (Fellow and Chairman of membership committee, 1995-1998, Chairman Health and Fitness Subcommittee, 1999-2004. Long-range planning for basic & applied sciences, 1998-2006, Candidate for Board of Directors, 1999; Health and Science Policy Committee 2004-2011).
American Lung Association (past member-Pediatric Lung Disease and Adult Patient Care Committees Western New York ALA; State Delegate, past member of Occupational and Environmental Health Committee and Development Committee.)
Member International Ad Hoc Committee to establish standards for airway clearance.
American Physiological Society
American Thoracic Society
Honors and Awards:
American Field Service exchange student, W. Germany. 1963
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, W. Germany. 1973-74
Research fellow in metabolism and muscle physiology.
Research Associate, Windsor Western Hospitals. 1974
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Consultative and Advisory Positions Held:
Manuscript reviewer - Annals of Allergy (1980, 1982, 1984)
Pediatric Pulmonology (1984 - 1986, 1988 -)
Journal of Applied Physiology (1983, 1984, 1989-)
Pediatric Reseach (1983)
J Allergy and Clin Immunol (1985)
Pediatric Exercise Science (1988-2001)
Int J Sports Med (1990)
Research Quarterly (1991-1995)
J Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation (1992-present)
J Phys Activity Aging (1992)
J. Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy (1994-1996)
Physical Therapy J. (1994-1996)
ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal (1995-Present)
Grant reviewer - Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (1983-1985)
Canadian March of Dimes (1986, 1987)
Hospital for Sick Children Foundation (1986, 1988, 1990)
Canadian Research Council (1992-1993)
Abstract reviewer - American College of Sports Medicine, annual meeting (1982-1984, 1991; 1995;1996),
Coordinator of pulmonary section (1983)
American Thoracic Society, annual meeting (1984)
North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference (1992)
Editorial board - Pediatric Exercise Science (1988 (founding member)-2002)
Pediatric Pulmonology (1998-present)
ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal (2000-2021)
Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention (2006-present)
Consultant - Backpacking (2000-2004)
Outside Reviewer of Undergraduate & Graduate Program in Exercise Science –
Bloomsburg University (February 2000)
Visiting Professorships- University of Iowa, Department of Pediatrics, September 2000
European Respiratory Society, Florence, Italy, September 2001
University of Rochester, Department of Pediatrics, November 2002
Eastern Tennessee Children’s Hospital, October 2012
Community Activities:
- Founded (1978) and was president (1978-1980) and treasurer (1978-1981) of the East Aurora Farmer's Market in effort to assist local small farmers.
- Helped establish Farmer's Markets in Hamburg, Buffalo and several in New York State.
- Initiated annual community CROP walk for hunger (1977) and serve on coordinating board (1977-1985).
- Member, Presbytery of Western New York Hunger Task Force and coordinate several workshops per year (1978-1985).
- Advisor to Sr. High School group (1977-1980, 1984-1988) at Presbyterian Church, E. Aurora, New York. Led work group for building rehabilitation (Habitat for Humanity) project in New York City (1985).
- Elder, First Presbyterian Church, E. Aurora, NY. Chair of education and long range planning committee and member personnel committee. Teacher of adult education (1978-1988).
- Boy Scouts of America Troop 513 Committee (1981-1988); Scoutmaster (1989-1999).
- Consultant, Williamsville Schools on issue of water activity (1982).
- Chair YMCA of Erie County and Western New York Health Enhancement Council (1983-1984).
- Health Fair Planning. American Red Cross (1983).
- Reviewed grants from YWCA of Western New York to establish programs for special populations.
- Consultant to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, WNY activity program for young children.
- Adult education coordinator, Baker Methodist Church, East Aurora (l990-1999); Lay leader (1998-1999).
- Board of Directors, Beechwood Continuing Care/Nursing Home (1998-2006).
- Advisory Board, United Theological Seminary/Buffalo (2000-2004).
- Board of Directors, Corporation for Theological Education in WNY (2002-2005).
- Board of Directors, FISH (Local Food Pantry) (2005-2020)
- Erie County Poverty Advisory Committee (2015-present)
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:03/14/2024Date updated:04/03/2024