Viktoriya Karakcheyeva, MD, MS, NCC, LCPC-SP, LPC, LCADAS
Viktoriya Karacheyeva, MD, MS, NCC, LCPC-SP, LPC, LCADAS is serving as Behavioral Health director at GW Resiliency and Well-being Center and adjunct faculty at the Department of Clinical Research and Leadership. She has been in clinical practice for over two decades and held various leadership and clinical roles in inpatient and outpatient behavioral health and substance abuse treatment settings.
She received her MD in Dnipro, Ukraine, training in Psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in Salzburg, Austria, MS degree in counseling from Loyola University Maryland.
She was involved in research with Chernobyl catastrophe survivors, war survivors, extensively worked with medical students and healthcare professionals to develop interventions to prevent burnout syndrome.
She has also developed her private practice and consulting services Travma Solutions, Inc. that focuses on trauma treatment through body-mind modalities including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy (EMDR), biofeedback, antigravity yoga for trauma, and number of experiential therapies.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:11/14/2023Date updated:11/14/2023