Sam Gulino
Attending Pathologist and Director of Autopsy, Children’s National Hospital
Clinical Associate Professor of Pathology, George Washington University
Dr. Sam Gulino is a board-certified anatomic and forensic pathologist. After a 25 year career in forensic pathology during which he published and lectured extensively in his primary fields of interest – sudden death, sudden unexpected infant death, childhood injury prevention, and child abuse – he moved full time to the field of pediatric pathology at Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC. In addition to running the hospital’s autopsy service, he does general pediatric surgical pathology and has primary responsibility on the medical cardiac, pulmonary, and liver pathology services. He served as a member of both the Advisory Committee and Autopsy Protocol Committee for the Sudden Death in the Young Registry.Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:09/11/2023Date updated:09/11/2023